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Posts posted by Flaves

  1. As for the trotting arguement...there are many trotting breeds out there, but only the GSD is stacked three points. You can however stack a GSD four square like ALL the other breeds and still show the angulation that is required, however many of the dogs fall over because they can't use their own back legs to hold them up like is often the case with the pivot point stand.

    :confused: :confused: :confused: i have not seen a dog fall over when stacked square, nor the 3 point stack.

  2. however many of the dogs fall over because they can't use their own back legs to hold them up.

    I'd like to see you try and get a shepherd to fall over :laugh:

    Yup...easy peasy....I've done specialties in the past.

    Just because a dog is in the specialty ring does not mean it will fall over

    You exaggerate when you imply all specialty dogs are roached etc

    They are not ALL like it, some are sure, but some all breeds gsds are not much better.

    You dont like the shape of the specialty dog, and that is fine, some of us do, some of us dont like your style of gsd, but that is what makes the world go round and shows interesting.

    however not many of the gsd people on DOL take every opportunity to continually denigrate your style of dog.

    I dont like it myself, but you do and that is fine - it is a matter of each to their own :)

  3. My darling girl :heart: , i am so sorry you had to go to the bridge today :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Sorrier than you will ever know, you had a tumor and had lost bowel and bladder control and it was not fair to keep you penned all the time.

    You have been a wonderful cat, although you had a lot of attitude, you would suck everyone in to give you pats, then decided you had enough and would bite. :o

    I will miss your snuggles, you were a great snuggler.

    Rest easy at the :rainbowbridge: my gorgeous girl :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    A little piece of me has gone with you, i will have you home soon and you can sit with Barks

    Be nice to him at the bridge because he loved you, and you will be with Jojo your only cat friend

    i :heart: you nooni








  4. since bohdi got too big too carry they are all in crates in the laundry.

    didnt want the pup in there by himself as my room is upstairs and i didnt want him going up and down the stairs.

    i do bring mitch or daire up sometimes mitch will snuggle if cold under the doona or she will skeep in her open crate. daire comes up for cuddles then finds a spot on the floor

  5. She is jumping because she is excited to see you

    Pups do it, go outside, and when she jumps turn away from her, she will learn darn quickly that jumping gets her no attention, not good and not bad just none

    what toys does she have and what routines have you got.

    My 6mo went through the same, but he is a baby and a work in process.

    NILIF is great and works well.

    Do not reward bad behaviour, only reward the good.

    Good luck and come and join the GSD thread :)

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