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Van Conversion For 4+ Dogs


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I currently have four dogs: a beagle and three border terriers. I have recently purchased a Renault Kangoo Maxi Crew (Postman Pat style van) to transport them to and from shows and dog sports.

I am looking for a service that will help me convert the four cubic metres of cargo space into a comfortable travelling area for them.

Can anyone recommend something?

Many thanks,


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Services that do this kind of work are usually listed as Auto Conversions. Here's one in Sydney that I got from a Google search. I have no idea of the quality of their work. But the page gives an idea of the various conversions places like this cover... includes dog cages. You could search further under Auto Conversions. Or as Nekhbet's suggested ask a reputable 4WD dealer, who they pass on their requests for conversions to:


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