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Posts posted by indigirl

  1. There has been no help at all forthcoming for the dogs who are in this pound now and I am wondering if it is because of the assumptions and accusations made in this thread? The pound is full and Nina and Rhonda can not take every single dog in it.

    The other boofer girl who is suspected to be pregnant especially was in urgent need of spaying, not to mention eventually the pound will simply run out of space and need to start making some room...

    If this thread really is the cause of how quiet the other thread became all of a sudden then I really do hope everyone is feeling good about their "efforts" :(

    There is not an infinite number of rescue spots. Unless dogs are being rehomed as fast as they are coming in them eventually rescues will be full and unable to take on any new dogs. Also many dogs taken from BH will not be quick rehomers due to size/ breed.

  2. Let me set the record straight... I am NOT advocating shipping off these pups at an early age. If they are fine with their mum until 8 weeks of age, that would be great (and desirable).

    We've had our share of end stage pregnancy bitches come into care and whelp - and the fact is that some large breed dogs that have large litters can be "over it" by about the 4 week mark... to the point of actively detering the pups from suckling with force. Leaving pups with a bitch that will attack them because she's sick of them chewing on her boobs isn't the best way to socialise them either, right?

    Only the people who actually have this girl and her babies in care will know what kind of mother she is, and as the pups get older, they are going to have to make the best choices for them to maximise their chances of growing up happy, healthy, and well adjusted canine citizens. Berating them about whether the bitch should have been desexed before whelping is moot really - the pups are here, and now they are looking for help when the pups are old enough to go... that's all.

    I've still got my hand up for however many of the pups they want to send me... and I've got plenty of pup rearing experience... *grin*


    It's not about keeping them with mum, it's about keeping them with their siblings! The pups socialize each other. No one s suggesting you try to force mum to keep feeding them. By all means if she's over it then wean the pups. However the pups need to remain together and can still have visits from mum. It's like you think the only value of mum to these pups is as a milk machine.

    Seriously if you think removing pups from mum and spitting up the litter at 4 weeks if age is the best thing for them, then your lack of knowledge about raising puppies really does concern me.

  3. God! If you aren't goimg to do the right thing by the pups then its NOT rescue. These pups should never have been allowed to whelp you know NOTHING of the breeding behind them so who knows what their tempers to will be. They are a large breed, that's just great " .. 12 large breed pups out there with who knows what temps.. And now you want to remove them from mum before 8 weeks of age?

    You clearly have NO idea about what's best for puppies so PLEASE do not whelp any more!! They need to be with siblings for socialization reasons! It's not just about being fed by mum. Do some research!

    I'm so over irresponsible "rescue" :(

  4. Just wondering what other rescuers do if they place a dog on a trial period and then the dog becomes unwell and needs to see a vet.

    It would be great to hear from any rescuers who rehome out of their area as well.

    Sorry if it's been done before but I'm interested to know what others do, ie do you pay the vet bill entirely? Is it the new owner's responsibility?

    We (ARF) offer a 3 week trial/settling in period but the dog can only go to their new home when the new owners officially adopt the dog It would then be their responsiblity to pay any vet bills as it is their dog. If things don't work out and the dog has to be returned during the trail period then the adoption fee would be refunded and the adoption agreement destroyed.


    I'm confused how do you offer. 3 week trial without the dog goimg to its new home? We remain the legal owners while the dogs are on trial as trying to get all paperwork back once it's been handed over to new owners is a royal PITA. If you transfer ownership when the dog goes on trail what do you do about the paperwork of the dog is returned?

    Are you suggesting sending the dog with its paperwork when the dog goes on trial but if the dog comes back you won't refund the adoption fee unless it comes with all it's paperwork? Hmm that's an option I hadn't considered.

    The problem Iggy rescue has had is that we have told new owner that if dog requires emergency treatment then get it to a vet and stablise it. But contact us for permission for any other vet work (if you want us to pay for it). The new owner in question took the dog to the vet and authorized blood tests etc without our permission as in her mind that was apparently "stabilizing" the dog. I'm pissed off to say the least as we had spelled out to this owner the process re:vet work. The dog did not need blood tests done for a life saving situation, dam dog is just fine all tests are clear as we knew they would be.

    This is an interstate adoption, 3 hrs drive from our nearest rescue vet. So I am in a quandary as to what to do. Clearly I need to rewrite our policy regarding vet bills for dogs who are on trial.

    I feel like the owner knew she was ignoring our policy but went ahead anyway, her excuse was that she tried to call us and couldn't get through to us. However she called once and the dog was not in a life threatening situation. I have no probs with her taking it to the vet for a consult if she was worried about its health. Is the lab work and antibiotics which are frustrating. The dog was not sick it was simply stressed from the travel.

