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When Will The Whining Stop?


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Hi, we brought our pup home on Sunday so I know its still early days and I expect some whining when we leave him and at night but he even whines when we're there he is literally glued to my ankle all the time if I move he moves and he whines all the time. Is this normal and will he settle down in time or should I be correcting him? At the moment I ignore him and stop any attention if he starts whining. I've never had a puppy that whines so much before so not sure what to do?

Also on the few occassions I've had to leave him alone I've put him in his crate which is in our bedroom, when I came back he was whining and crying I stood outside the door hoping he would stop then I'd go in and let him out when he was quiet but he didn't stop so I banged hard on the door which made him stop I gave it a few seconds then went in and let him out I didn't give him any attention then when he settled I called him to me and gave him a pat. Should I have just gone in and let him out straight away even though he was crying?

I'm so worried about doing anything wrong with this pup even though I've never had any problems with my previous dogs :rofl:.

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He'll settle down.. he's probably just nervous and settling in... You're doing the right thing. My boy is still glued to my side at 18mths, but now when he stands outside the bathroom door or whatever he's silent.. he just stopped whinging. I wouldn't bang on the door as that could scare him... If you feel you must correct try a verbal AH! or similar.

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Its a GSD :rofl: they are big sooks... ;)

It depends why he was whining in the first place, if he was whining while in his crate, he may have needed to go to the toilet?

You need to remember he has just come from a place where he had littermates and company all the time aswell as his mum, and now he is out in the big world on his own, try and see it from his point of view, it can be quite a lonely shock for a puppy...

I would try and not lock him in a crate in your room with the door shut as that is isolating him from you and the family, have him crated if you must, but perhaps in a place where he can still see you, so has a little more sense of security and give him something to chew on like a pigs ear or a nice kong toy :rofl:

Banging on the door will only frighten the puppy and he will only learn that being in a crate is not a nice thing, whereas you need to teach him that is a good and secure place for him, so he will enjoy going in there :D

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He is an upset puppy. I don't think ignoring him is the way to go. He is a scared little baby and he's trying to tell you, but you ignore him.

Lavish him with attention and games and do some training with treats, play crate games etc. You should be able to put him in his crate and he should automatically settle when put in there, if you make the crate a rewarding place to be.

When I crate my puppy I cover the crate with a sheet or blanket. He is 8 months old and still will not settle in his crate if it's not covered. But when it's covered he loves it in there, he runs to it when I get his crate treats out and goes in on cue. Some dogs just like it when it's covered.

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He is an upset puppy. I don't think ignoring him is the way to go. He is a scared little baby and he's trying to tell you, but you ignore him.

Lavish him with attention and games and do some training with treats, play crate games etc. You should be able to put him in his crate and he should automatically settle when put in there, if you make the crate a rewarding place to be.

When I crate my puppy I cover the crate with a sheet or blanket. He is 8 months old and still will not settle in his crate if it's not covered. But when it's covered he loves it in there, he runs to it when I get his crate treats out and goes in on cue. Some dogs just like it when it's covered.

While i agree with the other things you've said.. lavishing a whining puppy with attention is only going to encourage the puppy to keep crying.. it's the same as when they bark.. oh if I bark I get attention, so I'll keep going! Ignoring is the best way to STOP it. Giving treats and cuddles when pup cries will encourage it.

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Its a GSD :rofl: they are big sooks... ;)

It depends why he was whining in the first place, if he was whining while in his crate, he may have needed to go to the toilet?

You need to remember he has just come from a place where he had littermates and company all the time aswell as his mum, and now he is out in the big world on his own, try and see it from his point of view, it can be quite a lonely shock for a puppy...

I would try and not lock him in a crate in your room with the door shut as that is isolating him from you and the family, have him crated if you must, but perhaps in a place where he can still see you, so has a little more sense of security and give him something to chew on like a pigs ear or a nice kong toy :rofl:

Banging on the door will only frighten the puppy and he will only learn that being in a crate is not a nice thing, whereas you need to teach him that is a good and secure place for him, so he will enjoy going in there ;)

Hi Pockets, I know its early days and must be very strange for him and yeah he does seem a right sook already :D . He's only ever in the crate at night or when I go out which isn't often and he's never in it when we're in, will leave our door open next time though and won't bang on door :D hadn't thought about it scaring him. God I think I should maybe just chill out and enjoy him rather than overthinking everything and trying to analyse everything he does.

