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Outrage As Young Puppies Put Down Under Dangerous Dogs Act


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Pretty horrendous situation in the UK. I just read this one today:

Dog owners taking legal action after banned breeds are seized by police

Meanwhile hospitalisations from dog attacks are up 50% since the Dangerous Dogs Act was implemented in 1991.

Oh doG that is horrible... I just can't comprehend how awful it would be to have someone come in and take my dog away and kill him (all because of what he looks like).

I don't agree with BSL in any way shape or form but if you live in an area where it is legislated, you must do everything to abide by the law to keep your dog safe (or move to an area where it isn't legislated)..

Owning a staffy cross of unknown parentage in NSW, it is my responsibility to make sure he has the correct registrations, training and socialising..

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Pups look like Heinz 57 varieties to me, I don't think they even have the same father. This legislation sucks. So cruel, so stupid.

And, no, it hasn't reduced dog bites.

Disarming the population would stop gun crimes, Mr. Howard said. Gun crime stats are up.

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