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My standard agreement is the person pays for the dog up front. (I don't charge more for pet/show/performance home). If I use the dog at stud or for a litter, either way - the person gets a full refund of their purchase price OR 2nd pick of a pup. The full costs of the litter are borne by me as it after all my litter. All proceeds from the litter come back to me with the exception of the above. The reason I do this, is the person has looked after, trained and the dog for me. This is a saving to me by not having the dog at my place. If I had kept the animal at my place, then training, food, etc and cost of health tests would normally have been borne by me as well if the dog had stayed here. The reason I charge up front is if the person desexed the dog before it is bred - they still have their pet at the normal rate and I have at least the puppy money from that sale so no one is out of pocket. If the bitch/dog is in another breeder home and you both want use of the dog/bitch, then the cost of health testing is 50:50. Each litter costs are borne by the party doing the litter. I try to be fair in this regard. The person who is looking after your dog for up to two years is doing you a favour. I offer back the choice of a pup or their full purchase price as a thank you. If the dog stayed with me, I would not have got a purchase price to begin with, so that is no loss. As for whelping/raising the litter - I guess that comes down to trust and the person's ability to do so. If I felt the person capable of doing it, then it would be better if the bitch stayed there in her known comfortable surrounds. Otherwise I get the bitch back two weeks prior to whelping so she can settle in. Once the pups are about 4-5 weeks old or fully weaned, then I see no issue of sending the bitch back to the owners. I have one bitch out at present on breeder terms. I will probably whelp her here as they are not experienced. After the pups are two weeks old if she is comfortable with it, send bitch and pups to her for raising with guidance. She lives only 15 minutes from me, so I am not too far away to lend assistance if needed. At worse, I will at least try to get the family of the bitch owner involved and maybe even be present at whelping and involved in their raising of the pups (I don't have kids, so the fact the family has children is good once the pups get older for child socialisation)
Tick Removal - Don't Pull - Freeze
Mystiqview replied to Mystiqview's topic in General Dog Discussion
Ranga - the story was more geared for people than animals, however it was a good story just the same about tick toxin. Because we live in high tick area and the the amount of paralysis ticks here. Dad actually gets tick fever if he gets more than a couple attached in a short period. Most of our ticks are nymphs or unfed adults. -
I saw this come up on my Facebook news feed. It was interesting to watch. How to remove ticks without pulling, squeezing etc: http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/4177191.htm Pulling a tick causes it to inject more toxin.
It may also pay to contact Dogs NSW and check whether they have received the paperwork from the breeder. Once they process them it is sent back to the breeder to check and send onto the puppy buyers.
I have noticed those ANKC members actively for the most part even here in qld will state their member number and say registered with DOGS XXX.
Breed is Jack Russell. Ad is in QLD. A google search found independent JRT Breeders association I think in America. (Was a dot com site) Two things are also at play on that site. 1/ Only "registered" breeders can advertise puppies over $500. So BYB wanting more than this for their pup will claim "Registered" breeder to achieve this. They may not be registered with anyone as there are no checks done by the site. I think looking through some ads. This $500 cap on "unregistered" breeders is the reason many claim to be registered. You also see that some ads will have $500 at the top of the ad while in the body the $500 was only to get you to open the ad. One puppy may be $500 but the rest of the puppies are above this figure. Saw some ads where the remaining pups were $700 plus. 2/ different registers. There are a number of registers that are not ANKC. Various working dog registers who keep just as an accurate register than any ANKC register. No issue with them. ANKC breeders are not all pure an untouched. Where money can be made, some people will take short cuts and do dodgy things. That is human nature and until they are found out, they will confine to do what they do now. While the majority will do the right thing, there will be those who don't. What is needed over there is clarification. To claim "registered breeder" they should identify WHICH registry they belong too. I personally do not care if they also include their number. At least stating the registry (providing) it actually exists, then the person interested in the pups can check or look up that registry.