You'll see we picked Rebus in the end so your more than welcome to use Jura if you get anymore :D .

Thanks Bundy's Mum and Fuzzy82 good advice and I will take it all on board :D

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While i agree with the other things you've said.. lavishing a whining puppy with attention is only going to encourage the puppy to keep crying.. it's the same as when they bark.. oh if I bark I get attention, so I'll keep going! Ignoring is the best way to STOP it. Giving treats and cuddles when pup cries will encourage it.

Thats what I thought thats why I was ignoring it and only giving cuddles when he was quiet :rofl:

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Its a GSD :D they are big sooks... ;)

It depends why he was whining in the first place, if he was whining while in his crate, he may have needed to go to the toilet?

You need to remember he has just come from a place where he had littermates and company all the time aswell as his mum, and now he is out in the big world on his own, try and see it from his point of view, it can be quite a lonely shock for a puppy...

I would try and not lock him in a crate in your room with the door shut as that is isolating him from you and the family, have him crated if you must, but perhaps in a place where he can still see you, so has a little more sense of security and give him something to chew on like a pigs ear or a nice kong toy :rofl:

Banging on the door will only frighten the puppy and he will only learn that being in a crate is not a nice thing, whereas you need to teach him that is a good and secure place for him, so he will enjoy going in there :)

Hi Pockets, I know its early days and must be very strange for him and yeah he does seem a right sook already :o . He's only ever in the crate at night or when I go out which isn't often and he's never in it when we're in, will leave our door open next time though and won't bang on door :D hadn't thought about it scaring him. God I think I should maybe just chill out and enjoy him rather than overthinking everything and trying to analyse everything he does.

You'll see we picked Rebus in the end so your more than welcome to use Jura if you get anymore ;) .

Thanks Bundy's Mum and Fuzzy82 good advice and I will take it all on board :D

Puppies will cry and whine regardless, but he will eventually learn :rofl:

If your going out, you can always leave the radio on aswell for a bit of background noise for him, but I would give him something like a pigs ear to chew when you go out :)

Dont just use the crate when you go out or at night, use it when you are at home too, otherwise he may not like the crate if it always means he is going to be alone :)

Awesome, will keep Jura in the memory bank ;) :D

He is gorgeous by the way.

Your right, just enjoy him, before you know it he will be a big boy and you will wonder where your baby has gone :)

He will cry, he will have accidents on the carpet, he will eat and chew things you dont want him too....the joy of puppyhood :D

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I'm still waiting for my 2 years old to stop... :love::)

It's still a puppy and still unsettled. Give him time :)

Ignore the whining and give him plenty of cuddles when he is quiet and calm. He will pick up what behaviour that works do to get your attention :cry:

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Just remember dogs do what is rewarding. Have a think about how you have responded to the whining, have you turned around to look at the dog, touched the dog, tried to soothe the dog?

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I'm still waiting for my 2 years old to stop... :o:laugh:

It's still a puppy and still unsettled. Give him time :D

Ignore the whining and give him plenty of cuddles when he is quiet and calm. He will pick up what behaviour that works do to get your attention :)

How about not giving him plenty of cuddles and applying NILIF so the dog doesn't get a whole heap of free attention that can actually start off/cemment aniexty type behaviours.

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He is an upset puppy. I don't think ignoring him is the way to go. He is a scared little baby and he's trying to tell you, but you ignore him.

Lavish him with attention and games and do some training with treats, play crate games etc. You should be able to put him in his crate and he should automatically settle when put in there, if you make the crate a rewarding place to be.

When I crate my puppy I cover the crate with a sheet or blanket. He is 8 months old and still will not settle in his crate if it's not covered. But when it's covered he loves it in there, he runs to it when I get his crate treats out and goes in on cue. Some dogs just like it when it's covered.

No, not the right way and given your dog at 8 months still won't settle in the crate you're probably not the best person to take advice from.

You may like to look into a DVD called Crate Games.

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I agree with Pockets - GSDs are big 'talkers' so whining is pretty normal and a lifelong habit with some!
Some are just vocal ... my boy is almost 2 years old and is still a whiner...

Im still waiting for mine to shut up :laugh:

Give him time to settle in. Reward the behaviour you want, and ignore the behaviour you dont.

Just remember he is a baby puppy that has been taken away from the security of his litter. He will be feeling scared and insecure.

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