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Everything posted by wolfgirl

  1. Erny glad to hear that Kal is feeling bouncy, hopefully the antibiotics will help clear the nasal problem. I'm so pleased to hear the seizures seem to be subsiding, that is great news. Our weather is good, Kal's has a zest for life and you're feeling relieved, that sounds like a perfect recipe.
  2. Glad to hear there is no temp rise and hopefully his tummy settles soon, let us know how he goes after seeing the vet. ;) for Ollie.
  3. That was beautiful even though many tears are falling reading it.
  4. My heart goes out to you, I am so sorry for your boy, may he RIP, know that you have made the selfless act to release him from his pain. A Parting Prayer Dear Lord, please open your gates and call St. Francis to come escort this beloved companion across the Rainbow Bridge. Assign him to a place of honor, for he has been a faithful servant and has always done his best to please me. Bless the hands that send him to you, for they are doing so in love and compassion, freeing him from pain and suffering. Grant me the strength not to dwell on my loss. Help me remember the details of his life with the love he has shown me. And grant me the courage to honor him by sharing those memories with others. Let him remember me as well and let him know that I will always love him. And when it's my time to pass over into your paradise, please allow him to accompany those who will bring me home. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of his companionship and for the time we've had together. And thank you, Lord, for granting me the strength to give him to you now. Amen.
  5. I'm so sorry the prognosis isn't good , I have everything crossed for you, your husband and especially Lane, he is a fighter and he will give it everything he has. My thoughts are with you.
  6. My thoughts and best wishes go out to you in this worrying time, Lane will be in my thoughts and prayers and I am praying for his recovery.
  7. He is beautiful :p It's such a shame about the misdiagnosis you have gone through, our vet is wonderful and I think we as dog owners/lovers know instinctively when something isn't quite right with our kids. I know it's a horrible thing to say but I do think some vets are more money orientated and that clouds their judgement, saying that I wouldn't trade our vet for the world, who in their right mind would come home from their first holiday in years and on New Years Day to open the surgery to check our boy because he was as worried as we were. I hope your boy makes a full recovery. Best Wishes. s
  8. :p There aren't any words to describe what you and Kal are going through, sending good wishes your way.
  9. So glad his temp has come down, well done Ollie Hope he's able to be out for a walk soon.
  10. wolfgirl

    More On Food

    Also definitely no corn for dogs.
  11. Healing wishes for Ollie, sad to hear he isn't well. Praying his temp comes down by tonight for you.
  12. Poor Kal, you have both been through so much. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  13. Great News Hoping for a speedy recovery.
  14. Great to hear Ollie is doing well, give him lots of kisses for his special day.
  15. Hi Melo, I am fairly new here so I don't know what happened as to why you left DOL but I'm glad that you're decided to come back, hopefully everything will be fine but it is a trying time waiting till next Tuesday to get the Xrays done. I'm sure if your vet was concerned he would have suggested this earlier, could be arthritis as the weather has gone so cold so quick but the Xray is the best way to get things checked and this would also show if and exactly where the arthritis is. I have always made a habit of running my hands down my dog's legs each week when I do a health check so if there are any lumps or bumps that shouldn't be there they get picked up early, is her leg tender if you do this? There are also many natural alternative medicines available to help with arthritis for humans and pets and certainly worth checking out. Keep good thoughts in your head and I look forward to hearing good news about your girl.
  16. Hi, I would be going to the vet to get him checked out by now if he isn't much better. Pups/dogs can get an upset stomach when food is changed quickly, the best way to introduce a new food is to do it gradually to allow their stomachs to tolerate it. Let us know how he is going and hoping he is feeling much better soon. ;)
  17. Thanks Inspector Rex for that info on Febreeze, I wasn't aware of that, I usually clean any stain with diluted woolwash and once dry would lightly spray Febreeze to ensure there were no more lingering smells. Had you not posted I wouldn't be made aware of that.
  18. Over the years on all my dogs I have used Paw Paw Cream (from the health food shop) on anything like this, it is all natural so if they manage to lick at it there won't be any concerns over upset tummies and it aids quickly in healing.
  19. Stop the dry food until the sloppy poops cease and feed steamed rice and boiled chicken and once they start to firm slowly add in a small amount of dry food gradually. Another good thing to use is once you get the stain out dry the area and use Febreeze and there will be no lingering smells. Good luck.
  20. Great to hear things are going well for Ollie this week ;)
  21. Hi Vivien, I am sorry that you have lost Ginger and understand that you must be devastated but don't give up hope. I don't wish to sound negative in any way but have you considered that Ginger may end up coming back to you and have you checked your council legislation as most councils will only allow 2 dogs unless you apply for a special permit to keep more. I have heard so many stories where dogs do turn up weeks and months later. As to training 2 puppies it is alot harder and takes alot of dedication but is also alot of fun. Good luck.
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