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Everything posted by Wyntervale

  1. Question for those who are more experienced... about milk production. Lola had an abundance of milk for the first few days and the babies have been stacking on the weight like crazy. Today the babies have lost a little bit of weight (but they still look fit and healthy) but Lola's boobs appear quite flacid, not big and full like they have been. I can still express milk off all but the top two (under her armpits) but the babies haven't been feeding off those first two because they're too small. She's become quite fussy with her food and not eating as much as I'd like although she is still interested in food, just not what's put in front of her. I've gotten her some human grade meat to encourage her to eat and have given her some fenugreek to help stimulate milk production. Should I be worried, or should I be doing anything else?
  2. Whole catalogue? LOL! (says she who secretly wants the Lowchen entry)
  3. Took some more photos today... Lola is taking this whole motherhood thing very seriously: Puglsey is pretty good at this motoring around thing, he gets right up on his back legs and pushes himself around: Two peas in a pod... you can see the smiley face on Wednesday's back in this shot:
  4. I'm so sorry Jan & Clare, She was a beautiful girl and will be in your hearts forever.
  5. Because I'm a sook and Lola is a sook Oh that and having to wait in the car for 45 minutes because they were running late So Lola and the puppies were seperated for a while Congratulation Shellby!! Those babies are adorable!
  6. Bebes had their dewclaws off today.. That was more stressful on me and Lola than I would've liked, but it's over now and the bebes are back at home having noms. Glad that's over.
  7. LOL... I'll count myself lucky, with only two popped out less than 20 minutes apart at least I know where I stand
  8. Cool thanks I may end up taking her in to get checked anyway, she was having a bit of trouble this morning. I think the babies aren't really getting onto the last nipples and I cant seem to get them to latch on for very long. I've milked a bit off them and she seems much better.
  9. Quick question from a complete newb... I'm taking the bubs to get their dewclaws removed tomorrow... do you bring mum along or leave her at home? I know she would have to be out of the room when it was actually being done because the minute her babies so much as squeak she's on top of them, but I think she'd be much worse if she was at home alone without her bubbas. I'm just not sure what people generally do.
  10. OMG so many bubbas BM... they're so cute!!
  11. Very good idea The two on the one day was quite tiring!
  12. Oh wow LOTG. Love the markings on both! I need to get a shot of the girls bum later... she has a smiley face... it cracks me up :D
  13. Some bebe photos Baby boy, first out: Baby girl :D
  14. Oooh pug peeps, you'll have to come and say hello... chances are I'll be the only Lowchen there... again *yawns*
  15. We has bebes. A boy and a girl The little boy was born feet first at 10.02 in a consult room at Werribee Emergency after 2.5 hours of labour and a shot of oxytocin. Little girl came at 10.18 head first :D Little boy was 194g and girl was 170g (after a wee feed before we came home). Now I can't get the bloody girl to latch on, but the boy is feeding a treat. I'll try to get some piccies uploaded tomorrow.
  16. Oh cazzie!!! Tearies for you I'm so so sorry. Lots of gentle cuddles for dear Miss Maddi Poor little babies.
  17. Sorry parrotpea, I can't help you with that one. I will be inside (yay!)
  18. LOL thanks guys Lola isn't doing much at the moment, she's nesting and I can't let her out of the bedroom now because she wants to curl up in a crate in the loungeroom (odd child wants to pick the busiest place in the house to whelp). But apart from that there isn't much change.. still has a low temp etc etc. Cazzie... did you go to the vet? what was the result?
  19. I know you didn't you were just pointing out a potential area for concern.
  20. if they are that big she may have trouble, good luck Yeah I know We won't know if she's going to have trouble until she actually gets started though *taps foot impatiently* LOL! The repro vet has assured me that there is no more risk than any other pregnancy.
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