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No Stairs For Pup

Poodle wrangler

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I've got a standard poodle pup and the breeder suggests no stairs as his bones grow. I guess it'll be for about 6-9 months+. At the moment I close the gate at the top and walk around the front yard, but this is no longer-term solution.

Any ideas for barricading these stairs? Preferably something that won't cause too much damage when removed.

Gate at bottom no good as dog gets between higher stairs, also costly as we're hopeless handypeople here :D .

Other problem is that driving a long stake to secure anything is difficult- rock+++ around the stairs. I've caught puppy getting in between steps, also.

Any suggestions most welcome, thanks!

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Go the ramp idea :D

But I would think about some setup where it actually looks like the agility ramp with crossbars every so often so the pup can actually stop and rest if it wants to.

They only have to be a few mm high and made of off- cuts :love: but make sure they are sanded so pup doesn't get splinters. :love:


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post-6819-1173693368.jpg Here's what I found on the net :laugh:

ETA: I'm off to the hardware shop tmw. Stairs are too long for a door, tho it's a great idea, as are the non-slip + crossbars as a ramp there will be reasonably steep. Thanks for all the ideas!

Edited by Poodle wrangler
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  • 2 weeks later...
Large flat piece of wood that is a long and as wide as the stairs and superglue some black rubber matting to it. That was you'll all be able to use it.

Sorry - off topic

We have a concrete ramp outside and are looking for something (black rubber matting as blacklab has suggested!) to lay over it so it is not so slippery. Well, that's not to say that it's HEAPS slippery, but just to give it more grip if that makes sense, for the dogs. Where could I buy something like this?

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You can get special concrete 'paints' or paint/pour on surfaces to help make them less slippery. Alternately use what they use on agility equipment - mix sand in the paint and then paint the surface. Makes the surface rough and gives much better grip, though it will be a bit harder to clean.

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How have you gone with this?

how did you secure the ramp to the stiarS?

A ramp was going to be too steep. My mother-in-law's boyfriends is a carpentry wiz and is putting railings either side with gate at bottom. Will be dog-proof. Not the cheapest or most aesthetically pleasing option, but we wanted to be able to still use the stairs.

About ramps, can you buy those rough strips you see on stairs at a hardware store?

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