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Toilet Training Troubles


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My pomeranian puppy is now 5 months old and I have had him for about 6 weeks.

For some reason in the last week he has decided it's okay to go to the toilet in the house. We had an accident or two while he was being toilet trained but he was pretty good - but now it's like he won't go outside on the grass unless he's busting, and holds it until we get inside. There have been a couple of times where he has come right in and just pissed on the carpet within a minute after 10 minutes outside.

He is put in his crate each night and again now it seems he is preferring to piss on the blanket bedding under the crate instead of on his toilet tray.

My hair is going gray :)

I can take him out for pees and poos every hour but it seems he just wants to play on the grass and wait to go inside to toilet. If I have him on a lead he just lies down or looks for a weed or bit of stick to play with (I don't walk around with him).

The crate is a metre square and I'm considering re-doing crate training but halving the size and removing the tray so he is more likely to hold it until morning.

Any suggestions welcomed!

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I don't crate train dogs but have housetrained around 50 aged between 1 and 10 years of age with the following method (it takes 2-3 days usually). From the description you've given, he hasn't quite got the idea yet. Harder with puppies.


Ok - first thing to do is decide on the command (I call it “do wees”) you will repeat over and over. You have to really focus on the dog for about 2-3 days to be successful. You have a pocketful of special treats on hand all the time for the first 2-3 days.

Walk the dog several times a day and every time the dog wees, you get very excited and keep saying “Good boy/girl, do wees, do wees” – give the dog treats every time.

First thing in the morning, last thing at night and every time you see the dog eat or drink (both precursors to weeing) whisk the dog into the garden and repeat the command “do wees”. Get very excited and present treats every time dog goes.

The dog’s aim in life is to please you. If the dog should have an accident inside the house – say NOTHING at all. The dog soon gets the idea that when he/she goes outside you are really, really pleased and he/she gets rewarded.

NB: Please note that the smell of urine must be properly removed for any housetraining to be successful. There are products on the market such as “Urine Off” but they are very expensive. A mix of white vinegar and water is a much cheaper alternative and should work for tiles and other surfaces although you should always take care with wood etc. For carpet/rugs, I use either a mixture of Napisan/water or bicarb of soda and water. I completely soak the stain using a dab on technique with a cloth. When it is very wet, I use an old towel to soak up the excess moisture. Again, be careful on any expensive carpet/rug, I have never had any problems but I cannot guarantee any method here.

Edited by dogmad
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Thanks for that, I already do the go wees and rewards thing, and I don't punish him for going in the house - though I will tell him no if I catch him in the act. I am not sure where I am going wrong. Yesterday I had him out on the lead for nearly half an hour to go to the toilet and he held on until we got inside and bang! on the carpet.

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