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Melbourne Rally, Dog Lovers For A Safer Community


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Details of the Melbourne Ralley listed below, with a link to the Facebook Event page. Please join us in the cause for all dogs. Uniting dogs and communty safety. :)

More details will be added as speakers are confirmed, and the program for the day is set. Below is a copy and paste of what is on on the Facebook event page.

Time22 October · 11:00 - 14:00

Location Starting at Federation Square and then on to the Steps of Parliament House, Spring Street, Melbourne.

Facebook Page to the Melbourne Event

Dogs in the Community – a rally calling for the repeal of Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) in favour of a world class, science based animal management strategy in Victoria.

THIS IS A DOG FREE EVENT, SO PLEASE DONT BRING ALONG DOG! - it would be appreciated if you bring along an empty leash and collar to represent your dog/s on the day.

Recent media attention on the issue of canine aggression and dog bite incidents in the community has once again brought issues such as Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) and companion animal management practices to the forefront.

A rally is being held on October 22 at a time to be confirmed in the near future. Meeting place will also be announced in the very near future via this description.

Who is this rally for?

Anyone, not just dog owners, who is interested in the issues regarding dogs in the community. In particular, matters of:

• Community Safety - The current measures taken by government categorically fail to make the community safer, continuing to put the general public at risk, despite proven solutions being available.

• Breed Specific Legislation - All available scientific literature proves BSL ineffective, and academics and Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) universally acknowledge that BSL does not make communities safer from dog bite incidents.

• Animal Welfare - World class, science-driven animal management strategies are in use in many areas of the world. These areas enjoy not only extremely low incidences of dog bites, but animal destruction rates that are considered ‘No Kill’ (<10%).

• Social Progress – Policies such as BSL are 25 years behind other countries in terms of providing a solution that most advantages the community.

• Responsible Guardianship - How do we encourage and ensure responsible dog guardianship?

• Tax Payers - Citizens who want their taxes spent efficiently and effectively, in the best interests of their communities, ought to be alarmed at the current state of affairs. Proven self-funded models are available to make the public safer while simultaneously improving animal welfare.

Our keynote speakers will address these topics in detail from various perspectives.

Can I bring my dog to the rally?

Dogs who serve the community, such as assistance dogs and police dogs, undergo extensive training in order to be behaviourally reliable in crowded situations. A rally is an unfamiliar, potentially challenging/stressful environment for many dogs, which could lead to unexpected behaviours. Therefore, whilst we all love our dogs and would like them to attend, ONLY dogs who have been invited by the organisers prior to the event are to attend. These dogs will act as representatives of all dogs in the community.

Your support of, and compliance with, this decision is sincerely appreciated by all who will attend the rally.

This is a Peaceful Rally!

It is important that the majority of Australians are given the opportunity to identify with our messages as non-threatening and in the best interests of Australian society. This rally is based on peaceful protest and intelligent debate. It is an alcohol-free event and the organisers ask all participants to refrain from disruptive behaviour, including abusive language.

We understand why some owners of particular breeds/types of dogs that are being targeted by the media feel frustration and anger, however, we also understand that the general public – who have been fed a diet of misinformation, media hysteria and political rhetoric – cannot be expected to join us in a call for change unless we engage with them in a positive and productive fashion.

Banners and Signs are encouraged, however the language and phrases used must be chosen carefully (spelling is important!). Slogans such as “Ban Stupid People, Not Dogs” have the potential to create division rather than cooperation. Slogans along the lines of those in the list below are welcome:

“Consult the Experts”

“Deed Not Breed”

“Breed Specific Legislation - Science Disagrees”

“Breeds Don’t Make Bad Dogs, People Make Bad Dogs”

“Education Not Discrimination”

“Breed Specific Policy Fails the Public”

“BSL = Epic Fail”

“Honour Ayen’s Memory – Protection Through Good Policy”

“Media Driven Policy = Failure”

“Dogs: Science + Education = Public Safety”

“Scientists Agree: Abolish Poor Policy”

“Our Kids Deserve Better”

“End BSL, Save Human Lives”

“Science + Research = No BSL”

How can you get involved?

As well as attending on the day, if you wish to donate time or resources to the rally, please email us briefly, outlining how you wish to contribute. Please include in the subject line of your email: your state, followed by ‘HELP AVAILABLE’ and your name, e.g. “VIC, HELP AVAILABLE John Jones”

Please send email to: [email protected]

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Flyers have been designed for the purposes of promoting this rally and for handing out at the rally. If anyone would like to promote this important rally please email [email protected] with the word 'RALLY FLYER REQUIRED' in the subject line. Given the volume of emails they are receiving it is very important that you have the capitalised subject line mentioned above in order to allow them to get to your email (priority is being given to this subject).

