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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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Yes I want to see photos of James too! And what's this about a 'play dead'?

Max must already be the same size as Elbie, very interesting. He certainly has a lab appetite, so no worries there!

As for DD - there is a portmanteau name - Borador....... pff. What would the selling point be though? A really hyper puppy that will chew through your walls that will grow up to be a high-energy dog, with a tendency for sheep herding, that will eat you out of house and home! Ha! Great! (And I didn't even mention shedding!) I mean you could hope that the lab mix will take the 'edge' off the border collie energy - but the reality is lab's have a crazy reputation as puppy's and border collie's as two-year-olds!

I'm sure Elbie will be okay without your husband. I'm sure he'll follow you around everywhere! And you'll have the reunion to look forward to! You'll have to be ready with the camera because I imagine there'll be some full-body wagging going on then!

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tigers12: any luck in your hunt for a puppy? :grouphug:

Not yet, i really want to read and research as much as possible before we get one so i am prepared for everything. We will probably contact some breeders some time in the next couple of weeks !

Its so exciting looking at all the pics of other DOL members bc's and kelpies :eek:

Does elbie spend much time alone during the day and whats he like by himself?


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Here you go guys, this is a video of our two. Satchmo the lovable mutt, and Ava the ridiculously cute Aussie. You can see what our yard looks like in the video; the part where they are showing me their moonscape masterpiece is the most recent; the parts where there is still some grass are obviously old :rofl: Whenever I see older videos I think "WOW, we really had that much grass???"

Ours are little angels in the house, I can leave them unattended to shower, they have free run of the house overnight and they don't touch anything. But stick them outside and they destroy anything they see. They ripped apart the Hound House kennel, have torn apart most of the plants, ate the insulation on the hot water system, mangled the handle on the clothesline, etc. This is their idea of having fun together. Satch is generally ok by himself (just a few holes and a bit of a munch on anything plastic) but as soon as there is another dog in the yard he dances around with them trying to find something to 'play with' aka destroy. I blame most of the digging on Satch but the rest of the destruction on little miss. I'm past caring about what the garden looks like :eek:

I forgot to keep a record of how much Ava weighed! I know that she was 8kg when she came home at 12 weeks. She's now 9 months old and 20kg.

KTB when my OH went away for a week recently, the dogs didn't act like anything was different. Satch was really excited when OH arrived home though, it was almost like a light went on in his head, "OH! I remember you!" I'm sure Elbie will be fine.

I think tricks are on hold for us for now, I am working on getting our obedience refined. Does anyone else here want to do obedience trialling with their dogs in the future?

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the parts where there is still some grass are obviously old :rofl: Whenever I see older videos I think "WOW, we really had that much grass???"

They are sooooooo cute together and i admit when I watched the video and saw the grass, i was thinking: "Huh? That doesn't look the same as wuffles' latest photo ofher yard - oh ... Ava is smaller there." :eek:

KTB when my OH went away for a week recently, the dogs didn't act like anything was different. Satch was really excited when OH arrived home though, it was almost like a light went on in his head, "OH! I remember you!" I'm sure Elbie will be fine.

Hmm, I think the true test will be how are they if YOU go away for a week ... My OH is to Elbie what you are to your doggies. He spends heaps more time with him and does the majority of walking etc ... I'm kind of like the person who helps feed, helps clean up (we share poo picking duties) and also plays with him sometimes :rasberry:

I think tricks are on hold for us for now, I am working on getting our obedience refined. Does anyone else here want to do obedience trialling with their dogs in the future?

.... not even a twinkle in my eye right now until my hyperactive, bonkers, jumpy, demented puppy becomes a bit more subdued :laugh: Can you imagine Elbie at a trial? Bouncing around over everyone, possibly doing the occasional happy wee? :grouphug:

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I laughed out loud at the thought of a happy wee at a dog obedience trial. I can imagine some stern faced officials tsk tsking, while they put their scoring sheets back in their bumbags.

Okay question - who owns a bumbag???? It seems to me the sign of the officious dog owner!

Wuffles your video makes me want to get another dog! Its so nice to see them run around together. I was told about a 9 year old BC needing a new home - if it was me he'd already be here - but my OH..... (there was some tsk tsking there!). But I'm sure Satchmo must have had a huge influence on Ava's behaviour - at the start of the video you see him putting his paw on her - 'settle down young one'! And Ava has some serious fully body wagging going on when you came home!

