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Snake Repellant

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I remember a topic on DOL last year regarding a snake repellant.

My sister has inherited a new dog from a couple that have gone into a n ursing home,and it turns out she chases snakes, so my sister cant leave her alone in the home yard, which is well fenced but of course cannot keep snakes out.

Can a doler please refer me to the topic and/or relate whether it works or not.

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Thankyou, yes that is a great help.Sounds like it will be just the thing. My sister said she didnt know she had so many snakes, as she doesnt see all the ones that slither through her home padock, but the dog certainly does.

Before relying on electronic snake repellers, you might want to encourage her to have a read of this.. http://www.aussiepythons.com/forum/herp-help-38/solar-snake-repellent-118888/

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oh dear!!! Now I am confused, and woried I may have steered her in the wrong direction.I will forward this info to my sister as well, and leave the decision up to her. I guess, if a person is desperate they will be open to try anything. I am disappointed as I had hoped they would be a goer for her.

Thanks for the update.

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Not sure if this is what you're referring to, but a friend of mine has them all over her 30 acre property and they work a treat:



Wonder who RehuZ is... it's their first and only post...

I think this is the thread you were searching for?

A person with a single post, recommending a product. A similar MO to what was seen on the herp forum I linked.. curious..


OP, I'd avoid the snakeoil salesfolk and do as the experts suggested- keep the grass short, remove hiding places (stacks of wood, car bodies, tyres, rubbish, etc.) and break the foodchain. Prevention is always better than relying on dodgy cures.

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I didnt notice that the recommendation came from a newcomer. Even if I had I would not have been suspicious of any alterior motive.

Thankyou all for your advice.

Trouble in keeping the house yard clear is that there are lots of established garden beds and trees, so they could provide hiding spots for any snake.

I have passed all this on to my sister. Thank goodness it isnt me, a city dweller that has to contend with all these issues.

The occasional rat is my only problem, and its dead body being brought into the house by the cat or dog!!!

I always joke thats why I got married, it is my husbands job to get rid of the bodies!!

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I'm trying to think outside the square, but is it a big dog whose pawsteps would scare the snakes away too? Perhaps a little cat bell? I don't know, perhaps all just very silly, just a few ideas :p

Panto has killed a red belly black in my parents' yard before, I was out and nearly fainted when my dad called to tell me. She went to the vet, stayed for observation but was completely fine thank goodness.

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