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Everything posted by Babesmum

  1. thank you all for your advice. We are looking at getting our fence complete in the very near future so once that happens life will be a lot happier for all. In the meantime, I've started putting a few of your suggestions in place over the weekned, and I'm pleased to say that today I had to be out for 5 hours and there was no real damaged caused. She did attempt to get into the fridge, but I put a hanky on the door with eucalyptus oil on it as a deterrent. It seemed to have worked. Between my oldest son and I we have organised to take her for 2 walks every day as well as the basic obedience training that I have started with her. Other than this issue she is a great dog, and we love her bits. She is eager to please, so I think (hope) this problem should be solvable, with a bit of time and patience. Thank you all again for your advice. I really do appreciate it. :D Cheers! Lis ;)
  2. thank you all for your advice. We are looking at getting our fence complete in the very near future so once that happens life will be a lot happier for all. In the meantime, I've started putting a few of your suggestions in place over the weekned, and I'm pleased to say that today I had to be out for 5 hours and there was no real damaged caused. She did attempt to get into the fridge, but I put a hanky on the door with eucalyptus oil on it as a deterrent. It seemed to have worked. Between my oldest son and I we have organised to take her for 2 walks every day as well as the basic obedience training that I have started with her. Other than this issue she is a great dog, and we love her bits. She is eager to please, so I think (hope) this problem should be solvable, with a bit of time and patience. Thank you all again for your advice. I really do appreciate it. :D Cheers! Lis ;)
  3. thank you all for thaking the time to reply, I really appreciate it. I agree with a lot of what you guys have suggested, and I am planning on starting more training with her her...starting today!!! I will have a look at those suggested links first. Not sure if my hubby would agree to padlocking the fridge, but I'll certainly suggest it to him I wish we could leave her outside but at this stage our property isn't fully fenced, though we are planning on getting it done in the near future. The only other thing we have thought of is chaining her up with our other dog who lives outside full-time, when we go out. Thanks again. Cheers! Lis
  4. thank you all for taking time to reply to me, I really appreciate it. Prior to me going to Sydney for 4 days, she would stay in all day with no issues! It only started after I returned from my trip to Sydney, then on my return I started my job. I have heard of crate training before, but not sure exactly what this involves. So here goes a stupid question....is it an actual crate or a special one you buy for dogs? Also where can you get them from? Thanks again. Lis
  5. hello, I was hoping you could help me. I have a 3 yo Australian Bulldog who I've had for nearly a year. Things were fine until I went away for 4 days, then when I returned I started a job, last November. Since then her destructive behaviour has worsened when she is left alone, despite trying numerous things. Firstly, the behaviour. Babe gets into the fridge and will pull whatever she can reach out. This then gets taken and eaten on my sons bed or in the other bedroom, which makes a huge mess. As she is on a special diet and can't eat all foods, she then tends to get ill later that day and suffers with skin allergy breakouts in the fololwing days....... She will get into the garbage bin if it's not put on the bench. Any food must be put out of her reach and all cupboards closed, otherwise she'll pull out whatever she can reach! I've tried a variety of things but she is still misbehaving.These include putting Child locks on the fridge x 2!! She breaks them off!....Blocking off the kitchen with an upturned table and 2 dining chairs. She knocks them over and jumps over or moves the table to get to the kitchen!..... 2 Kongs with homemade biscuits given everyday to keep her entertained. Manages to get her biscuits out, then proceeds to get into mischief..... I also leave the stereo on when I'm out......finally, homeopathic drops for seperation anxiety. As you can see this has really become a problem, and I now worry everytime I have to go out. I only work 2 hours a day but that is still enough time for her to get up to no good. Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated, as I'm getting to my wits end. Thanks in advance. Cheers! Lis
  6. hello, I was hoping you could help me. I have a 3 yo Australian Bulldog who I've had for nearly a year. Things were fine until I went away for 4 days, then when I returned I started a job, last November. Since then her destructive behaviour has worsened when she is left alone, despite trying numerous things. Firstly, the behaviour. Babe gets into the fridge and will pull whatever she can reach out. This then gets taken and eaten on my sons bed or in the other bedroom, which makes a huge mess. As she is on a special diet and can't eat all foods, she then tends to get ill later that day and suffers with skin allergy breakouts in the fololwing days....... She will get into the garbage bin if it's not put on the bench. Any food must be put out of her reach and all cupboards closed, otherwise she'll pull out whatever she can reach! I've tried a variety of things but she is still misbehaving.These include putting Child locks on the fridge x 2!! She breaks them off!....Blocking off the kitchen with an upturned table and 2 dining chairs. She knocks them over and jumps over or moves the table to get to the kitchen!..... 2 Kongs with homemade biscuits given everyday to keep her entertained. Manages to get her biscuits out, then proceeds to get into mischief..... I also leave the stereo on when I'm out......finally, homeopathic drops for seperation anxiety. As you can see this has really become a problem, and I now worry everytime I have to go out. I only work 2 hours a day but that is still enough time for her to get up to no good. Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated, as I'm getting to my wits end. Thanks in advance. Cheers! Lis :?
