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Osteosarcoma Tumour


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My friend has been having a drama with one of her shelties. She had a 17cm lump removed that had adhered to her spleen and bowel. Test results have come back and confirmed this as a Osteocarcoma. This bitch has been extensively x-rayed and scanned and there is no signs of it in her lungs or in any bones. We have tried googling it but every reference is related to bones.

Has anyone ever experienced this tumor not related to bones?

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Yes. Early in December my elderly rescue Rottweiler had surgery for a small mammary tumour which grew very quickly to an obvious large lump. She had evidently been used as a puppy factory in her former life and was not spayed until she was due to come to me almost 4 years ago. We think she was aged 8-10 years back then. Her diagnosis was a malignant mixed mammary tumour with osteosarcoma.

The pathogy report states there is regular cartilage and bone formation in the mammary tissue. At times the cells are producing an ostoidal matrix which is producing a lacework of mature bone. Hence she has osteosarcoma in mammary tissue.

The report states that these tumours are rare and they are not as aggressive as long bone osteosarcoma, they do however metastasise.

My girl is still doing very well and has not shown the signs of deterioration since her surgery, apart from general senior dog decline. She is old for a Rottweiler. I can't find any google reference to this kind of osteosarcoma either.

Osteosarcoma seems to happen in the most unlikely places. My other Rottweiler was diagnosed at 6yo with osteosarcoma in her mandible. It was a very aggressive osteosarcoma.

Has you friend thought about consulting with a canine oncologist?

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