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My Puppies Have Turned Naughty!


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Hi there

I need some advice - I have 2 x 14 week old Golden Retriever pups. We got them at 8 weeks and taught them to wee and poo outside, and apart from the odd accident they have hardly peed inside at all. In the last week, they have started peeing inside. I do all the right things as in taking them outside after meals and sleeps and playtime etc, but they have started just squatting and peeing when inside and i dont get a second to stop them.

Why have they suddenly started weeing inside when they have been so good? Is it normal to have a relapse in training?

They know it is wrong because they run away after they have done it cos they know they are going to get into trouble. Any feedback appreciated

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Pups can only be fully toilet-trained when they are 5-6 months old, and even after that, there still might be 'accidents' in the house.

Your pups are still very young, and that is why they cannot control their bladder.

You've done a great job by taking them outside after meals, sleep time and play-time but you do need to take them out regularly every 2-3 hours since they are still so young, praise them out loud whenever they did their business outside and if not, bring them back inside quickly so that they will not associate outside with playing time.

I dont think you need to worry much about this. It's very normal. You need lots of patience and consistency. 2 pups are a lot of work but they are a lot of fun, too!

Good luck!

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Hi there

They know it is wrong because they run away after they have done it cos they know they are going to get into trouble. Any feedback appreciated

They DO NOT KNOW it is wrong, they only know that you are angry. How and why would a puppy think going to the toilet was wrong?

There has been hundreds of toilet training topics posted. Do a search and start reading. Two pups will be a lot (a really huge lot :laugh: ) harder to train then one pup.

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