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Adelaide Tree Planting Working Bee/bbq


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Hi everyone,

Unfortunately I have only been lucky enough to meet 3 DOLers IRL as my darling CASD Jake is not at all social and I am very shy and awkward away from home, but I was hoping that some of you may be interested in coming up to our property at Lower Hermitage/Inglewood (near Tea Tree Gull/Modbury) on Sunday September 18th for a tree planting working bee. We have between 600-800 native tree seedlings to plant before it dries up and we are running out of time. I will be 37 weeks pregnant so I am happy to organise a bbq and salads for lunch time as I won't be able to do much planting. We have a fencing contractor up here now putting in all the poles but the wire won't be up by then so it would unfortunately need to be a dog free day. When the weather warms up and the fences are finished I am happy to have a dog outing so the dogs can have a run and swim in the dam in anyone likes.

We are trying to fence off the watercourses to help prevent erosion and give the native birds some habitat and I also want some trees planted in my new kangaroo yard (also poles only), we already have two areas where we have done this and the trees are looking great. The area is where we are about to build our house, the shed is up and there is a portaloo so it isn't too primitive. If anyone likes we can go for an explore and meet the horses, ponies, camels, donkeys, emus, sheep/black/white lambs etc and we also have a small winter waterfall that is fenced off too if anyone would like to go for a hike.

I feel really uncomfortable putting this out there but I would certainly appreciate it if anyone has any spare time on that day to come and get their hands dirty.

I am happy to pm our address if anyone wishes to come up

Thank you :cry:

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I'm in (with the 13 year animal mad daughter in tow!). Sunday is the 19th (not 18th) is that the day you are planning on? (just checking because the 18th, Saturday is the day my eldest flys overseas so wouldn't be able to get up your way until later in day).

PS, I'd still put this in "off topic" too as I never come in the social forum so others might be the same and miss this post!

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