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Knuckling Over - Flexural Disformity


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Hi there

I will give you a bit of background...I have a 9 and a half week old boxer pup which i got one week ago today. when he arrived i noticed the claws on his right paw were completely work down. i assumed he may have been scratching at his crate over the 2 day trip travelling down to where we live. since then, we have noticed that the same paw knuckles over and he walks on its side. he is showing no signs of pain or discomfort, but visually it has become obvious. we took him to the vet last night for an examination, and they said it looks like he has 'flexural disformity'. the definition in a simplified way, is the bone is growing faster than the soft tissue around it. it is commonly seen ion staffies and dobermans, although they had never seen this on a boxer. usually is occurs in both paws - although with our little guy it is only effecting the right paw.

it appears that in most cases, this is something that the pup will grow out of with the right diet, limited exercise, and grippy surfaces (not lino/tiles etc).

has anyone experienced this before? or give any advice on what we can do to try and rectify the issue? diet suggestions? we live in New Zealand. we are booked in for another check up in a week to see if any progress has been made, but if there is anything we can be doing to help the situation, we are keen to hear any suggestions.

thanks in advance, Alicia :)


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