I was cruising around gumtree and came across this ad: XXXXXX Pure Bred Puppies. Registered/Pedigree (Independent Breeders Association) Born XXXXXXX Of course by claiming "Registered breeder" the price was $800 for a "Pure Bred" The ad was not for my breed
Agree to disagree. As to the injury - who is to say the incident CAUSED the luxating patellas. As it is a general breed issue in both breeds, who is to say it may not have happened anyway? The incident MAY have caused it to present early. It may not have happened if there was not already a pre-disposition to it in the first place. If I was socialising any dog, an off lead park is the last place I would go. Too many variables and too many unknowns. Bad/irresponsible owners, bad/unmannered dogs. Off lead parks are just an accident waiting to happen. Not the first place I would start. Even bigger dogs running with other bigger dogs or little dogs running together in the small dog enclosure. Exactly!!!! I said you had to control the play. Not let it be a free for all with any dog. It is no real difference between introducing a puppy to an existing dog at home. Supervision and care needs to be taken. We successfully introduced a 8 week old dachshund puppy to a ridgeback x mastiff puppy around 4 months without injury to the small dog. Care was taken and we were all on the floor to make sure no injury was caused to the small dog. Mastiff pup was full on, but it learnt to be gentle and not want to flop on it and try to squash it. Even now that both are adults, mastiff still a big goofy all paws and muscle, knows how to behave around the small dogs and is not rough. The small dogs have gotten used to the large dog. Makes it a lot easier when family get together happens. 4 border collies, 2 dachshunds and one large mastiff - all getting on well without injury or snappyness etc for weekend visits. Lot of dogs in one small house. I like other groomers here would have groomed their fair share of ill tempered small dogs. When dropped off at a grooming salon, not uncommon to have large and small dogs in there at the same time. They need to be able to be handled (and clipped) and also be reasonably comfortable (not freaking out) with a large dog on the next grooming table. Just sayin.
Whelping A Litter Regulations?
Mystiqview replied to show-obsession's topic in General Dog Discussion
Depends on the state. Each state have different rules. For example, a WA breeder can whelp another litter in another state, as long as the bitch is registered to the person with the fix under which the litter is to be whelped. Where I also think at one point in QLD, technically, if a breeder stashes a dog somewhere, then the registration papers have to reflect that person on the registration. Eg. Co own with that person. For example, I can not register a dog in my name and have it live and "owned" by someone else at a different address, unless on a co own. If the two people in your situation are co owners of said bitch. To have a litter, then the prefix needs to be in both names. Which means a lease or transfer to the person holding the prefix. -
Personally I believe it is important for both big dogs to interact with small dogs. How on earth are they otherwise know how to deal/cope interact with each other. It can be done responsibly, and well. You "control" the play by limiting how rough each other is. The last thing y want is the pom to be scared of big dogs. If it never interacts with them in either a positive way, then it could be creating issues further down the track if a negative interaction happens. Classic example. My sister in law has two dachounds. One standard and one mini. The mini does not like other dogs in general. They did not let it socialise properly with other dogs, especially bigger ones for fear they may put a paw on its back and cause damage. They would not even allow other dogs to smell her butt. It's a dog thing - get over it. Now she is just a lap dog. Fearful of bigger dogs and dogs in general. They rescued a couple of years ago a standard dachound puppy from the RSPCA. My mother on law also rescued a mastiff x ridgeback pup from the pound around the same time. This time they allowed controlled play. Still keeping in mind the potential danger of injury. The result: the standard is much more social, less demanding on human intervention where other dogs are concerned. Plays with the big dog and the big dog has learnt to control his behaviour around smaller dogs. The biggest problem with MOST small dogs is not enough socialisation. Lack of socialisation causes issues and temperament issues. Poor socialisation can lead to fearful aggressive nature. Something I have noticed in many Poms when I was a groomer. Bad tempered, aggressive and fearful creatures. If there is already a tendency for this in a breed, then. It is more important to socialise the dog with every thing at your disposal.
