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Not Eating Breakfast

Red Fox

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Arrgghhh. Kei is doing something really weird lately.

Every morning when he wakes up he rushes to the kitchen and sit and waits for his breakfast -normally chicken frames or wings, then he runs outside and sits and waits for me to place his food down and give him his release command to eat.

Well that's all still happening but for the past week instead of bolting down his food like he normally does when I release him he runs over, sniffs it and walks off :angeldevil:

I got a new batch of frames on Friday so thought it might be that but so I tried giving him wings instead, but no, same thing.

If I leave it laying out there he will eventually go and eat, but that's not a habit I want to be getting in to so I normally gather it up and put it back in the fridge until tea time when he's happily eat it without issue.

He's perfectly fit and well, no signs of illness (apart from the occasional grass vomit) and eating his dinner without a problem. It appears that his appetite is still there as he's still hanging around me drooling while I eat my brekkie, lunch, snacks etc. So it's odd, not to mention annoying that he's not eating his own breakfast.

I figure that he'll eat when he's hungry but this is really doing my head in! I'd rather feed two small meals than one large one so what do I do here? I was thinking of either fasting him for a night or two or cutting his meals right back to see if that helps get him hungry and back in routine. Any other ideas why he could be doing this?

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This happens with mine now and again - they just go off chicken carcass/wings and I just stop feeding them for a week or so then go back to it...

usually it works itself out.

Thanks SparkyTansy

I might try cutting out brekkie for a week and see how we go. Being a Ridgie (aka garbage guts) I get worried about him when he goes off his food. I keep checking on him to see if he's okay, he keeps looking at me like I'm an idiot :angeldevil:

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