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Rehoming - Thoughts


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I recently made the heartbreaking decision to rehome one of my girls. She didn't turn out to be show quality and honestly I hadn't really planned on rehoming her, but a potential home came up for my boy but the more we talked the more I knew that the girl would be the perfect fit.

Lots of stress and tears later, she is happy as a lark with another DOLer and much happier than she would've been living out her days as part of a pack as she really is more human bonded. Now she gets to be the center of attention.

All in all it is what is in the dogs best interests. To me the difference between a pet and a breeder doing it is the commitment... as a pet owner, they take on one, maybe two or three dogs... this small number of dogs are brought in at 8 weeks old at a minimum and not bred so there should be a fair degree of predictability regarding the dogs they have brought in and if they have carefully made their decision to begin with then the dog should never grow too big for their lifestyle... I think that the excuse of getting rid of a dog because you've had a baby is a load of bollocks unless there are very special circumstances. As I see it, a breeder is making a commitment to the breed and not specifically to a dog. If we want to keep improving the breed we can't keep whatever we get and breed from that, we have to keep looking at finding and breeding better examples to continue on with, this sometimes means that those examples we currently have may live better with others than being part of a large pack or worse still, stuck in kennels. I think it all boils down to how you go about making the decision to get a dog and why the decision has been made to rehome it.

Not all pet people rehoming are doing the wrong thing and not all breeders rehoming are doing the right thing.

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Also is selling an older puppy rehoming or selling an older puppy?

Many breeders/Exhibitors keep a dog to "run on", knowing that it may well end up being sold at a later stage.

Many pet owners are happy for the opportunity to buy an older puppy, as working life makes for a tricky puppy infancy for some owners.

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We have rehomed older dogs & never regretted it,99% of the time its people who already have one of our dogs & want a mate without the puppy stage or its people who have had ours & lost there last dog but through age don't want a puppy but an older dog .

We have placed a number with older people who lost there previous dog & the dogs have lived the loving loyal life

We wont just rehome to any tom ,dick or harry especially as our dogs are use to a lifestyle of us being home all the time & other dogs for company .

We don't have to rehome any but i do believe some dogs thrive more when this option is workable & with the right home.

Rehoming here breaks our heart too but sometimes you now some dogs will thrive in the right home than be part of the pack & left home on weekends or missing out .

The joy we get in return is the owners coming back so thrilled with there new mate & it being the perfect solution to there needs & the perfect home for our dog

This post summed it up for me Showdog, well said...I will pass many a person until the 'right' one is found.

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