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Teething Pup


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My pup is about 5mths old and teething, tonight I was cleaning the windows and he tried to grab the window cleaner squeegie thing off me in like a tug O war way, next thing he whimpered and his mouth was full of blood!

It was coming from a tooth that was just being cut but hadnt yet broken through,

He seems fine now and not in any pain, bleeding has totally stopped so I didnt take him to the vet.

I think the metal pole must have hit his gum/tooth and it bled like a trooper! I was covered in blood, poor baby!@

Do they sometimes bleed or should I be worried?

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sometimes if they lose teeth or tear out a baby one it will bleed. Yup my belgian ripped one out and she looked like she had been punched in the mouth, blood everywhere but it soon stopped. She's also bitten her tongue a few times too so be wary of that, those injuries can sometimes warrant vet visits.

That'll teach him to be naughty :mad

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We are going through teething here also, seems to be going forever LOL. Try giving him something cold. Our pup has kibble and sometimes I put his lunch in a small container, just cover it with water and freeze it, he loves it, if you have a kong for him you can also freeze peanut butter in it to give to him, or even normal icecubes made up with chicken or beef stock to add some flavour.

We have had a fair bit of blood, one night he was playing with his favourit chew toy in the house and he managed to smear blood all over the carpet before i realised what was happening. Yikes.

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sometimes if they lose teeth or tear out a baby one it will bleed. Yup my belgian ripped one out and she looked like she had been punched in the mouth, blood everywhere but it soon stopped. She's also bitten her tongue a few times too so be wary of that, those injuries can sometimes warrant vet visits.

That'll teach him to be naughty :cheer:

Sam was the same she was playing with her rope toy when I was cooking and it came out and skidded along the kitchen tiles lol blood all over the toy and floor.

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