  7. I am hoping someone can help..... I went away for 4 days a couple of weeks ago and while I was gone and since I returned my girl Babe has been very naughty. Into the fridge eating anything she could pull out...... tearing apart the rubbish bin.....my Tupperware cupboard chewing lids.....kids toy boxes...and yesterday she somehow got onto my sons shelf and pulled down some toys to get to his fish food!!! She has toys of her own, but doesn't go near them. Today I put a chicken neck into the water bottle she started destroying yesterday and this kept her occupied, but I can't keep replacing water bottles every day. Please help!! My hubby is becoming very annoyed at this behaviour and I now worry every time I have to leave her alone. All help will be greatly appreciated. Cheers! Lis extra information: * Babe is 3 yo so not a puppy by any means. When I went away she stayed at home with hubby and my kids. * She has a Kong which I'm going to try and get her interested in. I'm very limited as to what food can go into though as she has a skin disorder and is on a strict diet. * how can I reprimand her? By the time I get home the destruction is over. I thought you had to reprimand them while they are in the act of misbehaviour? Thanks again
  8. I haven't tried these but you might like too! Sorry can't help with the bone-shaped cutter...maybe Robin's Kitchen? http://www.holisticanimalmedicines.com/201...e-optimum-diet/ btw...the recipes are the bottom of the page so you mat have to scroll down a bit! Cheers! Lis edited for spelling
  9. Addie AJ Ajanta Akira Alera Ali x 2 Alice Alika Alchemy Amber Amelia Amy x 2 Anais Annie x 2 Anastacia (Annie) Angel X 6 Angelina Anishinaabe Annabelle Annabella Anouk April April RIP x 2 Ari Arizona Arki Asante sana Asha Ashka Askari Ashleigh Astro Athena Aubrey Audrey Aura Aurora Ayla Baba Babe Margaret Hoolihan Baci Bailey Basha Beanie Beans Becky Bella x 5 Billie Bianca Bit Blaize Blossom Bonny x 5 (Bonnie) Bonita Boss Brandi Brandy x 2 Bree x 3 Brianna Bridie Bronte Buffy Buttercup Cally Cara Casey Cassie Casper CC Cedar Chapparelle (pronounced Shapparelle, and shortened to Chappa (Shappa)) Chelsea x 2 Cherrie Chevy x 2 Chloe x 3 Charley Chanel Charli Charlie Charlie-May Charlotte Cherry Chiko Chilli Choo Choo Chops Cider Cinders Cinta CJ x 2 Claire Claudia Clover x 2 Cleo Cleoparta Coco x4 CocoNut Colour (for a greyhound who's not grey!) Cookie Cossette Cossi Courtney Cricket Crystal Cristie x 2 Crupi Daisy x 3 Dallas Dancer Danika x2 Darla Delilah Delta Demi Dempsie Dexta Diazz Didge Dinky Dixie Diva x 2 Dizzy Durham Dusty Dyzney Ebony Echo x 2 Elizabeth Ella x2 Elley Ellie x3 Elsa x 2 Elsie Emily Emilly Emma Emmy Enya Erin Esky Evie Faith Fanta Feather Feonix Finta Flame Flash Fleur Flossy Flute Frenchie Froggy Gabbie Gabby Gael Galadriel(Gala) Gemma x 4 Genie (not exactly a girly name but I thought it suited my goldy) Genevieve George Gertrude Ginny Gina Gita Glitter Goldie Gooby Grace x 2 Griffin x 2 GT Gypsy x 7 Gyrle Harlow Havarna Hayley x2 Heather Heddy Heidi x2 Holly x 7 Honeyx3 Honour Hope Imme Imogen - Imy Indi India x 2 Ingrid Isabella Issie Jade Jamie Lee Jane Jasmine x2 Jaxx Jay Jay Jazz Jazzman Jedda RIP Jelly Bean Jenna