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What A Morning


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Well this morning I found a chewed up bottle of eye drops in Eddie's cubby house

So we rushed off to the vet who looked at the ingredients and said, he'll be fine (thank god)

We were going tonight to the vets anyway as some may remember I posted about Eddie's sesamoid injury which has been going for about 6 weeks, with various treatments

He's not lame anymore but he is also not doing much apart from swimming and obedience - no running and only short walks, it does not seem to be bothering him

His toe is "loose" it sits funny when his foot is down and the nail is longer than the others as there is no pressure holding it down

So they are xraying him at the moment to investigate further, and I am at work, not feeling particuarly motivated and just waiting for them to ring really so I can get my baby home and hopefully have a definate on what is wrong

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Hey Shoemonster,

Hope all goes well with Eddie today - poor little fella, he has had a rough trot! Nothing worse than waiting around for vets to phone when you have a sick one..... :rolleyes: .........

I watched a video of your guy i think it was Eddie - running into the pool - it was on the dogs in motion forum - if i am correct???????? :cry:

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Malleerr, yep that was Eddie!!!

CBL, hopefully we will be there, I can't see them wanting to confine him again or anything, he's not in any pain or anything

I will post when the vet rings, still waiting waiting waiting! :rolleyes:

I hate him being there, though he's probably trying to win everyone over

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Mmmm, depends on what you mean by "good"!!!

Bad news is that he has fractures in all 4 toes on his right foot, they are little chips and the worst is the one that is sitting funny

But the good news is that the treatment we are already giving has been correct and he doesn't require any surgery or further confinement or anything

We will still stop him from running and jumping but can go to obedience and short walks and gradually build it up and his swimming is definately a thumbs up!!!

We're going to look at it in another 6 weeks and hopefully it will fuse and cause no real problems in the future, but worst case he has anti inflammatries as needed in the future and it may get arthritic

So fingers crossed for further healing for my boy

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