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Famed Iraq Dog Makes Headlines Again

Red Fox

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A dog that was flown from Iraq to America as part of a national campaign to help the family of a killed soldier has again made headlines.

Hero, who was rescued from the Iraq war zone after its owner, Justin Rollins, was killed by a roadside bomb in 2007, has been captured in an eerie photo.

An ABC News reporter, who went to catch up with Rollins' parents Skip and Rhonda recently, captured a photo of Hero standing in a beam of sunlight shining through broken clouds.

"As this dramatic ray of light was shining on Hero she turned to look at me and it was all I could do to hold the camera steady and not drop it in astonishment," reporter Kimberly Launier wrote on the ABC Newswebsite.

"It was an unforgettable moment and made me wonder if in fact Justin was in there."

The last photos Rollins' girlfriend and family saw of him were taken after he and his fellow soldiers rescued a litter of puppies from a portable toilet near their camp.

After seeing the photos, Mrs Rollin asked if she could have one of the puppies her son was holding.

The story attracted wide public interest and the puppy was eventually found and flown to their home in New Hampshire — via Bahrain, Brussels and New York — where it arrived to enormous media coverage.


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Here is the pic they are referring to incase anyone cannot open the link. ;) It's a gorgeous pic.


I cried when I read it. Although I have been meaning to read the link here on DOL, I found it this morning whilst looking for another news story on nine msn.

I cried because it is such a lovely story and because I can relate to it. :(

Only yesterday while we were outside playing with Takoda and Jasmine, I stopped for a moment to admire Takoda and realised just how much she not only is very similiar to how Gyps was in nature - but also looks like her.

I took a couple of photos as I was thinking this... both came out with a similiar effect.

This one shows it up more. My first thought when I saw it was "Gyps is in there".

It's not the first pic I have taken of Takoda that has showed up some kind of aura around her. It makes you wonder sometimes.....


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