Flyers are double sided, A5 size, 2 to a page.

The flyers will be updated as more details are finalised about the rally and some of our speakers confirm their commitment to address the crowd on the day.

Please take some time, have the conversation with some people, and help keep society safer whilst doing your part for animal welfare.

ETA: I have the flyers in PDF format. Not sure how to attach here. Is that possible?

Dog Laws Must Protect Not Endanger - flyer.doc

ETA: Oooh! I think I did it! (See above). Let me know if it works for you :). If so, can print from this one and no need to email NDTF.

Edited by Erny
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I wish I had 100 thumbs to give the thumbs up for the intention and content of this rally.

There is so much science to support the welfare aims that would help make the community safer. And this rally is picking up that fact. Congratulations to all involved.

Edited by mita
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I wish I had 100 thumbs to give the thumbs up for the intention and content of this rally.

There is so much science to support the welfare aims that would help make the community safer. And this rally is picking up that fact. Congratulations to all involved.

Thanks Mita. We are hoping for a big turnout on the day. :)

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Who is organising the Melbourne rally?

Brad Griggs is the main organiser, and quite a few people are helping. :)

Brad Griggs is with National Dog Trainer's Federation (NDTF) - NDTF is heading the event :thumbsup: .

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The flyer is so great guys, Brad sent it through to us so we're going to just mod it to be aimed at Sydney and we will also start distributing.

Our website is now up and running and the Melbourne details are on there too. The amazing Dju created it for us and we can't thank her enough for her time and talents!!

Check it out www.communityk9.com.au

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The website is fantastic, Melza. Well done to all involved with its production (come down and fix mine up if you'd like a holly in Melbourne sometime, lol). What's happening with the rallies in other States, does anyone know? I understand dates might be different than the 22nd October, but good to keep abreast of up-to-date info.

The flyers are well done, aren't they? Thanks to Brad for those. I think it is a great idea to utilise these and simply change info to suit your individual State (eg. dates, times, venue). Keeps the 'look' static and helps people create an identity familiarisation in their minds so they can spot by sight and know what its about.

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Thanks Erny, we're really happy with it too. Dju who posts here on DOL created everything, we're just doing the content such as the news articles etc.

I should have added too, one of the main reasons we've wanted the website was to direct any potential speakers and the media to it. That way they can see we are professional, balanced and not extreme in any way. The news articles also provides the media with the background to BSL and animal management (I was advised by my friend in media that this is a huge plus as they like their work done for them!). Please feel free to do the same and pass it on to speakers or media for Melbourne.

At the moment from what I know the other states are postponed, and once our rallies are over we are going to try and provide the assistance so they also have the same tone and aims on their day.

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Thanks to Dju for the great work. :thumbsup:

Ditto, from me, too.

At the risk of repeating myself, it is so great to see something proactive being done for dogs. Not something just reactionary.

The science is there about dogs, their management and relationships with humans. This rally's on the ball.

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Ditto, from me, too.

At the risk of repeating myself, it is so great to see something proactive being done for dogs. Not something just reactionary.

The science is there about dogs, their management and relationships with humans. This rally's on the ball.

I get what you're saying Mita, but a point that I think should remain to the forefront of everyone's minds is that we are doing this for the COMMUNITY. The default result we aim for is that, with a better system/law, it will be better for not only the community as a whole, but also for the responsible dog-owners and the dogs themselves.

Edited by Erny
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Ditto, from me, too.

At the risk of repeating myself, it is so great to see something proactive being done for dogs. Not something just reactionary.

The science is there about dogs, their management and relationships with humans. This rally's on the ball.

I get what you're saying Mita, but a point that I think should remain to the forefront of everyone's minds is that we are doing this for the COMMUNITY. The default result we aim for is that, with a better system/law, it will be better for not only the community as a whole, but also for the responsible dog-owners and the dogs themselves.

Yes, amazingly that's where dogs live, alongside people within communities. If I remember correctly, that was also the outcome of the US Vet Association's Task Force looking at dog safety. They also concluded it was a community issue....& for any useful, long-term advances, there had to be community involvement not moves confined only to dog owners & their dogs.

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This thread SHOULDN'T be slipping off Page 1 !!!!!

DOL is a bit quiet lately?

Ever since I 'went away' for a l'il while for surgery?


You are excused if you have been busy delivering and handing out the flyers for the Rally :D .

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