Interesting about her weight too - though you could probably take off a kg or two for hair! Meanwhile Satchmo looks like a huge dog!

Tigers12 - is it the first time you will have a dog? Good luck with the preparations!

So what's involved in a dog obedience trial? Considering we're going to be in puppies with Max til Christmas, we're not even going to start real obedience til he's eight months, so an obedience trial is a distant prospect. I'm thinking of getting into flyball though.....

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Tigers12 - is it the first time you will have a dog? Good luck with the preparations!

My dad had a border collie when he was growing up, but it will be the first time the rest of us will have a dog.

Max and elbie look very similar, i keep thinking that your DP is of Elbie :kissbetter:

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I was in a similar situation - had dogs when young, but this is MY first dog. It felt like a huge responsibility at first - which was a bit scary. But I think we've all relaxed now. A lot has changed since I had dogs as a child (or at least, that I can tell, and I blame the internet and an overload of information/opinions!) - though with your reading I'm sure you're ready for it!

The biggest surprise would have to be the way my priorities have changed, and how happy I've been for that to happen! I knew beforehand that having a puppy would take up a lot of time and energy - time which I did have to give - but I am so pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable that can be!!! And now I'm talking on a forum about it..... and considering getting a bumbag.....!

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I was in a similar situation - had dogs when young, but this is MY first dog. It felt like a huge responsibility at first - which was a bit scary. But I think we've all relaxed now. A lot has changed since I had dogs as a child (or at least, that I can tell, and I blame the internet and an overload of information/opinions!) - though with your reading I'm sure you're ready for it!

I'm in the same situation. We had a family dog but I still consider myself a novice dog owner because I didn't really 'look after' our family dog other than to go for walks and feed him. I don't think I really engaged or played with him the way we do with Elbie. Looking back, I feel a bit sad about it now. Our dog Kitt had 11 good years and he was healthy and well-treated, but he must have been bored out there in the backyard doing his own thing even though he wasn't destructive and didn't chew things up or dig holes. A labrador/border collie, we got him at six weeks (these days a no-no) and he was an outside dog after the first night ... Things definitely have changed a lot since 'those days'.

And now I'm talking on a forum about it..... and considering getting a bumbag.....!

I didn't want to say this before but I have to confess that we have a bum bag for training. :kissbetter: For a while we carried little ziplock bags, then I bought cheapie little camera bag on a string from hot dollar ...I looked at the various treat bags but a bum bag seemed the easiest way to go so that we could dispense treats quickly and also separate the different treats.

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Yeah, obviously caring for a puppy is a huge responsibility but once the dog reaches adult hood the rewards for putting in the hard yards early on in the dogs life are enormous. Although it may be frustrating at times, as the dog gets older you will look back at the time you spent caring for it as a pup and feel so proud of yourself and its a great achievement having such a loving and well mannered dog :kissbetter::hug:

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I have about three bum bags and proud of it!

You guys should go watch an obedience trial :hug: Youtube has some good videos of obedience trials, if you look up "obedience ccd" you will find lots of videos mainly from other DOLers! CCD is the first level. KTB, one of the instructor's dogs from our club, not naming any names, did a big crap in the middle of his heeling pattern at the last trial. Trust me, the dogs aren't as angelic as you are imagining them to be :kissbetter: I'm not in any hurry and we most likely won't be ready until Ava is at least 18 months old, but I like having something to work towards.

Satch has definitely had an influence of Ava but she's picked up his bad habits as well. For example, he's not great off leash. Ava is great off leash -- until Satch is around, then she just copies him. He gets a bit grumpy with her sometimes but I do think he enjoys the company. Satch is 70cm at the shoulder and 36kg :hug:

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So the obedience trial seems to be predominantly heeling with some sits and drops? The first video that came up (when I did the you tube search) was of a dog called 'Leo' - after walking around so beautifully for 3 min, when it was over he jumped up on the examiner! Oooops! How long do you have to walk for? And do you need to have your palm on your hip like that? (Makes for an awkward jog!). And is it choreographed? Or do you just need to include certain turns and speeds? Does not look easy! (As for stopping for a crap halfway through - mortifying!).

