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Destructive Dog When Home Alone....please Help!


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thank you all for your advice. We are looking at getting our fence complete in the very near future so once that happens life will be a lot happier for all. In the meantime, I've started putting a few of your suggestions in place over the weekned, and I'm pleased to say that today I had to be out for 5 hours and there was no real damaged caused. She did attempt to get into the fridge, but I put a hanky on the door with eucalyptus oil on it as a deterrent. It seemed to have worked. Between my oldest son and I we have organised to take her for 2 walks every day as well as the basic obedience training that I have started with her.

Other than this issue she is a great dog, and we love her bits. She is eager to please, so I think (hope) this problem should be solvable, with a bit of time and patience.

Thank you all again for your advice. I really do appreciate it. :D


Lis ;)

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