x 2 Jersey Jess x2 Jessi Jesie Jessica Jessie x 4 Jeune Jezebel x 2 Jindi Jinxy Jodie x 2 JoJo Jovi Joy Juliet Juno Kamikaze Kara X 2 Kari Karma Karmen Kaos Kassy Katie x 3 Katy Kayla X2 KC Keeta Keilani Keira Keirra Keisha x 2 Kelli Kelsey Kenzie Kibah Kiesha Kimba Kiri Kiri-Lu Kirra (agility name Kiz) Kishka (called Kish most of the time) Kisses Kitty Kizzey Krissy Kuean - (Queen) Lacey x 2 Layla x 2 Lea (lele) Leader Leia Leila Lexi x 2 Lexie Libby Lily x 3 Lizzy Lobo Logan Lola x 2 Lottie Lucia Lucky (yes, a bit tacky, but I loved her) Lucy x5 Lucinda Luna Luuka Mable Mac Maddie x2 Maddison Maeby Magali Maggie x3 Magic Mallee Marie Claudette Marina Marlo Matilda Maya Meeka Meg x 2 Meisha Merrique Mia X 3 Miekah Migaloo Mika Milky Milla Millie x5 (Milli) Mimi Mindy x 2 Minky Minnie x 2 (Mynni) Minouche Mischa Mischka Missy Missie Mistletoe Misty Mitzi Molly x 9 Molly Coddle Monet Moochie Mung Bean Mya Nala Nandi Narla Natasha Nena Ness Nora Nyima Olivia Ollie Pagan x 3 Panda x 2 Paris Paxy Pearl Pebbles Peggie Penelope Penny x 2 Pepper x 3 Phoebe x 2 Phoenix Pink Pip Pippin Piper x 2 Pixie Polly x 2 Popcorn Porridge Porscha Poung Prada Quince Quinn x 2 Rani Razzle Reba Rebel Reno Rhoda Riki Ricky Rizzi Rogue Rommi Rose Rosey Rosie x 2 Roxy x 3 Ruby x 6 Rumour Sabine Sabrina Sadie Saffron Safire Sahli Sally x4 Sarah Sarah Jane Sari Sascha x 2 Sasha x3 Sarsha Satu Savannah Scandal Scruffy Serena Sha Shae Shandy Shannon Sharnie Sharon Sharna Sheba Shelby Shimmer Shine Siann or Cyan Sinta Sienna X 3 Skye x 2 SkySnow Snotty Dotty Sola Sooty Sophie x2 Sophia Sparkles Springy Sputnik Spook Stella x2 Stimpy X2 Storm Stussy Sue Summa Suzie x 2 Sybill Tait Tamar Tameeka Tango Tara x 3 Tasha Tashi Taya Tayla Teegan X 2 Tess x 5 Tessa Texas The Divine miss Sophie Tia x 2 Tieke Tikaani Tilba Tilli Tilly x3 Tinka Tinny (tin tin) Toot Tori Tully Tyra Tyneal Ulla Vada Vicki Vienna Viviane Voodoo Wandy White Whitey Whitney (reg'd) Whitneigh) Winnie Winter Wilhelmina Wolf Xena Xanthe Zara Zillah Zippedeedoodah Ziva x 3 Zena Zoe x 4
  10. I know what you mean Lilysmum! Our girl has cost us a small fortune since we bought her in April, and will continue to do so, but we know she appreciates it and loves us to bits, as I'm sure Lily does for you. Lots of love and healing vibes coming your way! Cheers! Lis & Babe
  11. Hi Belladonna, I thought I better clear up that I only feed my girl soft cooked eggs OR raw yolk only.This along with the Brazil nuts, avocado and raw meat are all part of a diet designed by a holistic vet. She has never had diarrhoea or vomiting (thank goodness!) Cheers! Lis & Babe :D
  12. Just be aware that Avocado's are not good for dogs and it is not recommended that they eat it. Mine get something in the morning, either a bone, large crunchy dog treat, dried roo flap, tendon etc. Training treats sometime during the day (fourlegs ATM) Dry foo and either, meat, sardines, yoghurt, cottage cheese, sometimes dog roll etc for tea. And whatever they manage to counter surf and steal! buggers! Avocadoes were recommended by her holistic vet as she has an auto-immune skin condition. They are full of good oils. Though with the price of them atm she isn't getting any! Cheers!