Moose mum I really do not get your point here. The original topic was about the labor party's intention to bring in tougher laws for puppy farmers. It does not have anything to do with KC breeders and BYB although both groups will be affected by any new laws. Some councils now offer a permit for breeding to non registered breeders. It is basically an undertaking that they will do the right thing, provide minimum standards and obey public health and safety. Yes, it is money to council. Something even registered breeders are supposed to pay as well. According to DOL, it says you are in NSW and may not know what there is in laws for QLD. That's ok. Illegal puppy farms, and those doing the wrong thing could be stopped or reduced now of the existing laws were enforced. The problem is no government authority likes negative publicity. Enforcement of laws whether it be parking fines, fare evasion and failure to comply with other state/local laws where a penalty applies (as in this case by fines) generates negative publicity with people going to the media and pleading hard done by the state or council. Too much negative publicity can cause a customer service approach or repealing of monetary fines. It does not matter that the person was doing the wrong thing. Whether this be parking, fare evasion etc. The media loves to throw one at government. The truth is, there are not enough resources allocated to enforce the existing laws. If resources were allocated to this, it would see an improvement. Examples need to be made. Government needs to grow the balls and stick to their guns - especially if the decision is done legally, correctly and no mistakes made in getting the evidence. Money will return to coffers via the fines which in turn provides financial resource to the people on the ground enforcing the laws. If the Labor government wins the next election at the end of the month, they seek to toughen up the laws already in place. It is fine to legislate. But if resources and a plan is not also put in place to enforce the laws - existing or proposed. Then what is the point? A little warm and fuzzy moment in the media. Nothing will improve. Those operating now under the law radar will continue to do so, knowing there is no resource set aside to catch them. Those who are naturally law abiding will try to accommodate or stop breeding, so there is less ethical registered breeders and more back yard breeders under the radar. If the existing laws were enforced, this will catch and penalise all who are breaking the law. Whether they be puppy farmer, large puppy farm, registered breeder and back yard breeder alike. Governments interstate as well are seeking tougher legislation. I believe QLD is looking to follow what has happened in Victoria. Kennel clubs would love more breeders. More breeders equates or more registered puppies, this means more memberships, more prefix maintenance fees and more revenue through litter registration. I think this is part of the reason they have no real concern in investigating and/or controlling those with prolific breeding programs. Providing those breeders are registering all their puppies, this equates to decent revenue to the Canine Clubs.
There are plenty of southern dogs up here in Qld and Qld dogs down south. Its possible, however there are dogs down south who suffer BCC. Ness in SA - it can get quite hot there, although not as humid as Qld. Jemma not only suffered BCC in summer, but also winter and at night. So heat in general, while a contributing factor, not the only factor in my experience when I lived with a dog with it. Jemma was bred in Qld and did not have a super thick coat. I did find that weight did affect how often and severity of collapses. She needed to remain working dog thin. Her fitness regime consisted of much swimming in the dam.
Moose mum, There will always be an "us" and "them". Creating a state or even national registration is not going to stop that. Even now, there is just about every avenue for a person to become registered, do the right thing by their dogs and their breed. People CHOOSE to do these things. There are rules and regulations already in place whereby people should adhere. They CHOOSE to do this or not. If people are going to take short cuts, breed or keep animals in a sub standard way, they will. Making something compulsory is not going to fix this either. If they cannot adhere to the existing rules, then why would they adhere to further rules? Now there is money to be made in breeding dogs. Both for the back yard breeder, hobby registered breeder and large establishments. Grab a couple of dogs and bitches and breed them in your back yard time and again, there is money to be made. Especially if the breeder is catering to a fad. Start to cut corners such as limiting the health testing, only using your own dogs (save on stud fee/transport) and not bringing in quality stock, not joining a membership (such as CC's or paying local council breeder permits and dog registration) you save further money. Not adhering to the CC's limit of 4 litters on a bitch, and no more than two litters within an eighteen month period. One Qld registered breeder freely admitted on a Facebook group they had seven litters with one of their bitches. Another has been reported to earn over $75000/year in puppy sales. The second only breeds, does not compete or do anything with their dogs. There are bad apples in all the barrels. Not just the back yard breeder. Sadly, there are some back yard breeders who take more care