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Everything posted by saintlysusan

  1. Nevermind, I just did a search and its ok.
  2. 3mth old pup I know has one and its quiet large. (Large grape size i guess) Is there any treatment for this or does it just go away? (Small breed dog also)
  3. Anyone know hows the best way to get it off? Any special tricks, Ive never had this happen before! Havnt actually tried to get it off yet, will attemp it once I get some tips off you lovely doggy people! Thanks!
  4. Everything will be fine. I have booked my little girl in to have the opp in 6 weeks due to being in season now. I cant handle any more seasons with my St Bernard Boris now, hes a bloody horny teenager and not listening to me at all!! Thank god shes a small Maltese and hes big or else we'd be in trouble!!
  5. Wow, great , Thanks. I will take the feral!! Im guessing I have to take lots of gold coins!
  6. Years ago thwere was a dog washing place in Hallam where you had like (from memory) cubicles that you washed the dog in, I cant find if its still in that place? (Sort of like a car wash set up) I am tired of trying to wash my boofa in the bath but not sure if these places are suitable got giant breeds anyhow? Anyone know of any suitable for a St Bernard?
  7. Thanks to whoever it was that told my dogs breeder I was giving them a bad name by posting. I would never do that to them, infact I dont even recall mentioning the breeders prefix or anything! GUTLESS.... If i ever have a issue with them, I will be telling them in person or phone, I dont need to slag them out and I NEVER DID, Im "outspoken" remember!! As ANY pet owner on here, I can post about my day to day troubles and ask for ideas, How is that a reflection on anyone but myself if the problem lies with me and not them or bad breeding etc?? I never said it was a breeders fault at all, your just a trouble maker. Im glad she saw it for what it was and she knows me well enough to know I dont mince my words, I call a spade a spade. STUPID.
  8. Well todays a new day and after talking to my hubby about this last night, I think I have actually made it worse by not going to extremes before now. Hubby thinks I am too soft on him, apparantly I allways say "dont hurt him" ... I didnt realise, so now it will be different, (not that I want people to hurt him though) but in being nice to him so he dosent become scared of me or anyone, I think I have created a dominance problem with the kids. I would allways just take him away from the situation and not actually go nuts (lol) and he tried to take my tea towel last night and I flipped out and he let go! I will insist on calmness if he wants to interact with the kids like in the picture, and a few strongly worded commands and he was very well behaved with them when I took all the pics so I was quiet suprised. He even obeys simple things they ask him like roll over or paw ( shake) He loves the kids so it would be a real shame if they couldnt interact, he is allways watching them and licking them so I cant figure out why he bites then also but it wont be acceptable anymore. Hes a work in progress, thanks for the advice everyone, just for the record he is a wonderful dog, perfect in every other way!
  9. ST Bernards arnet dangerous, I think I over reacted abit. 100% supervision is the key and hes fine. (Very naughty, but fine)
  10. Thanks Showdog, Your ideas are probally spot on but I never *let* it happen and now all of a sudden want it to change. I havnt ever let him hump anyone but have seen him try it on a couple of them, I never let him do alot of stuff he shouldnt do but he still bites the kids if he gets the chance. I will be more vigilent from now on. I have read on here in many posts that stern-ness works, and also that a loud pitched ouch (the squeel I mentioned b4) also works, obviously it dosent with the kids as their voices arnet loud enough to make him take notice, never the less it can work with most dogs. Perhaps that was bad advice as he seems to think he can still bite, maybe thats where the problem lies.
  11. Hi. Thanks for the help everyone, Its just one more hurdle we need to overcome I guess, we really are very consistant in what he's allowed to do and what hes not, we have never let him bite the kids and he is allways put outside if he does it. My kids arnet actually doing anything to provoke it either this time, they know to keep calm and walk, not run and all that and the minute you turn your back to him he will grab a arm or bite a butt etc, not 100% of the time but alot. My kids are almost 4yrs, almost 6yrs, 10 & 13. They give him commands like sit/ roll over etc and he does it but he just loves to also bite them! I have no doubt he adores the kids, they cuddle up , but I literally have to pry open his Jaws to make him let them go sometimes. Maybe he dosent realise he is hurting them? I get them to squeel so it makes it known to him that it hurts but he dosent stop, however if I was to do it he would let go straight away!?? I probally havnt tried hard enough to tell the breeder either what a problem its becoming but shes hard to get ahold of and she didnt have any tips really last time we spoke anyhow. Can you re-send me your number Debbi? I lost all my emails I think.