    I am weary of dealing with stuff like this. We had a new carer last year who was fostering with a view to adopt that insisted on taking the dog to her own vet, not our rescue vet.

    She subsequently racked up $700 worth of vet work on said dog then demanded we pay the bill. We ended up paying half the bill. This lady returned the dog to us and then got nasty. Ultimately we are going to go broke and the rescue will fold if we can't work out some solution to issues like these.

  5. I just wait and see. Where I live there's no scan option so that's an easy choice lol. We have 2 vets. One has an ultrasound machine which I'm convinced was on the ark with Noah. You cannot see shit with it. The vet nurse has told me the only thing it's good for is shoving inside a sheep???

    The other vet has a super duper state if the art Ultrasound machine .. However they don't know how to use it to scan for puppies. I kid you not. They actually said to me "we only know how to use to scan organs like kidneys or livers"

    Having a toy breed its pretty obvious when they are in whelp by about 4-5 weeks anyway. Soon as I've done a mating I apply for a week off work around the bitch's due date. If she doesn't end up being g in whelp I just cancel my leave.

  6. I currently have 10 plus 1 foster, and 1 that belongs to a friend. I am able to manage a large number of dogs because 7 of them are toy sized (iggies) and the other 4 are larger dogs. I run my dogs as 2 packs - the iggy pack and the big dog pack. My yard is fenced into two yards and indoors I use toddler gate to separate the 2 packs.

    I exercise the 4 big dogs together, 4 is my limit in bigger dogs. I exercise them offlead out of town in a creek bed, we all go for a walk thru the scrub, dogs love it and its easy to take all 4. They are aged from 1 yr - 7 yrs. I have a golden, a boxer, a Bassett fauve and a bullmastiff cross. The bullmastiff x is a mellow houndy type, the golden I've done a bit of obedience with, and she was my first show dog.. The boxer is big goof and I don't do anything formal with him, he's well behaved in the house and loves going for a run. The Bassett fauve I show and am about to start obedience with.

    The 7 iggies are a pack, and they keep each other well exercised running around the yard. They are all show amd/or breeding dogs. They are aged 1-7yrs as well. I run all 7 together except when I have girls in season. Luckily they are a harmonious breed and all get along well. My limit for Iggies will be 8 I think. Because I live in a remote area I need to keep a number of stud dogs, as its just too far to travel for a mating.

    All dogs sleep inside, all are crated individually during feeding times. It's pretty hectic at times but you get used to it. I have 2 rooms totally used for the dogs, the dining room and an enclosed sunroom. I'd like to eventually build an extra room on for the dogs so I could have my dining room back.

    The key is to have your house and yard set up for multiple dogs, and to have a routine you stick to. If I wasn't actively breeding I would only have about 4 dogs total.

    I can completely understand why ppl think owning this many dogs is a little crazy lol. It's a lifestyle choice. My life revolves around my dogs. Most of my free time is spent with the dogs, or cleaning up after them.

  7. What a nightmare :( poor dog died a terrible death, and poor employee who has to live with what he's done.

    I admit I can't imagine how he could forget the dog long enough that it died. I've left my dog out in the backyard and forgotten to bring her in, long enough for her to dig huge holes in my lawn - this dog cannot be trusted outside on the lawn without supervision for more than 5 mins. I've also forgotten to let her out of her crate once she's finished her dinner, for about 30 mins. But none of these scenarios would mean leaving the dog in a life threatening situation. I honestly don't believe I would ever accidentally leave a dog in a car, especially on a hot day.

    I've also forgotten to attend an interview for a job I really wanted. I'd arranged the time off work but them I woke up and went to work as usual that day. So memory lapses can occur at times yu wouldn't expect them to.

  8. None of my pets name are on that list either. I don't tend to give my dogs human names, but I do give my cats human names - no Idea why.

    I seem to go with themes a little. Fr example I have a:

    Fluke and Karma

    Nyx, Venus and Luna (goddess names)

    Also have Rasta, Capri, Dali and Diva.

    Cats are Archie, Mac, Rahni, Taj, Muddy and Quincey.

  9. When I was a kid there was a cat in my street just like,the one you describe. I was terrified of it everyone was. The thing would rush out and attack you and claw up your legs. It also attacked any dogs walking by. Cats that are like this don't respond to being kicked or slapped it just makes them worse, all you can do is run.

    Hope the council can do something about this cat, they can inflict serious injuries,

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