of their dogs than some registered breeders. Belonging to CC' s and paying prefix membership and normal membership is expensive for what you really get in return - a magazine once a month. Maybe a seminar once or twice a year. Yes, you are eligible to show or compete in their events and they may do SOME work behind the scenes in talking to Government. The gardener is not the wholly and sole blame for where we are today with designer crossbreds. He certainly contributed to where it has lead to today. I am certainly old enough and was involved in dog sports when his shows were airing when he had his hissy fit with CC's. At the same time as his show, you also had the likes of Guide Dogs developing the good old Labrodoodle for assistance dogs. There were crosses on his show of a variety of species from chooks to livestock. The humble lowman brown chook was developed for high leg laying without being over the top in skittyness for first the battery egg farms and also the hobby back yard. Miniature horses, miniature pigs to name a few more. His show was about what was popular at the time. Not just animals, but plants. The "invention" of the Labrodoodle is more to blame for where we are today with oodle crosses. The notion of hypo-allogenic dogs with non shedding fur is as largely to blame as that show. "Toby the Wonderdog" is as much to blame for the increased fad for chocolate border collies. Everyone wanted a dog just like Toby. Social media in the last few years and to a greater extent the internet and it's cheap, widespread advertising has made more people aware. John citizen sees pedigree dogs going anywhere from $1000 upwards and wonder why they cost so much - and want to cash in on what they perceive is the money train. Then you have the higher than mighty breeder who has little conception on basic customer service. They are rude, overbearing and may or may not get back to puppy enquiries. If they do, they appear to look down their nose at the humble puppy buyer. The breeder may have been duped before and looks to every enquiry in the future to do the same thing, even if "this" genuine pet buyer is new and may ask some stupid questions or poorly phrased email done through ignorance. Just look through some other threads here on DOL to see not just breeders by hang ons who want to jump down a newbies neck as soon as they post a thread on certain topics. No wonder some puppy people turn to the back yard breeder when met with that kind of attitude. I am not saying to forego any checks on their suitability, but at least appear to be friendly. Hopefully at least educate them enough with the information they may need to make an informed decision on their own about breed traits and health etc - they may even go to someone else and relieve you of having to deal with them. Hopefully at least another registered breeder rather than a Back Yard or puppy shop. Even if you would not sell them a pup for what ever reason, make it friendly. I know I will not get anywhere with this argument on this forum re the gardener. Some People here want to lay the sole blame for the whole thing on his doorstep. It is a lot more indepth than that and a lot more other factors. JMHO.
I should add, I could control the condition somewhat by learning what would trigger an episode and either stop before one came on, quiet her and cool her down when one did. Also really learning her behaviours really helped to know when something was off. At the time, there was not much known about the condition in Bcs.
I had a dog many years ago suffering from BC collapse. I first detected it in about 2003 with my girl. At the time, not a lot was known about it and some breeders denied that it even existed despite evidence showing up on it in Canada and USA in Border Collies. Jemma is from completely different bloodlines to what I have now. It came on when she was about 18 months old and got worse as she got older. Time of day or time of year did not make a difference. I did find that keeping the weight off her did make a difference and also controlling her activity and stress levels did help in limiting occurrances. She was bred in Qld and both her parents lived in Qld. I did find also when it came to exercise, I used to exercise her through water rather walking. I always carried plenty of water and a bucket with me to drench her with if I was out and she was going to suffer an episode. I first saw the condition around 2002 with a friend's working border collie. Peter's dog was complete working line - no show lines. When he would trial her in 3 sheep - he would leave a 20 ltr bucket by the gate to drench her in. She would get fixated on the sheep and not necessarily work or run her self into the ground, but would get herself worked up and start to induce a collapse. She was not a long coated bitch so cannot attribute coat length/thickness as a contributing cause. She would also induce a collapse if she got worked up or stressed. She was a very willing to please dog and would work herself up doing her tricks. The first thing I noticed was her tounge would go a dark purplish/pink before a collapse episode would come on. I also noticed that if she was "allowed" to have one collapse, then if you were not careful more could follow without as much stress. Like as if the toxins had not completely left her system from the first one. Jemma died in 2009 at only just 8 years old. She had a large growth in her abdomen. Unfortunately she died before they were calling for blood samples to determine a DNA test.
