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Keeping A Pointer Warm

Guest english.ivy

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If it doesn't say no dogs inside on the actual lease (that you signed), and it wasn't discussed prior to you signing, then you're not technically breaking any legal agreement or contract, so far as I can tell.

Although if they find you have the dogs inside contrary to their request, I assume they could still give you notice & ask you to move out.

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If it doesn't say no dogs inside on the actual lease (that you signed), and it wasn't discussed prior to you signing, then you're not technically breaking any legal agreement or contract, so far as I can tell.

Although if they find you have the dogs inside contrary to their request, I assume they could still give you notice & ask you to move out.

I suppose anything is possible but as our house is always the neatest and cleanest on their books I highly doubt we would be asked to leave, plus the rentals around this neighbourhood have been standing open for 4months + now as they battle to find tenants out this way as we are so far from everything....

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I would crate him inside, if you are breaking the rules for one dog what does it matter if both are inside? IE your landlord is not going to say hey you are not supposed to have dogs inside but you only let the one in so thats ok.... I allow mine inside even though he is not supposed to be, I just clean up properly and wash carpets before inspection, easy as. Never had an issue.

You (along with many others who continue to be dishonest & deceitful to their landlords) are why their are so few pet friendly rentals...

I don't see how one well behaved dog would be anywhere near as destructive as a toddler or even the way some slob people live. As long as Mas's landlord is happy with the house I don't see how it's any issue to you.

It's an issue because if the landlord wanted pets in THEIR rental property then they would have said so when advertising!

Regardless of whether or not the landlord is happy with the house, they certainly aren't aware that their lease agreement is being broken.

It annoys the sh*t out of me because it's no different to those people who insist on sneaking their pets into their motel room etc.

It's deceitful...if you want to have your pet inside then find a rental that allows you to do so (honestly) or buy your own home.

If i had the money to buy my own home I would obviously have done so and if my dog was causing damage naturally i would not let him inside. And my cats are allowed so technically animals are allowed inside anyway.

Buit it's not for you to decide that because your dog isn't doing damage he's allowed inside, that's a permission that only your landlord can give.

If your cats are allowed inside and you believe that techincally, 'animals' are allowed inside then why bother posting that the dog isn't allowed inside?

Aziah you are obviously one of those people who likes to argue just for arguments sake and that is my one pet hate.

Edited by Mason2009
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Aziah you are obviously one of those people who likes to argue just for arguments sake and that is my one pet hate.

Nope, just pointing out that you're happily doing what your landlord requested you didn't do.

ETA this has gone way off topic now, but thought I would ad that they were aware we had pets when we applied for the house, we signed the lease and only afterwards on the day we were supposed to move in got given a info sheet that said no dog inside, so tell me now if you think that is fair???

Yes it's OT...so apologies to the OP.

I can't relate and can't answer the 'fair' question because I believe most people would dot their I's and cross their T's before they signed the lease agreement.

Anyway, I'm glad your dog hasn't done any damage, I just feel for landlords who have tenants who don't do the right thing.

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Guest english.ivy
Yes it's OT...so apologies to the OP.

I can't relate and can't answer the 'fair' question because I believe most people would dot their I's and cross their T's before they signed the lease agreement.

Anyway, I'm glad your dog hasn't done any damage, I just feel for landlords who have tenants who don't do the right thing.

All good. It is a touchy subject and I agree.

I can't confirm my Pointer wouldn't damage my OH's couch if he were ever to be left alone in the house and not in his crate. But he never would be.

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Yes it's OT...so apologies to the OP.

All good. It is a touchy subject and I agree.

I can't confirm my Pointer wouldn't damage my OH's couch if he were ever to be left alone in the house and not in his crate. But he never would be.

Have a think about whether you want to confine him to his kennel overnight too (by having a door on it)...if he's used to being crated then it might be good to get a kennel with a door and that way he'll be snug and you'll know exactly what he's up to.

