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Spoiled Rotten Pooches

Steph M

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This is the gang at mum's house, we have Perry, who's the loveliest loveliest thing ever.

He's an English Setter, I've been meaning to email his breeder and let her know just how fantastic he is.

He's just hit 13, which is old for his kind, he's put up with all manner of rubbish from the little dogs and probably us as kids too, I still have photos of him in outfits!



As you can see, he doesn't see so well now, but still manages to find his way onto the couch when no one is looking...

There's Noodle and Petunia too. They kinda come as a unit, Noodle was a stray, maltese of some description, who helped himself to our hospitality around Easter, he was skinny and we suspect his previous people hadn't been too nice to him, so mum fished him out from under the train platform and fed him up on chicken breasts etc for weeks and weeks, he now expects this kind of treatment all the time and runs her life, he gets grumpy if she sits up to watch a movie and isn't in bed by what he deems to be an acceptable time, he stamps up and down the windowsills talking loudly to himself when he says its walk time and anything Petunia does that gets her attention, I;E being scared of certain floor materials (she only has one eye, so I don't think she gauges things so well, but if she hesitates and gets encouraged, he will mimic her and feign the same fears.

Petunia is a pet shop shih-tzu, I worked in one for my first real job at about 18 and she was the last puppy over, no one wanted her and she was due to disappear, so I took her home. Mum was not amused, but now would never ever admit she ever thought that way!

She has a host of little health issues, obviously a puppy farm drop out, but her kneecaps are fragile, she had cherry eye, a hernia, ended up losing an eye, her little back is a bit swayed and she is allergic to lots of things, which is awkward because she's the biggest piglet! She will eat everything, and is mum's kitchen companion.



Opening their christmas presents!


Puppy photo of Petunia.




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Oh no, the council was notified and our details given to them, the general consensus was that if we were willing to hold onto him they would notify the pound we had him.

he wasn't chipped, desexed or wearing any ID. We popped flyers up in vets, parks and shops, notified petregister etc and posted on Gumtree and the LDH lost/found forum, but no one came forward, he was like the mystery dog, still, when he realised he was staying he made himself quite at home, obviously.

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