The thing here in Qld - there are already enough rules and regulations and registrations. Both legislation and local council by-laws governing the ownership, breeding and care of dogs and cats. There is the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs). Regulation 2009, The Animal Management (Cats and Dogs). Regulation 2009 Then under that the local council bi-laws. Depending on the council will depend on the further tightening of breeding, care and permits etc. Under this act - all dogs and cats MUST be microchipped prior to sale. This includes a puppy or now an older dog - even if a "give away". Many back yard breeders advertising through Gumtree etc do not microchip their animals. Some will cite "not able to do before 12 weeks". When the act first came out in 2008 - this was the case. However it was soon amended in 2009 that an animal now only needs to be one kilogram in weight to be microchipped. Certainly this should be the case for 99% of animals sold around 6-8 weeks (with the exception maybe of some kittens and toy dogs. Forget for the minute here the requirement that ANKC breeders cannot sell before 8 weeks. Fact is many BYB animals are offloaded around 5-6 weeks. Some of the better ones will not part with puppies until 8 weeks and do microchip, vaccinate and worm their animals as a minimum. There does not need to be any further laws nor any further registrations for breeders. Registered Puppy Farms already operate under a variety of laws, rules and regulations governing their practice in both public health and animal management. While I do not agree with them and their need - there are already suitable laws governing their existance. The laws on keeping, breeding and caring for dogs are covered under the Act, Regulation and local council bi-laws. Minimum standards are already listed there. Anyone operating outside those laws are breaking the law. This includes the Registered breeder, the back yard breeder and the larger kennel or puppy farm. The problem is Enforcing the existing laws. It is up to local council officers to detect, regulate and control those operating outside the existing laws. Councils are not given adequate budgets or the physical man power to do this. Some councils do door knocking survey programs on a periodical/regular basis to detect unregistered animals (both cats and dogs) and breeding activities without permits. From personal experience, it can be hard to detect some activities if there are no complaints from neighbours for smell, numbers or noise complaints and some people can hide their activities quite well in back rooms/yards so it is not easy to detect from a simple door knocking activity. RSPCA generally only will get involved if there are concerns on animal welfare or cruelty. Not for general illegal breeding activities - especially if the animals are being cared for. Currently there is Dogs Queensland Register, The working groups and greyhounds also have a register. Then there is registers kept with local councils for dog registration and permits (Pet stores, kennel, cattery, breeders and excess dog permits). For example: If I am inspected, I am able to show/prove I am a registered breeder with Dogs Qld, my local council as a breeder and my dogs are all microchipped, and registered and comply with the conditions and numbers attributed with my permit. In SE Qld at least - all dogs must be registered with their local council. This includes working farm dogs and assistance dogs. As any law is controlled by the local council body - there does not need to be any further registrations. The dog/animal should already be registered with the local council. If not there are already processes/penalties/fines etc to obtain compliance in this area. Many councils also offer discounted registration from 3 months of age for puppies/kittens for the first year and will only charge the full amount if a desexing certificate is not produced the following year. This allows the majority of owners to desex their dog in that first 12 months if they wish to receive the discounted registration. Some councils still offer Dogs Qld discount or even obedience trained discounts -(over and above any pension discount).
It does not matter really if it is one bitch in a back yard situation or 100 bitches in a commercial operation being bred to death. If the one person is over breeding that one bitch, then it is still puppy farming. It is just on a much smaller scale to commercial operations doing the same with 100 bitches. If 100 houses in a local area all have one bitch they are over breeding, it is still not and should not be acceptable practice.
Not new. Labour government a few years ago tried with the RSPCA to bring in tougher laws. They succeed on bringing in the Animal Management Act 2008. It has gone through some minor revisions since then. Such as allowing microchipping to happen before 12 weeks (an animal only needs to be over one kilogram) The initial draft plan wanted compulsory desexing and other stricter controls. There was a backlash and they relented on some of the contents. Since then, Victoria has brought in some tougher laws which QLD is looking at following (my personal view based on comparison what is there and what is proposed). The problem is: "what is the true definition of a puppy farm?" Is it only the large establishments with multiple breeds pumping out litters anywhere between clean and disgusting conditions with dogs locked in pens or does it also include ANY breeder (ANKC registered or not) with anywhere from one bitch to multiple constantly breeding and pumping out litters? My personal opinion, is they are the same. The only difference is the SCALE of the operation. The large