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Great Prices On Crates In Wagga Wagga


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I enquired on wire crates at Riverina Co-op on Moorong street, and apparently was the first to ever do so. But the prices they will sell them for are so cheap! I don't know the prices for all of them, but around $200 less than Pet barn and at around $100 less than the other pet shops in town. Also cheaper than ordering over the internet and getting them freighted out here.

I explained what they were used for and the lady in charge of pet stock is actually going to order in 2 of medium, large and extra large sizes. So in a few weeks they should be there to have a look at and they will have more sizes and more stock to order in if people want them. Talk to Carolyn if you are interested.

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Kyliedelonge, Thanks for the info, I had a look but the only ones I could find on their website was the 42" crate, and if that is their Jumbo these are still cheaper :)

Look up the jumbo hammertone cage. It's massive. Much much bigger than a normal fold down crate. (this one doesn't fold down) my boy is big and very long and he has plenty of room.

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