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Herding Trial At Lancefield


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Hi thought i would start a new topic as this was getting lost in the beginners herding one.

there is a instinct and herding test set for the friday & Saturday after christmas, Lovely Venue, they have the champ show on right next door for sticky beaks and camera buffs.

a great day and a lot of fun, if you wish to go in please pm me and i can give you the coordinators email (by her permission) for you to advise you wish to come and run your dog, $10, there should be 2 judges so the possibility of getting your first stage of your herding career if you advise now you can go in the catalogue so should get preferance to those just turrning up on the day!


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yup the club is running both on the same day so the canteen and facility doesnt have to be set up and run seperate days and keeps costs down a bit

so if you have a VCA membership and have a herding breed or recognisable X of a herding breed or a Utility dog with herding background u can enter

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Sparty, I emailed the coordinator and haven't heard anything back. Have you heard yet if the Saturday tests will be happening? Could you please let me know when you do? If it is on I'll be coming with my two dogs, a friend with her two and another friend is a strong possibility with his two...That's 6 dogs for the HIC tests! I think as there are so few Herding things to go to, I may have to skip work to go to the Friday one if they cancel the Saturday one...

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Hi Herding Friends

I spoke to Dennis and Di Haywood this morning and it is still on. If it is too hot on the 30th then they will hold it on the 31st.

I'm looking forward to seeing if my baby can pass his HIT.

His mum and a couple of his siblings will be there also.

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I spoke to Dennis and Di Haywood this morning and it is still on. If it is too hot on the 30th then they will hold it on the 31st.

Does that mean it will only be held on the 31st if it's too hot the day before? ie. only held on one day, not two like it was going to be?

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Sorry but I can't answer all your questions.

I was told if it is too hot on 30th then it will be held on the 31st

The following is what was in the Vic Herding Ass Newsletter Nov 2005

"Lancefield Kennel Club Holding Instinct and herding tests enter on the day on December 30th commencing at 8.30am at lancefield park in conjunction with their Championship show.

Judges R Sutcliffe & W McMillan"

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So if it starts at 8:30am, do I need to be there before then to enter? Like at 8?

I was told if it is too hot on 30th then it will be held on the 31st

How will everyone know if it's too hot (what is too hot?)? Will everyone just turn up, coming from near and far, and be told on the Friday that it's been moved to the next day and to go home and come back tomorrow?

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I have a couple of questions about ANKC herding...Will Fox's barking while herding affect how he goes in his HIC tests? Is barking frowned on? Also Hope works best at the moment with sheep when I encourage her (eg. "go get them - bring the sheep")...Am I allowed to talk to/direct her? I mean she's OBSESSED with herding ducks, so her instinct is really strong, but she's only just learning that sheep can be herded too. I thought since the test is only $10, I would give her a go now...

Does play-bowing and doing zoomies around the sheep count as interest? :(

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lol from the amount of barking at the last trial i dont THINK it will LOL

im going to give Di a call wed/thurs next week to see that is going on so i will post what she says

LOL i can just see the dizzy sheep falling over from watching Hope hehehe

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I think both Hope and Fox will be just fine for the HIC tests- and no, there's nothing I can see preventing a dog from barking while working in ANKC trials or tests.

The standard for the HIC tests is very basic- its just about interest and very basic instinct ( :p )- they aren't expected to be perfect or even consistently good. Enter them both, and don't worry about it- you'll be fine, and have a great time!

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I just saw the weather forcast for Friday and Saturday - 35 & 31.

I won't be there on either day. My car doesn't have air conditioning. :)

Gambit is hot at any time, and he will be even hotter in the car for a couple of hours and in the heat when we get there. I can't put Gambit through that.

To those who are still going, good luck.

Wendy & Gambit

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Apparently they had 15 dogs today, and it has been called off for tomorrw *stamping foot* NOT FAIR!!!!!!!! bloody work i have been looking forward to this for 5 months, but because i started a new job no time off :D so i miss the one day they do get thru :p

will speak to Di later hopefully.. see if it is to be rescheduled or not.....

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hi every one,

just had to share my little brag

cooper gained 2 passes today at lancefield so we have gained our herding intinct test wooo hooo :D

i am as proud as punch.....not bad seems cooper is only 10 mths

cheers sam and cooper :bottom:

herding here we come ;) ;) :) :p

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congrats wagalot!!!! and congrats to cooper too!! it can be addictive :D

im sitting here typing when i would have been diving to the trial *pout*

I hear Hope and Fox also did very well!! any photos from friday guys??

It will now be a week before bodie gets to see sheep poor thing, he is having withdrawlas and giving the chickens the "eye"

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Hope and Fox both passed both their Instinct tests! ;) I was so pleased with them! Hope went first and she shocked me with her excitement and enthusiasm. She raced in to the pen, straight to the sheep and stayed focused on them for her entire go! :thumbsup: Wow! There's hope yet! Her second go she shut down and only picked up after I started moving briskly around the pen. She only just scraped through with this one, but she did pass!

Fox surprised me too - with his almost total silence! :laugh: I think he barked only once at the very end of his last go. He was very calm and focused and did very well. he even won the 'Runner-up best over both trials'!

;) Congratulations wagalot! :laugh:

Now I can't wait for the end of January to see how Hope and Fox act at the Herding day! They seem to change each new time they see sheep. 26 days to wait!

Sorry you missed out Sparty :D ...I hear you might be hosting a trial/training day soon at your place? (If you can't come to them. get them to come to you! :D )

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