I then went back to wuffle's you tube to compare how Ava is heeling - not too bad!!! She is so calm in her training videos! Her 'spins' are so casual! And her ball-chasing so nonchalant! All I have to do is say the word 'ball' and Max goes into 'work mode' and I can't get any more sense out of him!

I have not tried to train Max to walk to heel at all. I can wave my hand in front of his face (kind of swinging around to my left), tell him to heel, then he's do a couple of goat hops and come sit beside me! I think Elbie has a video - Max has a very similar style! I think I might wait to get taught how before I give it a shot and just try to get him to walk on a loose lead a bit better. Trouble is he'll walk beautifully EXCEPT if a) he knows we're going to the park to play with the other dogs (I'm pretty sure that's indicated by a left turn out of our driveway) - in which case he'll literally run at the end of the leash the WHOLE way there, b) if its raining and he knows he's close to home or c) he needs to do a crap (in which case he walks like he's gone mad)!

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Leo is a DOLer's dog and I think he jumped up on his owner, not the judge - some people reward their dogs at the end of an exercise by letting them do something they like such as jumping, as you're not allowed food in the ring :) The obedience rules are here: http://www.ankc.org.au/media/scripts/doc_d...ad.aspx?did=201 although they don't really make for easy reading. The CCD rules are on page 18. As you go up the levels they introduce more complex exercises such as retrieving and scent discrimination. It's not some people's cup of tea but I think it's fun!

Ava's heeling isn't bad, but she's still getting rewarded pretty heavily with both food and praise. She still has a bit of a puppy brain so I can't expect her to concentrate for that long yet. With teaching heel, it's more about teaching the position rather than the walking, I'm sure you will get to it in class soon!

Unfortunately since that ball-chasing video she seems to have decided that balls are boring, she doesn't chase them anymore :( She definitely doesn't have the intensity that BCs and kelpies have, but that is part of why I love Aussies - they don't treat anything too seriously and just love to have fun!

Teaching to walk on a loose leash is... fun. :laugh: We're getting there, not perfect yet.

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I'm in the first dog boat as well. Never had one as a young child (much to my great disappointment) so James is my first foray into the puppy world.

I'd love to trial in obedience with him. You know...when he stops being a nutcase :laugh: He's gaining a bit of a reputation as a bolter - the past two weeks he's taken off during offlead recalls. Which is embarrassing and disappointing - previously he's been just brilliant at offleads. Surprisingly. Considering how insane he is in every other aspect of obedience :vomit:

Ava and Satchmo look like so much fun to have around. They're so cute interacting with each other!

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Ava and Satchmo look like so much fun to have around. They're so cute interacting with each other!

I just put them outside while we were eating dinner, went outside and every single towel/sheet that was on the washing line is now lying on the ground :laugh: Yep... such fun to have around :vomit:

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wuffles: I can't believe you still hang things on the outside line with two such playful doggies! :champagne: When we bought this place, we didn't even realise that there wasn't an outside washing line!

Max#1: James' version of dead is here. :thumbsup:

We're still here - but no new photos unfortunately. Elbie and I are having a very tough week - the poor puppy isn't enjoying being left in the backyard on his own for so long and I'm juggling so many things at once that I'm racing around like a maniac. Elbie's so happy when I get home that I am feeling very guilty. He went really well at obedience class last week although who knows if he will pass his bronze assessment the week after next.

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Oh dear!

Where's the photo of the destruction?! Ha!

Well two weeks of puppy training down. I've realised I'm going to have to retrain..... eg 'off' becomes 'leave it', 'spin' becomes 'turn' (and add a 'twist' going back the other way..... I've made the poor guy a bit dizzy working on these ones! And I dare not think of having to start again with 'heel'!)... A bit dispiriting... Seeing as how these commands are hand signals as well I think it might not be too hard to just introduce a different word? Any thoughts? And to up the challenge a bit I've tried to refine his sits/drops - ie getting him to hold sit/drop til I 'release' (my so far inconsistent word is 'finished') but it just confused the guy! I think I'm doing something wrong there. Any tips?

Good news!

Max's recalls are unbelievable! We go every afternoon to the park where there are half a dozen other dogs we regularly meet. When he runs off too far, or tries to follow one of the other dogs home and I call him - its the best feeling when he comes running! And with a smile on his face! And to the man standing next to me (ha!). (In embarrassing news, he's started trying to hump the other dogs.....! Looks like its time for the balls to go!).

