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Vet Recommendations Gold Coast?


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I'm at the end of my tether!!!

Tess n Alf have both had bouts of diarhhea recently and both been put onto Metrogyl. Then put onto Hill's Science ID diet (kibble) to see if it settles their stomachs down.

Everything was going well until about 4 days ago when Tess started with the squits again.

She's now back on Metrogyl, and a bland diet, but although her stools are firmer (she didn't go for 3 days straight) they're still not looking a good colour, etc.

Prior to any of this happening, both of them were on Advance adult, simply because that's what they were on when they came out of quarantine and it seemed to suit them for the following 6 months or so until the first lot of squits happened.

Add to that I think Tess now has some sort of yeast infection - she's itchy and a bit flaky inside her ears (though this has dried up and cleared a bit and no nasty smell or anything) itchy and red on her feet, and even round her 'lady bits'.

Alf's got a couple of feet looking the same.

It's almost like exczema, red and a sort of extra flaky bits of skins that then dries up a bit.

Anyway, vet gave me cortizone tablets for Tess for her skin, which (I know she's the vet) I'm reluctant to give until her guts are sorted.

I've now been and bought some HOlistic Select food, to gradually introduce to the pair of them once the stomach is settled.

But I'm thinking I'd like to get a 2nd opinion of the above stomach/itchiness before I start changing MORE stuff.

So original question again (cos I've rambled so much!!! lol) can anyone recommend a decent vet that they have experience with on the Gold Coast? (I'm near Gaven).

Thank you! ;)

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Street Address

8/29 Blanck Street

Ormeau Qld 4208

They do a combination of standard and holistic vet care and are very very good.

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