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White Lump


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I saw a lump on Riley's leg on Saturday night. It hasn't changed since then (hasn't got bigger, or smaller).

He was running around like a looney on saturday as we got soil and wood chips delivered and he was running through it so its possible he could of knocked his leg.

Its on the back of his front leg, and is a bit smaller than a 5 cent piece. Its white, but there is a little spot that looks like there could be a bit of blood underneath.

It is extremely hard to get a picture of, but I did the best I could.

Saturday night and Sunday I could touch it without him caring less, but tonight he was pulling his leg away a little - but I think this was more him wanted to get up and play since I was sitting on the floor, rather than his leg being sore.

Ill take him to the vets on Thursday if its still there, but in the meantime anyone got any ideas?

Edited - had a better pic on the other camera - the colour is a bit odd - the lump is actually white - the same as his skin. It also looks lumper in photos than it does in real life where it looks more smooth.



Edited by wagsalot
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