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Are There Laws Against Breeding Every Heat Cycle?


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Just wondering If there are laws against breeding every heat cycle? I'm hearing of someone breeding alot just b4 xmas and a new litter now, (same bitch) all xmas litter died they are said to be blaming it on the heat. 3 of this litter are dead already they are blaming it on the cold by the look of it they sell the pups at 4 weeks old :eek:

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If they are a BYB, you can not do anything, other than report to the RSPCA if you believe the animals are not being looked after, also inform them that they are selling/giving away their pups at 4 weeks of age and some are already dead. The RSPCA should step in.

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They are in breach of the NSW Government Animal Welfare Code of Practice Breeding dogs and cats. This available for download at www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/livestock/animal-welfare/codes/general/breeding-dogs-and-cats

Specifically, the BYBer is in breach of: Puppies and kittens must not be re-homed before they

are 8 weeks of age. Bitches must not have more than two litters in any two year period, unless with the written approval of a veterinary practitioner.

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They are in breach of the NSW Government Animal Welfare Code of Practice Breeding dogs and cats. This available for download at www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/livestock/animal-welfare/codes/general/breeding-dogs-and-cats

Specifically, the BYBer is in breach of: Puppies and kittens must not be re-homed before they

are 8 weeks of age. Bitches must not have more than two litters in any two year period, unless with the written approval of a veterinary practitioner.

However - these are in the guideline section and not law.

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Isn't there something on the companion animals act about rehoming puppies at a certain age? I remember we had to study this act and I swear I remember something being in there about this.... I'll check.

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Companion Animals Act 1998 - Section 8

Identification required from 12 weeks of age and before sale

8 Identification required from 12 weeks of age and before sale

(1) A companion animal must be identified as required by the regulations from the time the animal is 12 weeks old.

(2) A companion animal must not be sold unless it has been identified as required by the regulations (even if it is less than 12 weeks old when it is sold).

I don't know if this really counts....

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Fact is you can breed em as often as you want and some canine reproduction specialists and most vets will tell you its better for the dog to allow her to breed every cycle anyway. The guideleines are just that and not law.

You can also sell them as young as you want, you can give em away or have them PTS etc.

If you are a registered breeder you are not able to do these things according to the code of ethics but still this is not law.

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