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Herding Workshop - Melbourne


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I have just checked the weather forecast for Diggers Rest and it is for rain and more rain.... looks like it's going to be a "bring a change of clothes" kind of day....

You might get wet patting sheepies!

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Remember to keep your legs closed, otherwise the sheep will go in between them and some of them have horns.

Ummmmmm ..... maybe your "at ease" pose was actually your escape from injury? Think I'd rather give way, than take a head butt to closed legs from the horned sheepies ...... :laugh::thumbsup:

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I kept my knees together and now I have a whopping bruise on my kneecap :) They need padding on those sheepies horns.

I was nice to the sheepies, I even apologised to them for accidentally stepping on them.

Indi had an absolute ball today, it was nice meeting Kodiak and miss Sparkle today too :wave: and Kelpie-i and Superminty :o (hope I got those names right!)

I found the stops hard to do, I've been taught to simply say STOP and place the rake in front of the dog, when teaching the dog to stop in the yard, and persist until the dog stops if need be. Today we had to step into the dogs space and kind of make ourselves appear taller and say AHHH, and then when the dog had stopped we say STOP. I'm so used to doing it the other way, it was hard to get out of the habit.

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We had a great time too - though a lot of sleep was had on the way home (not by me :cry: ). It was lovely putting a face (and dog) to the name indi-dog too - just an added bonus.

I had to laugh (with sympathy I promise) at what you wrote about keeping your knees together - especially as a young ram ran through another girls legs and didn't hurt her at all. I am thinking knees together is not the best choice!

Hope your bruise heals quickly!

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Ooh and the weather was fine/sunny - no rain but lots of mud (hope it's raining there again now - we have the pitter patter of rain drops on our roof at the moment).

Sonovagun - you might need to give people an idea of where you are from - no point in recommending somewhere in Victoria if you are in WA or the USA for example!!

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