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Whether you believe it or not, recently my daughter went to see a clairvoyant and she told her that my beloved Jenna, my first and special Border Collie, was running free with my other babies that I have since had to PTS. I am telling you this in the hope that it will give you comfort. They leave us physically, but they are there waiting for us when our time comes. Jenna was PTS in September '99, and I miss her everyday. BUT the time will come when we will be once again, together again. Have faith and hope.

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I so hope you're right. Its been 21 weeks tomorrow since I lost my Hans and 23 weeks on Sunday since I lost my boo. Next week I'll be saying the same just add one to the weeks. You can't get over it if you loved them and if they are your children as mine are, the sadness has to be their forever. If I really knew they were up there some where I'd PTS tomorrow to be with them and to say sorry.

God is supposed to seee even the tiniest sparrow fall but he missed my two. Didn't even get to say good bye to my little Boo. How hard is that to live with!

Edited by Hansky Mum
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Thank you but I feel sometimes I just want to go and join him now. Its been 6 weeks this Friday and it doesnt feel like it gets any easier :thumbsup:

You know what? It does.

Patchie (Baby Pog) was PTS 18 months ago. I miss her every day, and whenever I talk about her passing, I cry for ages. But each day passes without me sobbing when I remember her. I can now even talk about her without my eyes tearing up. I can even post about her and I'm OK. It doesn't mean I love her any less, or that I miss her any less.

I often see Patchie running around, happy and healthy. Jasmine and Patchie play "Chasings" all the time.

Your babies are gone from the physical plane, but they're still with you. You don't need a clairvoyant to tell you that (although she's right).

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