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Hi Linda,

I am currently doing the Certificate III in Dog Behaviour and Training with NDTF.

I have to say it is the best course I've ever enrolled in. It is very thorough, the

instructors are awesome and really know what they are talking about. They also don't

preach about only one method of training being the "one and only" way to train a dog.

They say what is best is what method works with the particular dog they are training at that time.

I have found the course really enjoyable, so I would recommend it to anyone who is interested

in becoming a dog trainer, in the animal industry to gain more knowledge on dog psychology,

or just for personal knowledge.


XXToughgirlXxxx Sarah

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Enigma, what toughgirl says is true.

I did the course a few years ago and enjoyed the lectures, the instructors and most of the workshops. The only thing I , along with many others couldn't stand, was ADT, the training organization most of us had to put time in with as a requirement of the course........but they're gone now (thank doG)...so the course now should be even MORE enjoyable.

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