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Anyone Want A Free Home Stay In Sydney?


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thanks so much everyone for your comments and offers. i've been home alone for the last 3 days with no'dramas. I think my poor mum was panicking more than anything !

Home stay is no longer required (unless someone does want a holiday). I don't need any assistance, it was just in case I face planted on the crutches LOL.

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If anyone could help by walking the hairies that would be great. I'm in Beverly Hills - about 10 mins from the airport and just north of Hurstville.

they only need about 30 mins and not even every day. They are well behaved and generally walk well on the lead

thanks so much to everyone

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Hey MW!

I found when I was on crutches, that a small office chair was great to get around the house really quickly on and also if you needed to carry anything when no one else was around.

The Occupational Therapist from the hospital should also be able to help you with other things if needed too.

Hope you heal quickly and are back on two legs soon! :)

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Guest choice_brandy

Hi MW...

Have sent you a couple of messages re helping out walking your dogs and taking you up on your offer but not sure if you are getting my messages. Will be in Sydney from tonight

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Guest choice_brandy


We have offered a couple of times to come help out with your dogs and are even happy to offer something for allowing us to use your guest room while we are in Sydney but I am unsure whether my messages are getting to you. Nothing is showing up in my sent files. Our planned accomodation fell through last minute so we're kind of struggling to find anywhere comfortable while we are here.

If anyone else has a spare floor space to fit our airbed close to Sydney we would be happy to pay something for your hospitality. We're here to complete our scuba dive certification so we'll be out of your hair most of the day and would be more than happy to walk your dogs or help out around the place for the week we're here.

Only asking because we discovered last night how scary Redfern can be :laugh:

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Damn. I haven't read this forum for a two weeks. If I would have, me and my boyfriend would have definately helped you. I am the one Burkes referred at the first page. Backpacker with dogtrainer background even though I am from Finland not from Germany ;) We were staying from 2nd till 7th Jan at caravan park quite near to you. Now we are already at the other side of the city and will start two weeks house sitting on Wednesday. But if anyone else have similar cases or need house sitter, please feel free to send personal message.

Edited by Elina
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Guest choice_brandy
Sorry to those I couldn't get back to - I only had limited access on my mobile (it's certainly not an iphone ;) ) but broadband is back up so will PM those now.

No worries MW... we managed to rent a place for the week and are comfortable where we are. We are now refugees though with home being evacuated a couple of hours ago and we have no idea how long it will be until we can return home. Highway is cut all over the place on the route home. We came down with a rescue cav who is on her way to Melbourne. At the moment we have no idea if we should continue or try to get home and help out there. If we go home is there anyone who can help the little cav on her journey south?

This hasn't been the holiday we intended :hug:

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Hey MW!

I found when I was on crutches, that a small office chair was great to get around the house really quickly on and also if you needed to carry anything when no one else was around.The Occupational Therapist from the hospital should also be able to help you with other things if needed too.

Hope you heal quickly and are back on two legs soon! ;)

I'd think you would need someone to stay with you to help you out, even if it short visits each day. My mother broke her leg a few months ago and found the crutches useless getting around her flat. She used an office chair (with wheels) she was stuck in her apartment for six weeks as it was so difficult to go down the stairs without any assistance.

For showering she would have to rap the broken leg with plastic bags and masking tape or not have a shower for a few days until someone could be there just encase she fell.

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Thanks Fleuri, I've got my wonderful office wheelie chair out and luckily I live in a flat semi with no stairs (except getting into the house), so I'm wheeling myself around OK.

I'm also lucky in that I don't have a cast - I've got a wonderful ( ;) ) contraption made of metal & straps that goes from my ankle to my groin, but at least I can take it off to shower. My mum comes one day during the week and then on the weekend to help me shower, and while I might get a bit whiffy in between I can at least give myself a tub wash in between times :hug:

Three weeks to go, three weeks to go ...............

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