Edited by Aziah
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Yes it's OT...so apologies to the OP.

I can't relate and can't answer the 'fair' question because I believe most people would dot their I's and cross their T's before they signed the lease agreement.

Anyway, I'm glad your dog hasn't done any damage, I just feel for landlords who have tenants who don't do the right thing.

All good. It is a touchy subject and I agree.

I can't confirm my Pointer wouldn't damage my OH's couch if he were ever to be left alone in the house and not in his crate. But he never would be.

I never leave mine inside unattended, I did as a pup when we lived somewhere else as I was scared he would be stolen

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Guest english.ivy
Have a think about whether you want to confine him to his kennel overnight too (by having a door on it)...if he's used to being crated then it might be good to get a kennel with a door and that way he'll be snug and you'll know exactly what he's up to.

Wow, you can buy kennels with a door on them?

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Have a think about whether you want to confine him to his kennel overnight too (by having a door on it)...if he's used to being crated then it might be good to get a kennel with a door and that way he'll be snug and you'll know exactly what he's up to.

Wow, you can buy kennels with a door on them?

I'm not sure? But if you can't I'm sure someone handy could put one on for you?


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Guest english.ivy
Have a think about whether you want to confine him to his kennel overnight too (by having a door on it)...if he's used to being crated then it might be good to get a kennel with a door and that way he'll be snug and you'll know exactly what he's up to.

Wow, you can buy kennels with a door on them?

I'm not sure? But if you can't I'm sure someone handy could put one on for you?


Hehe anything is possible. I now have a shed full of tools, my OH is a builder, so I'm sure I can knock something together if need be.

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Put your Pointer indoors. Problem solved. You need to work on your OH for that. Don't really understand why your OH lets your cat and another long coated dog indoors but not your Pointer?? :( I'd have him crated indoors and then he wont damage your OH's couch. And he'll be warm. I rekon you should force your OH on this one too... If he owns the place its kind of up to him - sure but usually there can be some compromise. Esspecially when poor Badger is cold.

Pointers do feel the cold esspecially when they are in unprotected areas. It will be worse for him as hes been used to being indoors and now has been sent outdoors. :mad

But then call me crazy. I started with no dogs dating my OH (well none of my own). And currently have 4... All indoors. All Pointers. And when its winter they all wear coats even though they are indoors. Yeh yeh I know I'm pretty soft.

Theres a Pointer lady here in VIC who makes cracking coats - ones with a skivvie kind of section. They're cheap and wear very well. Our's have had them a couple of seasons now. I bought a new lot last year - they needed the new season fashion desgns!!! :scared: I can prob find her details for you??

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Guest english.ivy
Can Badger sleep in the laundry or something?

Or you could stuff his kennel with straw- apparently its very insulating. And put a coat on him.

I have a wool lined coat getting made for him as of tomorrow. With a high neck so he can't easily remove it.

Its actually been the hottest it has ever been in Perth at night lately, are you sure he is not shivering from something else like fear etc or maybe he is not well?

He seems fine, nothing that stands out to make me worry about him. It was hard to tell if he was shivering this morning, I was in my bathroom getting ready and he had his paws up on the window seal. Maybe he was just excited to see me.

I'm more started this thread so I could plan before winter hits and not to leave it to the last minute. I like to be prepared.

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Not sure it would have been the cold, english.ivy! I was out walking Astrid at about 5am yesterday and it was actually really warm. Perhaps he was just excited :(. I think he would be fine with a nice insulated kennel as it doesn't really get that cold here.

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Guest english.ivy
Not sure it would have been the cold, english.ivy! I was out walking Astrid at about 5am yesterday and it was actually really warm. Perhaps he was just excited :). I think he would be fine with a nice insulated kennel as it doesn't really get that cold here.

Thanks ;)

I ordered him a coat anyway for when it does get cold so I can rest easy that he is protected and warm.

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