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Amstaff Pup With Limp


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Good luck ILA,

When Mallee had her x-rays normal vet picked up arthritis straight away so hopefully, everything crossed for you, there is no arthritis there yet, and hopefully if an operation does go ahead that will nip it in the butt then...

Let us know how you go tomorrow.


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We have just been to see the vet at Sydney University. She said it’s definitely elbow dysplasia & our vet should have seen it on the first x-ray. She can see arthritis as well as the fragment that needs removing. She said that he is also a good candidate for surgical removal of a small slither of bone in his leg, that will allow the joint to rest on the correct bone (not sure of the names). But she will only do this 2nd part of the surgery after she looks at x-rays taken on the day, as the bones may have caught up in length.

She is also concerned that it could be bilateral, however, will not operate on the left leg at the moment as she thinks that there needs to be more evidence of lameness before it would warrant surgery. But she will do more x-rays when he is admitted.

Apparently, once the 2 surgeries are done to his right leg, the prognosis is quite good & we should only see lameness due to the arthritis after exercise & as he gets older.

Diesel is booked in for surgery on Thursday. We have opted for surgery as oppossed to arthroscopy, as the university do not do arthroscopies & we have been assured the success rate is the same. The surgeon also believes that with open surgery, she can atleast get an overall look at the joint & nothing will be missed.

Edited by ILuvAmstaffs
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Good Luck ILA.

It all sounds exactly the same as Mallee's did - arthritis with bone fragments and also bilateral ED. Her right side was worse than the left. They cut a small piece out of each ulna bone (Ulna Osteotomy) to reduce it in lenght so the two bones ulna and i think its radial will meet up and be the same lenght. Mallee also had a bilateral arthriscope.

Mallee's was 100% successful and still no signs of arthritis a year later so touch wood we can keep that at bay.

Hope you dont mind but here is a pic of her the day we picked her up so you can see what your poor little Diesel will look like :laugh: .

post-7819-1165199770_thumb.jpg post-7819-1165200155_thumb.jpg

Although she was shaved heaps - she only had two little incisions on each leg and cos she had the arthriscope a little hole on the underside on each elbow.

Her scars are really little now and the hair has covered them well, you hardly notice them.

Good luck again, if you have any questions give me a yell.

I'll be waiting on your update :rofl:

Edited by malleerr
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Thanx for the pics. It is the same op as Mallee's, so I'm glad to see that it doesn't look as bad as I'd imagined.

Apparently as they are doing the joint surgically though, he will have about the same size incision across the elbow joint as well.

It feels so good to have decided on a course of action, but sucks that the little guy will have to go thru it all.


Mallee doesn't look too impressed in that first pic!

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No she wasnt too impressed at all...lol...poor little girl...

It was not nearly as bad as i thought it would have been - she was walking around straight away although for a few days she did kind of look real leggy, stiff and funny, but it was only i think two weeks of house confinement and 4 weeks of no walks....so not as bad as the last lot of ops she had..

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Yeah, I have seen them on Ebay. Will look into getting him one, but it's going to be a while before he will be able to use it. :laugh:

Edited to add:

How long did Mallee stay in hospital. Im a bit freaked out about leaving Diesel there for 2 nights :rofl:

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When Mallee had her ulna's done she was only in for day surgery, dropped her off the day before when we had our 2nd consult which was in the afternoon to save us having to drive her back in the next day and picked her up around 3ish the next day after the op, but that being said i don't think all surgeons would allow that, we were on really good terms with our surgeon and he trusted us alot. I am not sure if it had anything to do with the fact that she was up and about pretty much straight away after the surgery walking around. When she had all her ops for HD she was in for 3.5 weeks......poor mite.

Diesel should be fine at the hospital, they might not let you visit him though if its only for a short while that he will be in, as it might stress him to see you. The first night i would say he would probably be pretty out of it.

Mallee had staples instead of stitches and i think they came out after 10 days, you should be able to start Diesel swimming after that.

Good luck - i will watch for your updates :laugh:

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Well, they said that he would be home either late friday or saturday, depending on how he's doing and that they expect him to be up and walking around the next day! :laugh:

I think that had we went to the other surgeon, it would have been day surgery, but being the uni, they have 24hour staff etc & just want to be on the safe side. I'd rather he be there anyway incase something happens, but I will be stressing the whole time none the less!

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They can get out swimming pretty soon after the ops normally I think

The life jackets are great, Ed and Moll both have them

Dogs in motion in melbourne have them really cheap compared to those I've found on the net, and they will post them to other states I'm pretty sure, kimjm on here works there, she can help

Is it this week that his op is? Good luck for it, and big hugs and kisses for the little guy :)

Edited by shoemonster
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Well, today was D-Day for Diesel. I dropped him off at Sydney Uni Vet Hospital at 8am this morning. I was so worried I'd go to pieces leaving him there, but it turned out that the surgeon just had such a great manner with him, he was perfectly happy to wander off with her.

He was first in for surgery & I recieved a call from the surgeon around 1pm saying that all had gone well, they had removed a large stray piece of bone from his elbow & shortened his ulna (the ulna ostectomy) & he was waking from the anesthetic nicely.

She said that he may be able to come home as early as tomorrow afternoon :) I will ring in the morning to see how he is (it was hard not to ring tonight lol). Hopefully from here on in, he is on the road to recovery! :rofl:

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