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New Puppy Checklist

Jordan Windebank

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Hey guys, sorry to resurrect my old thread but as the date is getting closer I am now looking to start actually buying stuff.

Can anyone recommend where to get a good puppy pen from? I have seen some on eBay for $50 but I have no idea what to compare this against. Appreciate any advice. :)


Not sure what breed you're getting but the pen in that link won't safely contain anything larger than a toy breed - too low, too flimsy.

Try here http://shop.vebopet.com.au/store/dogs/dog-pen-dog-run/

I'd highly recommend the pen with the top on it. I currently have the largest size sitting in my kitchen and it was well worth the money.

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In regards to a puppy pen. We used the wire panels from Bunnings. I think they are designed for composting. They were pretty cheap and we got 2 sets (4 panels in each set). They have been great. We gave them to a friend who got a puppy and they are still going strong. I think they were $25-$30 a set. Super sturdy and if you want, you can attach them to the top and create a roof that way.

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Thanks a lot guys. SecretKei, why do you suggest a roof? I am getting a Bernese.

I am only planning on keeping the pen whilst he is a puppy until he is fully house trained whilst I'm at work. Not sure how long that will take, do I need to prepare for him to still be in it fully grown?

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We got one of those pens from ozskyway on Ebay for our Staffy puppy (but bigger i think ours was a 40"?) We only used it when he was inside with us but to stop him from running all over the house before he was fully house trained. We used it from 8 weeks - 14 weeks (at which time he was about 10kg at 14 weeks).

It was actually very sturdy and did the job great. if its inside not pegged down sure it moves a little if they flop down against it but they're not going to tip it over or get out of it in a hurry. i was very happy with ours and did the job.

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This is my crate. I have GSPs and it fits both my fully grown girl and my 5 month old in it (they like to share sometimes) obviously when they are fully grown they will have to stay in their own ones or it might get a bit squishy!


It is a bit heavy to carry but I still take it to shows and in the back of the car. You might not need a 3rd door (I wanted this for next litter of pups, getting them in the roof is much easier than trying to put one in the door while 3 more escape!!)

It collapses really easily, good doors, has a good metal tray in the bottom which can be taken out if needed. I think I had mine delivered for about $93 I just kept an eye out on their site. Delivery was really quick. I paid extra for my cover at the time and it's really good too. It also has a divider so that you can effectively make their 'room' smaller while your pup is little if necessary.

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Other than what to buy I'd also think about what your goals are with the puppy and how you want to achieve them. Do you want a well mannered pet or do you want a comp dog or show dog etc, do you have a plan as to how you want to achieve those things?

Think about what you are going to do the day you bring your puppy home, how will you show it and teach it how it's life will be?

If you are going to crate train do you have a crate training program to teach your puppy the crate is a good and safe place to be?

What kind of rules and boundaries will you have - will the puppy be allowed in every room of the house, or will it only be allowed in some rather than others? Will it be allowed on the furniture? Where will it be when you aren't home? etc etc

sort of along the same lines as what Huski has written, you need to discuss these things and come to agreement with the other people in the household.

For starters I think the most important thing may be to be in agreement about how you will achieve bite inhibition :) As depending on the puppy, that is sometimes the first thing they'll do :laugh:

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Thanks a lot guys. SecretKei, why do you suggest a roof? I am getting a Bernese.

I am only planning on keeping the pen whilst he is a puppy until he is fully house trained whilst I'm at work. Not sure how long that will take, do I need to prepare for him to still be in it fully grown?

Because some puppies can climb and the ones that can't can usually jump :laugh: .

I had a tubular one without a roof for my Ridgeback as a pup (like this http://shop.vebopet.com.au/store/6-panel-tube-pet-dog-exercise-pen-standard.html). Very sturdy but it only took him a few short weeks to be able to stand and/or jump with his front paws on top and push it around.

I got a lidded one instead for my Malinois pup and am so much happier with it. It's essentially a giant crate, plenty of room and no chance of her escaping it and getting into mischief the second I turn my back! I did buy a small, cheap 60cm high pen from Cheap as Chips just to seperate the dogs whilst eating outdoors and she was jumping it by the time she was 9 weeks old!!

Bernese are large puppies, I'd be looking at getting something as big and sturdy as possible, particularly if you plan on leaving the pup in there unsupervised.

Toilet training can take a while, particularly if you're working during the day and not home to take the puppy out frequently to begin with. An adolescent dog (regardless of whether or not he is toilet trained) may well find joy in tearing up the house when left alone too. ;) A dog run might be a better option.

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