battery farm style (if I can use this description) of the commercial puppy farms are regulated. It is much harder to hide a large shed housing many animals than it is a few constantly producing bitches on a back yard. The commercial operations are also subject to harsher conditions depending on the local council they operate it. (Whether they play by those rules is completely different and a separate debate all together). Many of us look around the free classifieds around the net. Many of us can most probably agree that there has been an increase in the amount of litters and puppies now available through the internet, local puppy stores etc. Even a look on our humble DOL puppy advertisements, I can easily say which breeders in my breed have a puppy listing 365 days a year advertising a current litter or litters and also upcoming litters for next month/months. Registered breeders pumping out puppies. What happens to all those they don't sell? I know with one breeder - many of the dogs are stashed in pet homes waiting to come back for breeding and then returned to the pet owner after the litter has been weaned/sold. Why? They cannot keep numbers on the property. I do not count the "hobby registered breeder who breeds a few litters a year or two to be BYB" To me, a BYB is one who pumps out litters after litters. Breeding back to back their bitches, spell one season (as for ANKC) then back to back again. Sell off the bitch after the allotted litters are achieved or the bitch is no longer a good producer and repeat the process. Before I ceased being an animal control officer, I had seen the rise of smaller BYB syndicates. I even know BYB now who are in syndicate with each other to share stud dogs and constantly breeding their bitches. Possibly due to bad publicity, the "puppy farm" of large scale battery farms have moved to the back yard. Much easier and less overheads to hide a few dogs here and a few dogs there. Sell from the net. People think the pups are now well loved and cared for as being locked in a concrete box in a shed. To police this requires a lot of resource and man power. Council officers need to go door to door, searching a door knocking. Unless a complaint has been lodged, the "authorities" may not know about what is happening behind closed doors or on hobby farms (1-5 acres) in a semi rural area. When we do knock on dog/cat registration surveys, we have a certain amount of powers, and in some cases, unless we have a warrant at the time, we may be thwarted at the front door. By the time we go back, they have moved the "evidence" for unlicensed animals and breeding and/or unclean amenities. Keep legislating. All the Government is really doing is driving it more underground. The more it gets driven underground, the more resource hungry it becomes to manage and control. Many councils now, do not have suitable resources to tackle the problem. It is left to the councils through legislation and bi-laws to police and regulate. RSPCA may only come in if there is suspected cruelty or because it will show them in a positive light in the media. Fees: how many more fees do we need to pay? And how is another registry going to help? Registered breeders pay ANKC Membership, Prefix maintenance, depending on which council you live a breeders permit and registration for each animal. For example for me: ANKC membership and prefix is about $180/year, Council breeder permit $100/year and dog registration is $30/dog x 4 dogs. Surely through either my ANKC registration or my council breeder registration, this should be enough. The BYB depending on the council, require to pay the breeder permit. For example, in Moreton Bay Regional Council. ALL breeders whether they are ANKC or BYB, and whether they breed one litter or more require to have a breeders permit. Whereas Brisbane City Council, to obtain a breeders permit, you need to be a breeder with DOGS QLD. (BCC renewal permit is about $155/year. $254 to apply the first year ). If a person does not have a breeders permit (it used to be only dogs Qld breeders were permitted breeders permits, but looks to have changed) Now without the breeders permit, entire animal yearly registration is $129/dog. So, in my experience, many BYB never registered to either a) be a registered breeder in council and b) did not register their animals. So effectively flying under the authority radar. Less expense/overheads = more profit. Pups, don't sell, dump them or dump them at the pound. Also in recent years, gone are the Heinz special variety mutt. Often given away as a true oops litter. Registered breeders charge $1000 or more for their pups. Again going by my breed, a chocolate/white or Merle pup is $1500 on the limit register by some of those breeding colour. On Gumtree, if they can get away with claiming to be a registered (registered May be with PIAA or local council) they are able to charge over $500. A chocolate or merle pup on Gumtree by a BYB Is about $800. Pet Shops charge between $800-$1200 for coloured BC pups. The problem goes far deeper than the commercial puppy farm and not just registered breeders. Yet we are the ones held accountable to the new laws. As far as Dogs Qld goes I have no faith in their ability to control their members who are in effect a registered puppy farm. They do nothing now to control those who are breeding exceedingly high volumes. Money in their coffers. They even wanted to force everyone to put everything on main registration so Qld had more registered breeders. More registered breeders breeding healthy happy pets I have no problem with. Registered breeders pumping litters as a commercial business or breeders not breeding healthy pets I do have big problems with.
