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Banjie Loves Apples :-p


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Pepper loves carrots too, but she'll eat beans, broccoli, potato quite happily. I love apples a bit too much to share with her, though she's always been interested. Perhaps I'm a mean Mummy. :eek:

I recall reading that apple seeds are toxic for dogs, so you shouldn't give them the whole apple (or the core). Is someone in the know able to confirm whether this is correct?

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Sasha would walk through fire for some cat poo... also duck poo is apparently a delicacy, although she knows better than to try to pick it up on our walks.

It's hugely embarrassing when you take a herding breed of dog, a dog who is bred from hard core working lines, and you take him to a herding clinic and all he wants to do is eat the sheep shit. No flaming interest in the sheep at all!

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Tilly loves fruit and vegetables and she will eat most things, apart from lettuce and citrus fruits...in particular she loves bananas, watermelon and carrots. She would happily eat a fruit platter :thumbsup: .

Jessie will pretend to be semi-interested in fruit and veg and then spits most things out...she does like steamed or grated carrots and will sometimes have a little bit of banana.

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Sasha would walk through fire for some cat poo... also duck poo is apparently a delicacy, although she knows better than to try to pick it up on our walks.

It's hugely embarrassing when you take a herding breed of dog, a dog who is bred from hard core working lines, and you take him to a herding clinic and all he wants to do is eat the sheep shit. No flaming interest in the sheep at all!

:cry: Thank goodness we have no sheep around here, I'm sure Sash would think that was fine dining too!

I'm just thankful she doesn't eat her own, or other dogs - that would be mortifying... it's only other species she goes nuts for. I always know when there is cat poo around, she gets this 'guilty pleasure' look on her face :D

She trod in dog poo once, and had the most disgusted face and walked like she'd stepped in acid and her paw was being eroded away...

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I used to be a vegetarian, lived on acreage and grew my own herbs, vegies and fruit. Since the dogs always want whatever the people are eating they ate a lot of vegetarian food as snacks (still had meat for their main meals). Kiwi fruit skin, orange rinds and the odd frozen grape (before we discovered they were bad for them) were highly sought after tid bits. And since I hate raisins and sultanas if I was ever eating dried fruit they would be dribbling at my feet waiting for them. The other funny thing was that one of them used to break into the chicken's grain and snack on that from time to time as well.

You can just imagine how well turned over my compost heap was - those manky old corn cobs were practically a delicacy!

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