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Another Sasha Issue...


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Okay, so we've resolved the back issue - she's back to her fruit loop best :D However, now I've discovered another issue...

Because of all the rain we've had, our yard is quite wet and muddy, so before Sash comes inside I have to wipe her feet. The other day, I noticed she was pulling her foot gently away, and when I took a closer look, she is missing some fur between her toes on her back foot. Didn't seem to be bothering her, nor did it seem to be red or inflamed. However, fast forward 2 days and it is now looking a little reddish (and rather like what you would expect a blister that has burst and is now rubbing/chaffing) to look like. She also did a little cry (yep she's realised the value of a sook) when I was wiping her feet last night.

I put some antiseptic spray on it last night, put some cotton wool in to stop the toes rubbing together and put a sock on her (yes, one of my socks - and it was a little amusing to see her walking in it :o ). It stayed on most of the night anyway. Doesn't look any better this morning though. The problem is, she is outside during the day (when we are at work) and her foot is just staying fairly wet and damp on and off during the day. And I don't want to use creams or wet things at night as I'm thinking it might be best to try and 'dry' it out to get it to heal properly? I've asked hubby to buy some antiseptic powder to use at night - and hopefully that may help (until she goes back out during the day, but she'll have a good 12 hours or so a day of it healing with it dry).

I'm not sure what caused the missing hair in the first place - but it seems that because the bare skin is now rubbing/chaffing it's causing the issue - not helped by the dampness in our yard...

Any ideas other (or better) ideas on how I can get this to heal quickly so it doesn't turn into anything nasty?

As always - thank you!! :D

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Ack - poor Sasha - and poor you KL. As usual, I'd be giving your lovely vet a call - but it certainly sounds as if it could be fungal - almost like a hot spot sort of thing. I've had good success with using Curash powder to dry up a hot spot - and do you have any neocort ointment of any sort? But check with your vet about the use of both of those - and I guess it depends how much she's going to lick off.

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Ack - poor Sasha - and poor you KL. As usual, I'd be giving your lovely vet a call - but it certainly sounds as if it could be fungal - almost like a hot spot sort of thing. I've had good success with using Curash powder to dry up a hot spot - and do you have any neocort ointment of any sort? But check with your vet about the use of both of those - and I guess it depends how much she's going to lick off.

Yep that's what the chemist just said too :( - I never considered that actually, didn't think there would be much harm in an antiseptic powder, but when I think about it, it does makes sense. I really don't think she'll get much of it off, mostly cause it's right in between her toes and even I have a hard time getting in there. So she'd probably only get some that kind of over flows. Then again, I'd only put it on her at night, and the sock goes on straight away and she sleeps pretty much straight away... so most would be absorbed I'd imagine by the time she got around to bother licking it? And I wouldn't put alot on anyway, the area affected is only quite small.

So will have to give vet a call - to check what is safest to use...

Nothing can ever be simple with Sash!!! LOL!!!

Thanks Tassie :thumbsup:

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I ended up buying Heritage Downs brand Antiseptic Powder (made for horses, dogs etc) and pretty much natural ingredients - and it's worked a treat :D The yucky patch is healing up nicely (probably also thanks to the yard having dried up too). Added bonus was that she didn't mind having the powder applied (she HATED the antiseptic spray) and didn't show much interest in licking it off.

Highly recommend this powder :thumbsup:

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:thumbsup: Was just thinking about you and Sasha yesterday and wondering how she was going, so it's nice to read this.

That powder sounds great - well worth knowing about - thanks :D

Awww, thanks for your thoughts! Methinks she may have milked it a bit more than it was worth!!!

The powder is around $16 so pretty good value, something to have on hand in the doggy first aid kit anyway :D

Here is a pic with her in her new harness - to allow people to respect our space (and make it easier to walk her whilst pregnant). She thinks she looks quite sharp!!!


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