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  1. If that's in vic, could you PM me the prefix? Are the pups desexed, or do they get a desex voucher? is the BYB giving a desex voucher or desexing first as well? They're not even vaccinating! I have no idea if the reg breeder is offering to pay for desexing, but you seem to be expecting alot. Another thing to consider is registered breeders often have a stud fee to pay, often over $1000 while the BYB usually pays nothing. I am the whippet breeder Kirislin in referring to. My prefix is Sarsanet, my puppies are due during the first week in October & an advance litter notice is in the whippet puppy section of DOL which tells you all about them. My puppies are $1000.00. each & come with a complusory desexing requirement & no, I don't give any money back for this. They will be listed on Dogs Victoria's Limited Register, they shall have all their vaccinations, be wormed every fortnight from 4 weeks of age, born & bred inside the house, socialised with other dogs, adults & children, fed on the best food money can buy & I give, free of charge, a lifetime breeder support to you & the puppy. It is now Victorian law to microchip a puppy before it goes to its new home. If you think about buying a puppy from a breeder who doesn't do this, you should run a mile as fast & as soon as you possibly can because they are breaking the law. You can't register the puppy with your local council unless it is microchipped so that will be an extra cost to you. My puppies are not available to just anyone who wants them. They are bred from top imported English bloodlines & $1,000.00. each comes no-where close to the actual cost to breed them, raise them to 8 weeks of age & advertise them etc. etc. They are available only to special homes where they will be loved & cared for as well as they would have been if they'd stayed here. Anyone who is interested is welcome to contact me but please understand more people want my puppies than actually get one so I am very fussy where they go. I give my puppies the best of everything & that includes the homes I sell them to. I breed only when I need another dog to show. I keep just one so the others are sold because I cannot keep them all. Not only do I breed for a show quality puppy for myself but also for the best of health & temperament so they will fit easily into pet homes. I don't breed for profit.
  2. These are backyard bred so the 'breeders' don't give a stuff & probably don't know how to feed properly anyway. They're just in it to make money.
  3. NO I didn't end up getting him collected :) Due to the time line, the fact his testicles were still small and the bitch I had tee'd up was actually going out not coming in it didn't happen. I also spoke to the owner of the bitch who was looking at using him and we decided that the chances of him being fertile for her were extremely slim so she ended up flying her to her breeder and got her mated and flown home. She had 8 lovely puppies. His testicles while marginally larger are still not back to normal size, so I am assuming his fertility will still be compromised. One good thing though is he does seems to have all his normal testosterone linked behaviours coming back - not that he had heaps to begin with, but hey, I'll take what I can. I am not expecting it to return before around 22 months after it was first implanted due to what I have read about others experiences with it. I am hoping his fertility does return by two years, if not I will be very very peeved! My bitch is due to come into season any time and I will mate them. As it is my own bitch I will probably not worry about collecting him first, but will see when the time is closer, if she goes another 3 months as she may, then he may have normal sized testicles and then I wouldn't bother. But if they are still the size they are now then I may as if his sperm is very low I don't really want to risk producing a singleton and then having the complications that can come with that if I don't need to. I really wish I had of got the 6 month one................ I have found this thread to be of so much interest & information, thank you all very much. I have decided not to use it on my young male but would be interested to learn more about using it in incontinent females. I had to have my whippet bitch neutered at 12 months because she got a pyo after her first season. She's been intermittently incontinent ever since. I use stibestrol (? spelling) which helps most of the time but not always. An implant would be better if it works 100% of the time. Has a anyone used it successfully? My girl is rising 8 years of age.
  4. hehe - I remember them, all right - they used to ride 2 & 3 abreast on the road down from Menzies Creek to Emerald - oh for an AK47 I also live in Emerald & have an excess animals permit. They are easy to get providing your animals & facilities etc. are good. The Ranger will check before assigning it & one complaint from the neighbours will bring them back. Emerald Park Lake is strictly on lead but Wright Forest which is all around it is off leash. I'm not sure that it's supposed to be. Pepi's Land which is a large open space nest to the Puffing Billy track is leash free. Welcome to Emerald.
  5. I'm so glad you all like my puppies & thanks to Linda for taking so many photos. Some of these puppies are still for sale if anyone is interested. See my entry in the DOL whippet puppies for details. Cheers, Gail.
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