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What Checkups Do You Perform When Preparing For Pups?


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Hi all. I haven't made a post in a while. My mentor has been teaching me many things, but figured I'd get an even greater understanding by asking others.

When your bitch is pregnant, what particular tests do you perform? Particularly to ensure the health of the pups.

I know this is a very general question, but hopefully that allows for the answers to cover a wider scope.

The breed my mentor owns is a larger breed, but I'm after answers from any breeder (big or small).

Thanks all :)

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There aren't any tests that are performed when bitches are pregnant.

Any testing or checks that need to be done are done before the bitch is bred.

The only thing done by some is ultra sound or xray to confirm pregnancy & or how many pups.

This isn't generally needed or essential unless a problem is anticipated as in breeds that routinely need ceasarians or if the owner cannot tell if there is a pregnancy.

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I guess it depends on what you mean by test? Scientific tests- we xray close to due date to get an idea of how many, any potentially blocking, any extra large etc. Non scientific- keeping an eye on gums etc to ensure they aren't dehydrated as our dogs don't tend to drink much, depending on the bitch (some of ours see dinner as an inconvenience) we keep an eye on their weight and make sure they aren't getting to thin (or fat as that can make labour more difficult). We keep an eye on any discharge, temperature recordings closer to the time and just generally look for any signs that she isnt her normal self (all things considered of course :) )

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We ultra sound to confirm pregnancy so we now simply because we run our own business & block off a week to care for pups ,if not pregnant then we can re open that week.

Everything else is simple common sense & knowing your bitch

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