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Posts posted by luvsdogs

  1. Thanks Steve for your sensible, educational post. I truly get sick of hearing the scare stories about giving dogs raw eggs because of a)avidin and b)salmonella.

    Eggs have the perfect balance of Avidin and Biotin. The acidic digestive system of healthy dogs is perfectly equiped to cope with the Salmonella bacteria.

    I've been giving my dogs raw eggs since they were tiny pups. They have not been struck down with Salmonella poisoning and they have the lovely shiny coats that feeding raw eggs seems to produce.

    That's what I thought, after all, some dogs bury their bones for later, sometimes up to a week or more. Puppy heaven & nothing happens to them, their digestive systems are designed to cope with it.

  2. Looks like something I'll have to try for myself. Not to mention Panda's funny tummy. The only other place I've heard of it is on the Yahoo raw feeding forum I go on. It's about the only thing they recommend for the runs, a funny lot, they don't believe in vaccinations, heartworm/worm treatments, flea products - only diatomaceous earth. They swear that a total raw fed diet helps most ills.

  3. I'm going either the 12th or the 13th to watch the agility :thumbsup:

    Oh bugger!!!! I always go Border Collie day which is also Japanese Spitz day - 13th. And I always go on the main agility day which for me is agility & jumping, don't go much for gamblers etc. Heard through a friend that after all these years they finally put a roof over the dog stand, so what do they do, move the agility to the outdoor area way over the other side of the showground. :mad With my bad knee I don't know if I can do 2 days in a row.

    eta, just had a look at the schedule & the main agility is the 12th, might be doable but all that walking just to get to the events. Might have to stay at one of the hotels on site, not likely. :eek:

  4. Great photos everyone. Having more than one dog is a lot of fun.

    Not a good photo for showing off my dogs but this is the best I can do for now. Will have to try & get a proper group shot.


    Panda & Tilba on her 6th Birthday in January.


    Laci a couple of weeks ago.


  5. Agree showdog. Many of the tricks or moves learned are used in Rally-o & Dances with Dogs. If you think about it just teaching a dog to sit, drop, stay, come etc are also tricks. They are also a great way to exercise the dogs brain & tire them out especially if you can't get out for a walk.

  6. Laci looks hilarious!

    Poor Nix and Gus, hope all operations, now and future go well.

    I can't think of what they are called but there is a thread somewhere on it, I think it was Teekay that had bought some kind of soft cone for her boy. It looked really good!

    Poor pups, it's always a worry when they have to have an op.

    Panda scored a bath too, he's only had 1 to Laci's 4. He's only just started to moult his winter coat so I hope more of it will come out with a good brushing.

  7. I have 2 Japanese Spitz that suffered the same fate. Panda was fine in the car until he reached 6 mths then started to drool. I tried dap spray in the car & a thundershirt but nothing worked. Being a long coated dog the only thing I could do was put a bib on him. I made them out of heavy duty paper towel. He still drooled but at least he was reasonably dry. I then became ill & oh used to take him & my BC to the station to drop my son off. After a few weeks of that the drooling stopped.

    Then I got Laci. We had one trip to the Central Coast about a 1hr & a quarter drive there & back & she was ok. But from then on she started vomiting & drooling in the car. Didn't matter if it was 5 minutes or 45 minutes. She would drool. She only vomited if she was fed the day of the trip, so it was starve her before going on a trip. Then a fortnight ago she went with her breeder to Brisbane for a show. Vomited & drooled at first but was ok after a while. She may have been given ginger tablets.

    This weekend we've taken her to shows in Armidale. She drooled to the 1st stop about an hour from home but was ok for the rest of the trip. I had been told to give them a junket tablet by a friend before travelling but that did no good.

  8. Wish I had your stamina Tassie, I'm 99.9% sure I can't take Tilba to Melbourne. I'm a very slack trainer especially after being ill for most of last year. The one & only DWD freestyle comp we entered was a flop & we haven't done anything towards it since. So looks like it will just be oh & I going.

  9. I'm hoping to go down to watch. Would like to take Tilba as I took her to the 2nd Nationals in Canberra when she was 14 months old. Before that I took April to the 1st Nationals in Sydney, much closer for us, when she was 13 years old. It was the last really good outing we had together.

    Will probably have to leave Tilba at home as we haven't booked anything, oh prefers to take pot luck, which you can't do when travelling with a dog.

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