Other good news - I've worked out what to 'do' at puppy school. Play play play!!!! Quietly! Rev him up a bit with a rope toy or something, then he does so much better, as opposed to when he's frustrated from having to sit still for so long. This also makes me more interesting than the puppies sitting next to us.

KTB: ear flopped! It lasted five days in the upright position! And its a crooked flop - ha! - both pointing in different directions! More blood on his rope toy tonight - another tooth! Hopefully they're done soon! Then maybe the ears can sort themselves out?

Niques - my OH is in the first dog boat as well. We thought very seriously before we got a dog. I'll never forget him saying to me 'I don't know what are the consequences '. So far, no regrets. And a hell of a lot of laughs! Interestingly, he's the 'natural' alpha in the house. Don't know what it is about him - but, for example, when he gets home from work, Max will put his ears back and roll straight on his back at his feet as he comes in the door. Poor guy is always asking 'what's wrong with your ears, put your ears up!'.

KTB - how's it going with your husband away?

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Posting at the same time KTB. Ooops! I'm so slow.

I'm sure Elbie will get used to the variation in his routine after a day or two. Don't stress too much! (But I know the feeling).

Found the 'dead' too - ie James's dead. It looks like its in slow motion! Very theatrical!

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Found the 'dead' too - ie James's dead. It looks like its in slow motion! Very theatrical!

Haha, it is in slow motion :champagne:

Max's recall sounds terrific! I can imagine how proud you'd be at the park! In regards to the release command, I'd start doing it in really small increments. So if you know he can stay sitting for only a couple of seconds, release him before he has the opportunity to get up on his own accord and that way you get your command in and he has no chance of failing the task.

James has several words for the same things in some cases. Mainly for the things that don't have hand commands actually. Which is odd, thinking about it, because he really relies on signals for a lot of things - he's a bit reluctant to obey if I simply speak to him :thumbsup: I'm sure Max will pick up on the changes quickly or just take both commands on board.

Poor Elbie. Hopefully he'll adapt quickly! Will your husband be back at work when he returns or will he still have someone home with him during the day?

I caught the music video bug (AKA extreme desire to procrastinate) and made one for James over the weekend:

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Max#1: I'm pretty sure Max will learn the different words soon. We used to just use the word "wait" to make him not eat his food until released but at dog school they always say 'leave it', so we taught him leave it just so that we didn't look like freaks in class - but both phrases mean the same thing and he won't start eating until we click or say 'ok'. Don't feel disheartened, Max is smart and will figure it out - at the end of the day, the words don't really seem to mean as much as the signals do :thumbsup:

And to up the challenge a bit I've tried to refine his sits/drops - ie getting him to hold sit/drop til I 'release' (my so far inconsistent word is 'finished') but it just confused the guy! I think I'm doing something wrong there. Any tips?

I agree with Niques approach. We started with very short sit stays. It took a while to build up to 30 seconds and 60 seconds and in a High Distraction Area, Elbie doesn't even hear me!!!! I am envious of your recalls - Elbie's too timid with other dogs so we don't go to dog parks, just have him play at dog school and he never strays far so we don't really know how good his recall is. I keep reading about the "100% recall" thingy and wonder if we'll ever have it - recall is being tested at bronze assessment, too.

Poor Max ... getting the snip. We felt so bad when poor Elbie was emasculated - guilty! :thumbsup: Sorry the ear flopped, I know you were hopeful that they might stay up. Have you got a photo of the revised position? Good luck with the teeth. Elbie seemed to be done in a matter of 2 weeks - very weird. Suddenly he had a mouthful of large white teeth.

Niques: My husband's still deciding on his preferred job so he's been home so will probably be home for a bit when he gets back. Even after he starts working, his hours should be reasonable - the main problem I'm having this week is that things have blown up at work and I have family commitments so I'm driving around like a headless chicken and always seem to get back home to Elbie when it's cold, dark, rainy and the puppy is crying. He'll just have to deal but I know he's very distressed when left alone all day :cheers:

I caught the music video bug (AKA extreme desire to procrastinate) and made one for James over the weekend:

OK that video was WONDERFUL. Best part of my day and it really cheered me up. Thank you so much for sharing - James looks absolutely adorable. I know he looks small to you but he has grown so much - he has such an expressive face :champagne: Keep the vids coming!

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