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Posts posted by Asalei

  1. Oh oh oh Erin, PLEASE share your photos of the beagles.....

    Does the brisbane ekka have the dogs too? Or is it just the Royal...?

    Brisbane Royal/Ekka is the same thing.

    They do have a dog show there too. www.dogsqld.com.au has more information. It's not on until August though.

  2. We are heading down for the Easter weekend specialties, so I'll be at the Royal with my breeder on the Friday to watch, support and take photos of the beagles.

    I'm very excited about going! I've never been to the Sydney Royal before.

  3. Oh, I forgot about this thread too!

    Abby's and my fourth show ever, and she took home baby puppy in group and baby puppy in show! Our fifth show and she took home another baby puppy in group :eek:

    Very exciting and a great confidence booster for someone new to showing. We've got one more show this weekend, and then we are off to our Specialties in NSW over the Easter weekend.

    A photo taken last night of Abby at 18 weeks (today).


    I'm very happy with my monkey's progress so far :love:

  4. Naughty girls, bottom of the class for them! I can't believe she baited better with a leaf, than she would with bait. Stupid beagle.

    I bought the chain and lead from the van at Durack, but I've also purchased a nice bling lead which I was break out in Sydney for the specialties :( I bought the bling lead from snazzy pooch leads. Great prices, customer service and turn around. The quality of the lead is great!

    Thank you for letting Megs play with Abby. It brought her out of her shell a little and made her comfortable to be there. It's nice to see her playing and socialising with other breeds :dunce:

  5. I don't want to tell him that, he'll stop coming to shows with me! haha. I love him coming with me and being with our girls. I do love him very much for his humour. He makes me laugh a lot.

    He's got his phone and a mobile internet, so he's fine! We are taking my laptop and mobile internet (reason we got it) to Sydney for the beagle specialties. So he'll be happy. But I'm hoping he'll scare photography duties of the show.

  6. I've been very lucky that my husband has come to the shows without whinging and sets up the gazebo without me asking. He sits there all day and gets excited when it's Abby's turn in the ring.

    I have to remember not to get frustrated with him when he's not doing something correctly. With the new show trolley it should be a whole lot easier now!

    Lets see how he goes after two full days of dog shows in Sydney and 24hrs worth of driving! I think I may be doing shows after that alone!

  7. I updated my status last night that I was very impressed and excited about picking up our new show trolley (thanks fit for a king for the recommendation!). After looking at our bank balance, I'm not SO excited now :)

    My husband replied to my status with:

    “I’ve learned that a show dog is not a sound financial investment, given that our return on a gazebo, roof racks, show trolley, crate, grooming products and the dog itself has so far been a vegetable steamer ($RRP 20.00), a white platter and some hand towels. Lucky she’s cute!”

    I pissed myself laughing. I told him he was lucky we even won that! Being new to showing, winning baby in show was a huge shock to me!

    I wonder what he'd be thinking if we hadn't won the food steamer, white platter and hand towels? :(

  8. I've found that every show, I seem to concentrate on one thing that the breeder tells me the week before. It's like adding something to the routine! For the next two weeks, I'm going to lead Abby around the house with bait to get her looking up at me and interested in me and what I'm doing. Not what the dog way over there is doing.

    We've got three weeks until we head to the specialties in Sydney. So (weather permitting), we'll be going to the two training nights between now and then. I won't be able to do the one before Easter as we'll be in Sydney that night. Scary to think it's so close!

    Our next show is the Sunshine Coast on the 28th March.

    I have three VERY tired little girls at home. Hopefully they'll sleep well tonight!

  9. Thanks everyone :( Still grinning from ear to ear because she got another Baby Puppy of Group again today :) Didn't go any further, but I'm very happy with her results!!

    Two baby puppy of group and one baby puppy in show! She is the first from the litter to get a class in show award.

    Very proud of my little girl! Still a lot of learning to do as a handler though!

  10. Thanks for all the suggestions. The second cortisone shot seemed to take a long time to take effect. She has decreasingly stopped itching and we can easily distract her now from doing it. I decided to go see a vet through work that wasn't interested in shoving medication/injections at me and actually did scrapings and tests. There was no bacterial or fungal infections on her skin.

    I said I felt a little bit silly because her itching had slowed, but he could see the damage she's done to her front and rear legs. I mentioned a referal to a skin specialist, but he believes that by treating her with what he's suggested, she will improve.

    Everyone (not just vets) have said that this summer has been soo humid, wet and hot, that a lot of dogs have been itching. My older girls have never been itchy before and I've noticed them itching in the past few days as well.

    We are going to treat with probiotics, omega oils and aloveen oatmeal shampoo and leave on conditioner. It's an alternative that he gave me and I'd really like to explore it and see what happens.

    I'll let you all know how we get on.

  11. I have my first brag! Mine and my beagle baby's third champ show and she was awarded Baby Puppy in Group and Baby Puppy in Show! :bottom::thumbsup:

    I'm very proud of her. It was very windy out at Oakey today and she hasn't been around gazebo's flapping in the breeze, or the little flags marking out the rings and she didn't care at all.

