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Is This Seperation Anxiety?


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Hi all,

I was wondering if you guys can help me?? I have two dogs, an approx 18mth old girl, and a 6mth old boy. Both staffy x's.

Last week I had them both at the vet, her for lameness in her front, and him for a nasty cut on his hind leg.

Basically, with her, after 2 weeks of vet visits, and the x-rays coming up clear, the vet has told me that she probably has a sprain or muscle injury in her leg, and she has to be confined for 2 weeks, then limited exercise for the 4 weeks after that. As a result, she is in a crate while I am home, and locked in the laundry while I am at work. In the meantime, I was leaving my boy in the yard, (his leg was ok, just needs meds and cleaning, but he is allowed to be out) but the neighbours mentioned that he was crying all day, and nearly tearing down the back door to get to her. The poor neighbours were worried about my girl cos they hadnt seen her for a couple of days... Now I leave him locked in the garage while I am at work, but I when I went to let him out yesterday, I noticed that his front legs were soaking wet, and so was his chest. There were literally pools of saliva at the bottom of the garage door where he had been chewing the door.

I was just wondering if this could be seperation anxiety?? I got him at 8 weeks, and apart from the first couple of months when he was too small to be left alone with her, they are always together.

I kinda upset me to see him like that, and was wondering if there was anything that I could do for him during the day, without him destroying the back door, or hurting himself. He has some toys and food and water in the garage with him during the day.

I cant leave him in the laundry with her, as she is not allowed to put to much strain on her leg at the moment.

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I'll probably get flamed for saying this but is there any chance you can crate them side-by-side when you're not there to supervise? It may be the only way you can keep him from stressing so much whilst she is away from him. It's not an ideal solution but the last thing you need is him deciding to try and escape and running the risk of injuring himself even more.

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That is very typical of bullies, they can't stand to be left alone and it would be terrible for him as he has never been alone. You really want to watch him: they are determined and can do a lot of damage to themselves and other things. My girl ate almost right through a front door and broke all her milk canines on the security screen!!! Not to mention the stress it puts them through :rofl:

As its for only a short time and he will have his friend back soon can you get someone to baby sit for the time your girl needs isolation?? Other than that you are looking at long behavioural desnsitisation courses... You can try things like rescue remedy, but I have found that its not strong enough for this sort of panic. Anti depressants are the other medical option, but again this is not suitable for you as its a short term issue whilst his friend is away and they take a month to kick in just like they do with people.

I think someone, a pet sitter maybe, would be easiest for you. How is the girl doing locked in the laundry?

good luck!


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I'll probably get flamed for saying this but is there any chance you can crate them side-by-side when you're not there to supervise? It may be the only way you can keep him from stressing so much whilst she is away from him. It's not an ideal solution but the last thing you need is him deciding to try and escape and running the risk of injuring himself even more.

Oh that is a good idea!!!! Then she is still confined and he can't hurt her by accident, but he can be with her! I would try it out on a short test first though, go out for maybe a short time and come back as he may still stress at not being *with* her still and may hurt himself if he tries to get out / get to her. But I think that's a really great idea!


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Yeah I think that would work, and you are not doing it permanently

Molly ate through a door to get out a few months back, slowly she has gotten better, but your situation is more urgent and this could be a solution

Do a test run tonight and leave them and go outside and see what they do?

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I was just wondering if this could be seperation anxiety??

Based on your description, it sounds like it.

I got him at 8 weeks, and apart from the first couple of months when he was too small to be left alone with her, they are always together.

This is why we should do independance training with our dogs.

I'd suggest you consult with a reputable vet/behaviourist. Drugs may (or may not) be prescribed - this will depend on the severity of the problem. Either way, the behaviourist will be able to give you a program to follow to improve the situation. (Note: If drug therapy is prescribed, these MUST be in conjunction with a behaviour modification program.)

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Thank you for all your advice.

I am going to try the crate by crate method..... It sounds like it could do the trick. My girl is fine by herself. She has absolutely no qualms with being alone. I get home, and she is just happy to get the chance to go out for a wee :)

He is fine being away from her, as long as he can see her. They are both inside of a night, her in the crate and him on his mat, and he is completeley calm (apart from normal "puppy" stuff), so I think if they are both in crates it might actually be the best option at this point. As was mentioned, because it is only a reasonaly short time, medication probably wont work.