The first question is why is the dog in the pound in the first place? Is it because it is an escape artist and the owners are having trouble keeping the dog confined. Is the dog there due to other behavioural issues - snapped at a kid. (Owner may not be forthcoming with that info hoping the dog will not be PTS and they will find it a home). Is the dog there because it is truly dumped because it did not stay cute and fluffy and small or if a cross breed, did not develop to what it was supposed to be? Rehoming dogs from the pound will depend on their looks, their age and what kind of reeducation or conditions they now require (such as high/solid fences, no children). My experience from working out of a pound, most were crossbred. We occasionally had pedigree where we could chase microchips, but they were a much smaller group than the cross or "purebred" as the current fad is (even for your oodles). Of the pedigree dogs, majority were escape artists. The remainder were predominantly from a different demographic. Poorer families, ethnic with possible different views (without being racist, older Asian, islander or aboriginal families). Difference could be, a pedigree costs double the price of BYB. So those of lesser economic means, may enjoy the pet, but not be in a financial position to get said pet desexed. If they are in typical QLD housing commission properties, the 3 foot cyclone fencing, quite often decaying may not be suitable to adequately contain the animal. A lot of socio-economic issues to deal with. Society as a whole needs a shake up how we look at pets and being responsible for our pets. Australians in a general sense look at having a dog/cat as a given right rather than something we are fully responsible for. Even to facilities offered by the powers that be that allow us to take our dogs here and there.. (As compared to some European countries) Puppy farms are becoming a smaller percentage of the problem compared to BYB. Puppy farms still need to jump through red tape to operate. Believe me, I certainly do not support them. But what is becoming. A bigger problem to control is the increase in BYB hiding two or there dogs in back yards and breeding each season and also forming their own little breeding rings. Saw it when I was a council ranger. Very hard to control and also vey hard to police. They hide under the radar of officials.. Two dogs here, two dogs there. Unregistered with council, if they cause no nuisance, they do not get reported by neighbours. Advertise on gumtree or similar sites. They are really reportable to no one. Council does not have the resources or finance to keep up or constantly check. We also have certain red taped we have to follow. We can't go barging in waving the proverbial big stick with reason. Proving good reason can be hard. Just look of gumtree now and you see ads "parents papered" and health tested. Yeah they may be. May be on the limit register, but unless desexed before sale as a pup, no guarantee they will be desexed at 6 months or even 2 years. Attitudes have changed over the years, where cross bred mongrels are now flashy and have designer names. "Rare is getting used more and more often" You cannot tackle the dog in pound problem until you tackle the human problem of irresponsibility.
Sad but true. Until the dog population is reduced to levels that cause shelters and rescues to go out of business, I'm pro de-sexing before selling. Also vets will let you know if it isn't safe to de-sex. My youngest was desexed around 6/7 months. She couldn't get done any younger because her vag-jar-jar was too tucked away, the vet wanted it to come down further before de-sexing to reduce infection when she got older. If her "vag jar jar" was an innie from a pup, it would only turn into an outie during her first season. If she had not had her season by the time you spayed her at 6-7 months, it will still be an innie and prone to exactly the same problems before desexing such as increased risk of vaginal infections and uti.
Inappropriate peeing is just as much training as providing a suitable area or thing to pee on. Having an older dog, it will be harder if he already has bad habits in this department. You could also try something like a belly band for when he's in the house etc. I would also do some crate training and the first thing you do, it take him to the pee post and reward him for peeing there. Even cheaper white vinegar is as good as Apple cider. I have a five year old stud dog that was taught from a pup, correct toilet habits. He knows where he can pee and where not to. Another good thing is when you are walking him, do not allow him to pee as he wishes on his walk. You choose a spot and tell him toilet.
It has been discussed plenty of times before like many other issues. ) It is one of those topics that appears quite regularly. Especially as more breeders are desexing their dogs early before they go. So naturally as new people come into this forum, the same question will be asked. I personally do not recommend my dogs to be desexed until at least 12 months. Six months is still juvenile and they are still not fully developed. While some males may be sexually mature at 6 months, many do not fully become sexually mature until about 9-12 months of age. Most of my bitches have not had their first season until about 11-12 months, although I would not use that as gospil over all breeds and bitches as I have known quite a few others to have come into season about 6 months.
For every argument/supportive documentation or reserach FOR early desexing there is equally one opposing it. Personally, I don't support it for the long term health and well being of the dog. I can see why some breeders do it and also the shelters. However, if given a preference, I would not buy an early desexed dog. Some breeders in my breed do it and claim they never have had any issues. However I know of examples where there have been. Whether it has come down to the early desexing or just bad luck for that animal, I don't know.
It's not even a blood test any more. Buccal swab. Orivet does them they also have a list of authorised collections agents. For MDR1 and you are not needing an "official" result (for breed testing etc.) you can do the buccal swab yourself and send it off.
What Food Can Your Dog Not Resist?
Mystiqview replied to Loving my Oldies's topic in General Dog Discussion