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Hi All

Just wanted to share the passing of my bunny Merlin.....

He was My favorite Bunny he was a Black & White Angora X & I foudn him dead in his cage today.. He was just a young Bunny & I loved him to bits. He was always hapy for Cuddles & when it was time to go back to his cage he was more than Happy to let me catch him....

RIP Merlin

I love you ;)

:rolleyes: :laugh::laugh: ;) :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I am so sorry to hear about Merlin.

My bunny died only a few months ago. She was a perfect little greyish-white dwarf lop. Her name was Chiyo, after the main character in Memoirs of a Geisha.

May Merlin play happily with Chiyo and all the other bunnies in Heaven. They can eat as much dried fruit as they like!!

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