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Drooling In Drive?


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Flames_Daddy was just outside with Flame. He's been working on increasing her prey drive by teasing her with a ball and a squeaky toy for the last few weeks.

She was totally hyped, leaping etc for the ball. He told her sit, she sat....... and drooled. She is not normally a drooly dog, but she had two rivers of drool that hit the ground in a very short space of time (ie running fast!). Sorry if that sounds gross, but it's the only way I can describe it!

Now I can understand drooling for food items, but I dont think I've ever heard of a dog drooling for a squeaky toy before... so is this something that would normally happen with a dog when it is high in drive?

And I can assure you this is definitely not fear or agression or anything like that.

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Pavlov conditioned his dog to drool at the tone of a bell so maybe somehow you have conditioned your dog to drool for a squeeky toy. Either that or the squeek has envoked a predatory drive and your dog thinks that the item is edible.

Would need to see it to make a diagnosis

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Its an anxiety thing ... the dog is so excited its drooling! Dont worry too much I have a Malinois that has two lines of drool hanging off her when she sits and has to wait for her rewards or if she's REALLY excited she's covered in foam like a mad thing. She's been checked for abnormalities by the vet and I've asked trainers but its seems to be excitement brings it on.

Fear and aggression, look at the body language. If the dog is sitting, pacing its front feet a little with its ears pricked foreward and eyes shining while it drools it wants the toy. If it was fearful its posture would be hunched or ears back, avoiding direct eye contact. Aggression would not usually be just sitting there drooling but other signals like growling, standing up etc.

Just means all that encouragement is working! Keep up the good work (and the tissues :))

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Well, this is the first time she's drooled for a toy, and she only did it once. Playing/training continued for another few minutes afterwards and she didnt drool again, so no, not Pavlov's dog syndrome.

The squeaky toy is something that has been around for about 6 months, so it's nothing new. There was nothing about that particular circumstance that was any different (at least that I could see).

If I have a video camera handy and she does it again, I'll take some footage.

I just found it very weird!

Hey Nekhbet. Here's a pic of her when she wants the ball. No signs of fear or agression here (unless of course you happen to be the ball, and then you should be worried!)


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come on no dobe photos or I'll be forced to increase my family by 1 ... well I suppose the non human head count is 19 I may as well round it up to 20 hehehehe :)

There are different levels of anxiety, drive and excitement in a dog and they all produce differences. She could be breaking through to another level of excitement at the moment since you are training to increase her drive towards that toy. If you are making the toy the reward for her drive you will find her body language change every time she sees it. I have heard of a GSD so focused on a ratty old tennis ball it broke through a door and nearly pulled a fridge onto itself to get at it. If you are really worried get her checked at the vet for any abnormalities but I would put it down to excitement.

boooooootiful dobey I think I may need to pinch her for a ... few ... year ... cough

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come on no dobe photos or I'll be forced to increase my family by 1 ... well I suppose the non human head count is 19 I may as well round it up to 20

:) That's a lot of non-humans in the house! You must have fun at feeding time!

If you are really worried get her checked at the vet for any abnormalities but I would put it down to excitement.

Nah, we're not worried about it, we just thought it was strange. We are fairly certain it was training related, but I just hadnt heard of it before.

boooooootiful dobey I think I may need to pinch her for a ... few ... year ... cough

Thanks! We think she's beautiful too! Lucky we dont live in the same city, or I'd have to padlock her up to stop you dog-napping her!! :shhh::(

Doesnt Lablovers dog drool in drive as well? I think he does...

Hmm... thanks! I might PM Lablover and see what she says...

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Jbb:She is not normally a drooly dog, but she had two rivers of drool that hit the ground in a very short space of time (ie running fast!)

K9: yes its a stress related condition. As the dog has already had some training in drive, when you try & "build" more drive through frustration, the dog thinks that it isnt getting the moves right & feels that it has lost the path to success (drive satisfaction)

This causes stress & manifests in Flame in the form of drool....

It will pass..

M: Doesnt Lablovers dog drool in drive as well? I think he does...

K9: he loses another body fluid.

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Thanks Steve. She only did it once, but we'll keep our eyes open for it again and keep in mind that she may be getting stressed.

It seems like the training in drive workshop is never getting here!! Four weeks still seems such a long time to wait! :shhh:

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Would this be the same as when a dog drools while doing agility? I have seen it mainly in what I term 'high drive' dogs of working breeds - manic bc & kelpies mainly. You can see the drool as they are on course etc. They are certainly highly aroused and look to be having a great time..

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Poor Stamp. He does lose two types of body fluid.

Until about 16 months ago Stamp would become so stirred up before training that he would become sexually excited and ejaculate. I would simply have no other option than to wait, until he settled and he could comfortably walk again and off training he would go. Interestingly, and I am sorry to type on regarding topic, this as mentioned became less so. BUT, at least once a week I will notice he will still ejaculate for no obvious reason. I simply mob up or blot up the ejaculate, if it occurs in the house.

Finally to the topic at hand. If I am training another dog, and Stamp is in his crate, he always comes out looking like Santa Claus. I must remember to take a photo one day.

He may drool particularly on what we call pattern work, where I may delay my NORMAL send off sequence. He will also suck up his left top lip, when he is very focused beside me or out in the field. Funny dog Stamp. He so loves to work.

Added:I worry about the stress Stamp places on himself. I try so hard to calm him down. I will ponder about stress factor more. Damm if it not one thing is another with damm dogs, LOL.

Edited by Lablover
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Would this be the same as when a dog drools while doing agility? I have seen it mainly in what I term 'high drive' dogs of working breeds - manic bc & kelpies mainly. You can see the drool as they are on course etc. They are certainly highly aroused and look to be having a great time..

K9: can be but also be aware that high activity (increased respitory action) can cause this too...

LL: Poor Stamp. He does lose two types of body fluid.

K9: poor? Stamp? :shhh:

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K9: can be but also be aware that high activity (increased respitory action) can cause this too...

Yep, am entirely aware of that and don't believe that's the reason in the cases I'm talking about.

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OK. When I see signs of manic drive, can I keep interrupting or delaying in sending Stamp, by stroking him and soothing him?. This seems to have him less stressed and keeps him sitting straight, instead of all tensed up, chest close to the ground and ready to fly.

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Pavlov conditioned his dog to drool at the tone of a bell so maybe somehow you have conditioned your dog to drool for a squeeky toy. Either that or the squeek has envoked a predatory drive and your dog thinks that the item is edible.

Would need to see it to make a diagnosis

Your Gamin looks so much like my Ice. Sorry to get off your subject, but it is quite amazing. Sue
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