  12. I need ideas. My St Bernard Boris is getting older and I really thought he would stop trying to bite the kids by now but he hasnt. He draws blood daily and no matter how well they say "no bite" or try to walk away or totally ignore him, he still does it. I'm sure he thinks hes one of the kids and bosses them around. He was the only pup in litter and mostly hand raised also and I think thats made him spoilt or something, he sure is defiant! He's very different with me than the kids/hubby and I usually have to rescue the kids (lol) Any suggestions?
  13. Hi. My pup is about 5mths old and teething, tonight I was cleaning the windows and he tried to grab the window cleaner squeegie thing off me in like a tug O war way, next thing he whimpered and his mouth was full of blood! It was coming from a tooth that was just being cut but hadnt yet broken through, He seems fine now and not in any pain, bleeding has totally stopped so I didnt take him to the vet. I think the metal pole must have hit his gum/tooth and it bled like a trooper! I was covered in blood, poor baby!@ Do they sometimes bleed or should I be worried?
  14. What do you do when the bloody dog attacks the vacume every time you use it? Boris goes NUTS! I think he must think its going to hurt us or something, most annoying. Today he learned what 'go away!' means lol
  15. Oh Nooo.... I have no helpful advice but hope you get it sorted soon. I didnt think 2 week old puppies even pooped lol
  16. Water pistol wont work, he'll just think its a game and bite them. We ignore it and walk away and it works, and he stops hurting them. My kids are young and cant be expected to know what to do all the time. Ignoring bad behaviour works. And I forgot to say and he loves water anyhow lol
  17. yeah we treat it the same as biting really, ignore it and walk away but in the case of humping, walk faster lol.......... And laugh alot lol Dominance is quiet hard to overcome when the dog is almost bigger than the kids but we do try.
  18. Boris is a baby 12 weeks and he has just from today started humping everyone and everything in the house! I just gave him a cool bath and washing his tummy he got a woody lol ( I saw pink ) lol ewwwww.................... The kids are on hump alert lol
  19. Ok maybe I'm not reading this right, but it sounds to me like he toilets in the house when you ask him if he wants to go? If that is the case, it is because you are saying the command and he is complying. Stop saying weez inside and he won't weez inside! Now that he has a few times you have made it a little harder for yourself, but as long as you continue to take him outside, prevent him from going inside and clean where he has gone with an enzyme based cleaner to break down the scent (not simply mask it) you shouldn't have too many problems. What is a emzyme based cleaner? Bleach? Domestos?
  20. Yes your right but theres no exact plan for it, sometimes he follows me out, sometimes he will do it on the way, sometimes he wont go out and will just do it inside later or whatever. If it was just a case of not saying the weez word , it would be easy but I cant figure it out, I just keep reminding myself that hes only a baby and will get it sooner or later. Sometimes he even tries to tell me by pacing and quietly sooking, Im onto that hint but he only does that like if were at the Vets or somewhere that isnt home. He dosent tell me when he needs to go at home so Im constantly taking him out or else I find BIG puddles~ The mop is never far away either. Either way hes forgiven, as soon as he starts wizzin I grab him, that makers him stop and take him out then lots of good boy's so he knows. He never gets told off unless you call a AHHH noooo Boris,, outside!being told off.
  21. I have been keeping Boris outside more and more during the day (probally 50%) because he excretes all over the place INSIDE. I cant figure it out, hes so smart. you take him out, he pees on command so well so I know he understands it. But bring him inside and he weez every 10 minutes, surely he can hold it longer than that! Now just 2 seconds ago, it dawned on me, I have allways said, Boris go weezzz, when on the lawn and he goes... But now hes getting older I tend to ask him IF he wants to go weez (while were still inside) and bugger me he Pisses in the house! Its not like he's not taken outside, hes in and out all day long! So maybe its so he gets the "good boy!!" attention or something? Anyone understand doggie lingo? Maybe he hears the "Weez" word and thinks thats what he has to do where-ever we are, there and then? Should I not say it until we are out on the grass? I wish he would stand at the door so I know he needs to go! Any house breaking ideas for a big boofa lazy shit St Bernard?
  22. I bet it's quite a job! He's a big Boy. Absolutely gorgeous, though! XXToughgirlXX Thankyou Toughgirl. Its hard to get good pics but Im sure it is with all happy hyper pups! lol
  23. Hey CASSIE, How do I get one of those picture signatures? Yours is unreal!
  24. Do you know how hard it is to take his picture, he tries to chew the camera strap! Infact he made it all frizzled lol. Hes a naughty boy!
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