  12. Erin you slacker, I went with a sinus infection :laugh:

    It rained on and off and they split us into two groups as there were quite a few dogs this week. Sandra and Megs were in the littlies groups and Freddy and Georgia were in the big dog group.

    We did lots of running in circles. And I did lots of running to the car for tissues ;)

    What show are you going to on Saturday?

    I know ;) I'm sorry! I've had this dreaded cold now for 2 weeks and it's just not budging. I didn't think it would be a good thing to be out in the rain. Especially if it's meant to rain/shower ont he weekend. I'm determined to show this weekend seeming I missed last weekend! Although, last time I missed training, Abby was a shocker at the show. So I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow!!

    We are driving to Oakey. I never knew 5am existed on a Saturday ;) Lucky hubby is driving!

  13. Do you have any Wandering Jew weeds in your yard? These seem to be the main culprit for contact allergies around here. Our puppy (14 weeks) itches more when she has been running around in the grass/weeds but not excessively.

    How about washing powder, try changing to something milder or natural.

    I have an itchy dog at home so I know it is a horrible thing to deal with :thumbsup:

    Nope, definitely no wandering jew in our yard.

    I use BioZet washing powder, I thought this was a washing powder that was good for dogs?

    Beagles are known for their allergies to grass etc some worse than others ,and many times it is a puppy young dog thing.ours is 2yrs and has mild allergies,i would try to stay away from cortisone if possible(not if the puppy has to suffer tho)First thing is diet no grains ,raw is best and jalna natural yoghurt every day,local honey(OR manuka) every day,no treats with chemicals etc.

    Also when bathing always use the conditioner afterwards,the aloveen is leave in ,i also use it just to rub over itchy dog in between washes.

    Mine is on antihitamines 1 every day in this dry time of year to prevent the skin flaring up.some times you need to try different ones not all work.

    Your best option is to contact Tam from Beagle rescue Vic she has extensive experience with allergies.web site also has some advice . Beagle Rescue Vic.she is hard to get hold of so perservere as her advice will save you lots of trauma.and we have all found it invaluable.

    I personally am not comfortable putting a puppy on a raw diet. My older girls are on a raw diet and have been for a year and thrive on it. Once my puppy is through her growth stage, she will be getting changed over to raw.

    I'm very good friends with Tam and have already spoken to her about this. I will email her and see if she has any further suggestions.

    What kind of bedding does she sleep on and does your house have synthetic carpet or furnishings?

    That can contribute to the itchies too.

    She sleeps on these:


    She sleeps on these at home in her crate and whilst she's with me at work. Other than that, she's on a double sided fleece matt (which I'm sure is synthetic), or on our lounge. Our floors at home are polished floor boards.

    Thanks Jacqui. She's been getting lots of cuddles :rofl:

  14. I've got a 16 week old beagle who won't stop scratching. Her skin is redish and she's scratching all over, it's not just in one spot. All over = legs, bum, under arms, stomach, muzzle. All the parts on a puppy that touch the ground.

    She itches (fleaing) herself until she's red raw and drawing blood.

    She's been really bad twice when we've been to a certain place. The first time, we had been to a few different places and she was really bad. A vet said it was a "flea allergy", and I found that very highly unlikely on a (at the time) 13 week old puppy. Second time at this place was on the weekend and she's flared up again this week. I saw another vet today and he said she's far too young to have "allergies" as her immune system is too immature to have allergies. Obviously (unfortunately) we won't be attending this place anymore. :thumbsup:

    A few vets have also commented that it's the time of year, especially with all our humid and wet weather we've had in Brisbane lately.

    Her treatment so far is: small shot of cortisone at 13 weeks, antihistamines for a week. Now at 16 weeks, another shot of cortisone and continued antihistamines. I've washed her last night in alloveen oatmeal shampoo and will continue to. Between the injections, she has still scratched, but no where near the severity of the two flare ups.

    I stopped the antihistamines after I put advantix on her because I thought it might have been a flea allergy (although, I dont' have fleas in our house) and I wanted to see if the itching at stopped. Wrong thing to do.

    Does anyone have any advice or suggestions on how I can help relieve the itch? Or experiences with puppies that have had a reaction to something (grass/weeds) and grown out of it as they got older?

    I can't wait for winter to roll on in, I've got a lot of hope that the itching will disappear when the cooler weather arrives. It's very frustrating and upsetting for me to watch it, I can't imagine how it must be for her :rofl:

  15. Haha no! Sorry. I just thought I'd take it out of the other thread (as it was about the shows this weekend) and so we have a thread to ask questions in and talk about the training.

    I know when I was looking around for info, there wasn't much around about the Brisbane training.

  16. I thought I'd start a thread about show training at Durack. When I was looking, I couldn't find anything easily.

    It's on every Thursday night (unless constant rain) from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. $3 per dog.

    I'll be going Thursday nights with my beagle puppy. More so for me than her!

  17. It was! I learnt a lot more last night than I have previously too. It was a good night!

    She's classed as Tan & White, but seems to be a lot lighter Tan than what you would be used to seeing.

    Sorry I didn't come and say hello, I feel weird walking upto people and saying "are you from DOL?" and I worry that if they say no.. what do you say then? Hah.

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