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Need To Rant! Off Topic

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This is not the section I should be putting this in, but as I post here the most and most people would know about me and my dogs by now, I thought I would put this in here.

Our beautiful 12 month old German Shepherd (Who has been coming along in leaps and bounds with his 'drive' training) has been off colour for the last several weeks and has been getting worse.

He was lethargic, not as motivated as usual and whining alot. So I took him to a vet who told me had he gastro, to put him on a bland diet and he gave him a pain killer.

Within a week he had gone downhill and I was NOT happy with first diagnosis, so took him to another vet at the same clinic. Next vet said there's nothing wrong with him, but maybe his back is out so take him to a chiropractor.

So yesterday I take him an hour and a half drive away to the closest qualified chiropractor who spends 10 minutes having a look at him and says there is something seriously wrong with him, it is NOT chiropractic and to take him straight back to my vet and get x-rays, bloods and urine sample. She rang my vet and told them to look at him straight away and sent through everything she thought it was.

So hour and a half BACK to my vets and they take a urine sample (Very high protein and blood in the urine) and we sedate him and take x-rays and bloods.

I'm waiting for the results of bloods today, but from the x-rays we could see that he has a very large tumour on either his spleen or his kidney, it's the size of a tennis ball. He is going to need surgery within the week to hopefully remove it, but the vets said they have never seen a 12 month old with a tumour and it's very unusual.

I am SOOOOO mad at my vets right now it's not funny :thumbsup: TWO of them in a week that couldn't find anything wrong and I go to a complete stranger who spots it within 10 minutes. I wanted to vent this for two reason. One because I am very worried about him and hope that it's operable and that he makes it ok, and two because sometimes even getting a second opinion isn't good enough. If you know you're dog and you KNOW something isn't right, DON'T take the vets word for it if you're not happy with the diagnosis! :cry:

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wyvernblade, how absolutely sad :) :p :rofl: . I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope everything goes OK.

I agree, your vet should have picked this up. Not the tumour necessarily but that your dog wasn't getting better. My vet rings if I've had bella in for anything to see how she's going. He also says come straight back if she doesn't get better. I am not happy with your vet either :rofl:

Sending healing vibes to your GSD :cry::thumbsup:


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I hope everything goes well for your boy.

Yes I agree we as dog people who spend lots of time with our dogs know when they are not right. I hate when others say "oh he'll be right take him home and if he is not okay in a week bring him back" :cry: You have already bought your dog there because he is "Note Alright"

I would ask for a refund of the first 2 consults, and meds for the misdiagnosis. I would also ask the vet to refund you the costs of the chiropractor as well.

Good on you for being so persistant. :thumbsup:

If we don't stick up for our four legged friends no one else will.

Good luck and let us know how things go.

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wyvernblade :thumbsup:

It is so important to have a good vet that you trust. I agree if you are not happy with what they tell you , go and get a second opinion.

All in all a week before you taking him to the vet and the diagnosis will not make a huge difference to the wellbeing of your dog, but in a different situation could mean death.

Keep us posted on how he is going and hugs for all.

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wyvernblade I am so sorry to hear of your anguish. I've had a couple of situations where my dog's have been misdiagnosed on fairly serious conditions so I know just how angry and frustrated you are. Will be keeping you and your precious boy in my thoughts.

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Im so sorry to hear this, I hope your boy makes a full recovery, if nothing else he has his young age and fittness on his side. Yep you need to trust your instincts, when you know something is wrong keep going till someone finds the problem. If only own babies could talk. Give him a big hug from me and sending one to you too I think you need it. Keep us informed.

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My vetis the same as Bellaspersons vet, mine calls to check no reaction to vaccs!!!!! Let alone anything else, antibiotics, calls daily to check, bite wound: change dressing FREE of charge for 4 days. I do not pay an arm and a leg for this service either, he is actually less for an consult and vacc than the other "animal hospital" in our town. I am with the others, you are within your rights at ask for refund or the costs of the 1st misdiagnosis and meds to be repaid or deducted from the cost of the upcoming surgery and treatment. Just because a tumour that size is not normal in the animal that age, does not discount it as possible if the symptoms fit . :thumbsup:

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Sorry to read of your dog. I would swap vet practices.......but they are only human, I suppose. I can well imagine your distress. The second vet, more than the first (after all how often do we hear some professionals performing unnecessary procedures/tests, and we may complain), should have been more aware and performed maybe some basic tests.

Nevertheless did the chiropractor palpate and feel/see the swollen spleen.

Good luck with your darling!!!! Keep us informed.

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Thanks for all your kind thoughts everyone, it helps! I will pass on your well wishes to the boy and hopefully it will help. And yep LL all she did was palpate the abdomen and could feel a lump straight away...................There is another vet practice near us, think I may try them next time :thumbsup:

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And yep LL all she did was palpate the abdomen and could feel a lump straight away...................There is another vet practice near us, think I may try them next time :thumbsup:

In this case, I would be .......................screaming like a banshee.

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:confused: Feeling like screaming like a banshee I can tell you!!!!My poor boy is lying panting on the kitchen floor at the moment and they still haven't got blood results back to me, I want to bite them on his account :p He has gone downhill very quickly (last 3 weeks) but STILL!!! Any vet should have been able to pick up that lump! NOT the third one I went too................I wish they could talk, it would be so much better for them :p
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Tuck the poor boy up in a nice comfy bed, keep him warm and comfy, take three deep breaths and have a half a drink. There's nothing they will do till tomorrow and the lump won't get bigger overnight. This could take a while to sort out so you need to stay calm until they come back with treatment options.

Give him a big hug from me and Bella and Bruno.

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Thanks Bellas Person! He is tucked up in front of the fire, I have had SEVERAL drinks :p and am feeling quite calm thankyou, and just hoping for the best outcome now. Will keep everyone informed and thankyou all again for your best wishes, it has helped alot :confused:

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I have heard that a third of a bottle of red is actually good for you.......shame you have to drink the first two thirds to get to that GOOD third :p Yes, he is a 'He' his name is 'Lane'. He's a long coated Shepherd, a very handsome boy and I have posted a pic so you know what he looks like. And now, back to my Pinot......................... :confused: and yes I am calm now and waiting.......................


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He is beautiful :p It's such a shame about the misdiagnosis you have gone through, our vet is wonderful and I think we as dog owners/lovers know instinctively when something isn't quite right with our kids. I know it's a horrible thing to say but I do think some vets are more money orientated and that clouds their judgement, saying that I wouldn't trade our vet for the world, who in their right mind would come home from their first holiday in years and on New Years Day to open the surgery to check our boy because he was as worried as we were. I hope your boy makes a full recovery. Best Wishes.


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Wyv .... really sorry to hear not only what you've gone through with the Vets (and I promise you, I KNOW FULL WELL the run around, stress and waste of healing time THAT can be, having dotted around from Vet to Vet myself for my girl) and that Lane is not his usual vital self.

I hope the test results prove to reveal something that is less serious and that requires only simple treatment to cure.

Fingers crossed and best wishes for some good news.

Edited for spelling error.

Edited by Erny
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