  13. good topic! I've often wondered what others feed their dogs. My girl Babe had chicken necks or chicken mince morning & night, with cooked veges and/or fruit. Veges include mashed pumpkin, beetroot (fresh not tinned), brussel sprouts, avocado, spinach, or bok choy, and fruit is either apples or melon. Whatever is in season she gets so it varies from time to time. A couple of times a week she also gets a soft cooked egg and once a month she has a liver or a heart. Every night she has two crushed brazil nuts and 3 ml of Omega 3,6 & 9 oil on her food along with her vit C, chelated zinc and another vitamin powder (she gets these last three in the morning too). I'm looking forward to seeing others menus. Cheers! Lis :p
  14. hello, what you wrote is exactly right, though we lightly watered the soil first to bring the fleas to the surface then sprinkled the lime on the dirt, which apparently burns them. It is very effective and cheap! Have fun! Cheers! Lis : )
  15. Hi Gretel, You can buy a homeopathic car sickness remedy that is natural and placed on the body. The link is http://www.holisticanimalmedicines.com/sto...orse_float.html Good luck! Lis
  16. hi there, My little girl has an auto-immune mediated skin condition, but instead of using traditional vet prescribed drugs I've gone the natural option with great results. One of the things she is one supports her immune system, (I just can't remember which one it is!!). Anyway the link to them is http://www.holisticanimalmedicines.com Good luck! Lis
  17. Hi, I also use Holistic Animal Medicines for a range of stuff for my girl. Last week she has eye surgery as well as being speyed and I started her on homeopathics 2 days prior, she has healed remarkably well and was up and running around 24 hours post-op! Good luck, hope your little one recovers well. Cheers! Lis
  18. hi, I use Aloveen weekly on my Aussie Bulldog, and we both love it! Cheers! Lis ♥
  19. sorry to hear about you and your DH. Mine isn't all that impressed about the amount I've been spending on our girl either. I hope that it is something that will be easily recitified to give your boy some relief. Cheers! Lis
  20. hi there, I have an Aussie Bulldog who the same thing. It's very common with breeds that have excess skin esp. around their face. I haven't had Babe's repaired yet, but intend to do it soon as the constant rubbing can lead to scarring and eventually loss of eyesight. Good luck! Cheers! Lis
  21. hello! I needed to put weight on our 11 yo blue cattle dog, so the vet suggested puppy food as the calories are denser. I have her on Supercoat dry puppy food and lamb flaps or lamb off-cuts and she put on weight easily. Hope this helps! Cheers! Lis
  22. hello, I was wondering how your puppy went with the dermatologist today? Cheers! Lis
  23. hi there, I use Aloveen on my Aussie Bulldog on a weekly basis. I really like it and makes my girl smell nice! I buy it from my local vet, but you can also try your local produce store as well as online. Have a look around for the best price as you can get some good deals. All the best Lis
  24. hi there, Our 11 year old blue cattle dog has arthritis and we had her on weekly cartrophen injections for 4 weeks which really improved her mobility. The vet also reccommended Sashas Blend, but when I was looking around another vet told me about Pernaease powder which is exactly the same but a lot cheaper ($45.40 for 250g). Our girl has 2.7 g every night so it goes a long way. I hope this helps you and your boy! As a side note, I've been told that you should always break open capsules for dogs as their gastric juices aren't able to break down the capsule covering. Cheers! Lis
  25. my little girl has been diagnosed with pemphigus foliaceus and started on cortisone. The vets treatment options include long term cortisone, possible immune suppressants, the problems associated with these drugs, and euthansia long before her time should be up. A very expensive option as well as a sad outcome Has anyone had any experience with this disease, and if yes what was the outcome? I have just found an animal hebalist (from this site), and will await to see if they can help. Any advice anyone has about this disease, or from using an animal herbalist will be greatly appreciated. Cheers! Lis & Babe ♥
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