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Advance Puppy Breeder Packs

The Ark

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I have been trying to get onto Advance to organise puppy packs (including food) to send off with our Aussie puppies when they leave home. I had one email response asking for my mailing address so they could send me a breeder application. That was at least 6 weeks ago - and nothing since!

Our puppies are 4 weeks old and I would like to have something organised for when they go.

I have been unable to find a contact phone number, and email just seems plain useless.

Does anyone else use Advance and have any tips on how to get them to help me out???

We have always used Advance and now the puppies have started on the rehydrateable food I don't really want to switch brands.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.

Deb :thumbsup:

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I personally think the best thing to do would be to get on the phone and give them a call - sometimes numbers can be hard to find...

Being that tomorrow is New Years Day I would assume that the company that makes Advance (PAL Pedigree?) would be back in the office on Monday 4th January.

Over time I have found that Emails can be useful to get across your information, but unfortunately sometimes they are ignored or not responded to.

The number to contact Advance Pet Foods on is 1800 640 111 or 02 6055 5200, just found out they are owned by Mars Australia!

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