I do train them separately, they both go to obedience on different days, but he has only just started, so that could be why he is still a bit dependant on her I guess.

Again, thank you all for the advice. I will start with another crate and see how they go. :cry: I just dont want him to hurt himself.

Can someone please tell me what rescue remedy is??

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Rescue Remedy is a "herbal" relaxant/calmer/pick-me-up. Many uses for animal and human but can aid in separation anxiety. Be warned though, it is an alcohol base so isn't for everybody.

Edited by ellz
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Here's a link: http://www.bachflower.com/rescue_remedy.htm

I would still try them in the crates together before leaving them for a whole day as it may be different when he is confined... sometimes for dogs like this its their confinement (separation) that can cause the panic, even if they can see the others. It depends on the dog though of course.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.


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OK, I went and got my mums crate the other day, which is actually big enough to fit both the dogs in it. I had them both in there while I was home to see how they would go, and even being in there with her, he was still panicking! He eventually settled down abit, but he was still a bit edgy. He would lie down, but continued to cry. He wouldnt completely settle, and that was while they were both together. I dont know what to do now. I am back to the original option of having him in the garage, and her in the laundry, because I wont risk having him in a crate for long periods of time unsupervised, but he is still slobbering so much when I get home.... It makes me feel like I want to bawl when he comes out of the garage, he is all wet, and he seems quite distressed. You know when a small child has been really upset, and they start "blubbering"?? He does that with his mouth, like he has been crying his eyes out.

I was thinking of perhaps putting her out in the garage with him, but leave her in the crate.... Just dont know how that would go either, because he can be a bit of a sh!t sometimes, and he torments her through the bars :)

Might see if the rescue remedy works.....

I just hate doing this to them, but I need to if I dont want her to stuff her leg permantly :p

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I would still persevere with the crating. Perhaps he was still edgy because he knew that you were still there and was playing on you? They're not dumb. He probably knows that if he acts up enough, you'll let him out. He's really playing with you!!

I personally feel that from what you've described a SAFE and SECURE crate is the best option. A crate inside is a far safer option anyway than leaving him outside where he could escape or injure himself by moving around too much. Provided your crate is in good repair and you make sure he has got comfortable bedding, shredded newspaper on top to absorb the slobber perhaps, then really there isn't that much harm that he could come to in it.

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Can you crate them separately, near each other? They can get hurt even more if they are in together.

That was what I originally suggested.

Different scenario entirely, but I know for my own part that if I have girls in season, the boys settle to sleep far better at night if they are crated nearby. They don't fuss and fidget anywhere near as much when they can see (and smell) them as they do if they are in a different area. That's when I have the midnight howls happening!!

I do think that your presence could be unsettling him when he is in the crate Lokelani. He can sense and smell you and would probably settle down given enough time to do so. And he could also be reacting to your girls' discomfort as well. She may have been moving around which was upsetting him. And I really wouldn't crate an injured dog with an uninjured dog simply because of the risk of exascerbating the original injury. Animals in pain can react unpredictably and the last thing you want is a scuffle with two of them in the crate together.

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do not crate them together unsupervised.

I was there when they were in there together.... Might have a go with the two crates. I thought that if he could lie down with her that he would settle. Will try that tonight and see if he settles a bit more. If he is uneasy because I am there, I will go out of the room for a while. I just dont want to leave him in a crate all day with no-one around before I can be sure that he will calm down is all.

I only have this week where she has to stay completey confined, then the 4 weeks of limited exercise, but I will still have to keep her in a small area during the day, otherwise she runs around like a goose, and will just hurt herself again, so there is another 4 weeks of this really.... I was considering sectioning off a bit of the garage for next week and leaving them both in there during the day so that she cant run around too much, and they will be together, but again, I dont really want her leg to flare up again from getting rough with him, even in a small space.

Will have a go with the two crates side by side and see how they go

Thanks guys :)

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