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Adult Teeth Defects?


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Hi, this is my first post here, so I appologise if I haven't got it all quite right.

I have an 11 month old rough collie, she is an absolute sweetie but seems to be having drama with an upper canine. A week after we got her at 4 months old she ripped the baby canine out play attacking something and the hole in the gum healed up and she didn't teeth till around 7-8 months old. At about 9 months we realised that these seemed to be a defect on the adult canine, which over the next few weeks has also become apparent lingual side as well as labial side. We took her to our local vet who gave us two choices, 1. leave the tooth till it eventually becomes infected and pull it out, or 2. pull it out now. I've done a lot of reading and don't feel that pulling a canine is a wise idea unless absolutely necessary, and the vet eventually admitted he had never seen anything like it before, so I can't say I trust his opinion. I was hoping someone here would have 1. seen this before/ know what it is 2. be able to recommend a doggy dentist who will do a repair (properly, not just over the damage with resin). I've linked a picture from outside and inside her mouth.

Labial View

Lingual View

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Personally I'd leave it alone. It looks like it's only discolouration. Tooth surface looks smooth. Sometimes antibiotics can cause developing teeth to be discoloured though it would be strange for only the one.

The outside is about 1mm deep the inside is about half that...she has also never had any anti-biotics so not sure how it could have happened...

Edited by FauxAngel
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